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Multipede kit rocks!

Cassidy Nolen

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I have been working on a Millipede cocktail for a few days now, and just got around to installing the multipede kit from arcadeshop.com. Steven's stuff is always great, but this is the butt easiest kit I have ever installed. It allows you to play Centipede or Millipede using a Millipede board. Colors on Centi are a hair off, but thats only because I have a Centi to compare to.


Great feature. It allowed me to use the Centi top art (they do not make an underlay for Millipede) and Milli overlays. Rebuilt the trackballs, new lights, etc, and just need to cap the monitor and paint the legs.


Not sure what I am going to do with this one. Had planned to sell it, because I have a Centipede already. Its just coming out so good, I am tempeted to keep it a while :)



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