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For Sale: Atari PC Prototype boards and other bits


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I listed some weird Atari PC prototype boards I've had in storage for a few years. I guess the Trammels were thinking of getting into the PC market. (If they had succeeded, we might be saying, 'Have you surfed Atari today?') Anyway, they are kind of weird- I think I had planned to frame one or two, but I definitely don't have the wall space to consider it nowadays.





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I must say that I doubt them being protos, I just think that they're the regular motherboards ripped out of the casing. Well, I can't say for certain but thats just my 2 cents.


I'd love to own them and build a PC around them, not for that price tag though ;)



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I don't think an ST is a PC.


Well, in a strict sense it sure is a PC since it's definetely a Personal Computer ;)


Anyway, what I commented on was:

Atari's computer building run in the late 1980s


And, however inferior compared to todays equipment, the ST IS a computer right? ;)





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