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[LynxJam 2020] Black Pit - turn on your Lynx, close your eyes


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This is my entry for the the LynxJam 2021.

I hope you are not afraid in the dark, because you will (nearly) alone.

It is a very experimental game, where your eyes will be kind of useless, and you will play by hearing sounds.


So you are in a dark labyrinth. The only informations you have are the timer, your compass, your sonar and your computer.

The sonar makes a different sound each time it touch an obstacle, which can be a wall, a teleportation gate or a monster.

There are also some disturbing artefacts (on screen and in the headphone).


The game is best played with an headphone, and on a Lynx 2 as if if a monster see you from profile, it will shout (so you will hear it on your right or on your left).


16 levels from very very easy to challenging, in a limited time.


Will you enter the Black Pit by Fadest (itch.io) ?


Sorry, no screenshots as they are kinf of useless, but there are some on the itch.io page.


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13 hours ago, jgkspsx said:

I'm really looking forward to this even if horror games aren't really my thing.

Me too. 

Enemy Zero that was the Saturn game I couldnt remember the name of. Enemies were invisible in it and you used sound. Black Pit is really different as a Lynx title. I like it.

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  • 1 year later...

ZeroPage Homebrew is playing Black Pit on tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch, hope you can join us!



  • Nutmeg (2019 | Lynx) by Retroguru / Gisberto Rondinella @Nop90 / Shahzad Sahaib @Kojote (Project Management, Production) / Krzysztof Matys "Koyot1222" , Adam Moley "wecanrewind", Jonathan Dodd  "dulcahn" (GFX design) / Roland Voss @Triace, Johan Letfors "Vedder"(Music), Giada Rondinella, Daniele Rondinella (Level Design)
  • Black Pit (2021 | Lynx) by Frédéric Descharmes @Fadest
  • Z.A.P. (2021 | Lynx) by Igor Kromin @Igor




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8 hours ago, Fadest said:

Thanks you, but I am not sure there will be too much to see on stream :D


You're welcome, I think it's a great concept and wanted to highlight your game. I'll also be expanding more about the topic of non-visually driven games during the show. 🙂


- James

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