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"ATARI AR" a new art project is looking for a master of the homebrew


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On 1/27/2022 at 6:47 PM, KevKelley said:

Here is what I was playing around with.  I deviate from the source a bit and played around with Dave C's collision detection so it is a little different in some areas.  There is no sound because I always wait till the end to do that because I suck at implementing sounds, which is why most of my games have simple beeps and boops.  I plan on experimenting with sound soon though...

PIZZBOY_2022_01_27.bas 12.27 kB · 2 downloads PIZZBOY_2022_01_27.bas.bin 32 kB · 5 downloads

Thanks for sharing your .bas file with us! The title design makes your piece very gorgeous, so I may add some kind of title, maybe very simple, in my own one. Btw much appreciated for your helpful file.


@Sohl's road construction and your barricade idea are very interesting. I'm wondering if I can somehow incorporate them into mine, but I don't want to complicate the game that much with the balance of visuals as paintings and the AR experience, so I'm trying to think of some good ideas. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it enriches the gameplay if you are adding the orange barricades :)

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17 hours ago, Sohl said:

Updates and more sound effects:

I improved the police whistle sound, but it is still not as good as I hoped.

I added a jackhammer sound.  I didn't work on it too long, but I think it gets the idea across.

I added a "whoosh" sound that might be used for cars going by.


I think I fixed the display linecount issues, at least the major ones.


I'll post the full .asm source code in case someone wants to "borrow" any/all of these sounds.


I need get back to working on my Immunity (game). :lol:



SohlSounds_Jan28.bin 4 kB · 5 downloads SohlSounds.asm 7.56 kB · 2 downloads

Thanks for sharing your full .asm post :)


As I mentioned in previous post, I'm really interested in your road construction idea and am wondering if I can somehow incorporate it into Pizza Boy.


Honestly I'm really new to the program, only able to change some of the sample codes and so on and most of the current progress has been produced with the help of the people in this thread. I'm checking with @Dave C to see if your sounds can be imported into ours without any problems. Btw I really love to "borrow" your honk sounds.

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1 hour ago, kid_snz said:

Thanks for sharing your full .asm post :)


As I mentioned in previous post, I'm really interested in your road construction idea and am wondering if I can somehow incorporate it into Pizza Boy.


Honestly I'm really new to the program, only able to change some of the sample codes and so on and most of the current progress has been produced with the help of the people in this thread. I'm checking with @Dave C to see if your sounds can be imported into ours without any problems. Btw I really love to "borrow" your honk sounds.


@kid_snz   Sure, that short program is completely unrestricted, so you (and any collaborators you work with) are welcome to use as much or little of it as you want! 


It shouldn't be too hard to implement the honk sounds using the TIA register setting numbers in other languages or styles of programming.  The sound volume envelope stuff could be omitted without changing the sound impression much.  The Whistle sound is more dynamic (although the effect is sort of subtle), so it may need to be done in assembler... although I'm not familiar whether the BASIC tools could handle it too.


All: I forgot to put the controls instructions in my last post, but if you didn't peek at the source code, all the different sounds are activated by:


    ;    Left joystick
    ;        Left:       Car Horn 1
    ;        Right:     Car Horn 2  - lower pitch
    ;        Up:        Police whistle
    ;        Dn:        Jackhammer 
    ;        Fire:       Whoosh (as car goes by?)

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On 1/28/2022 at 7:16 PM, kid_snz said:

 ...  As I mentioned in previous post, I'm really interested in your road construction idea and am wondering if I can somehow incorporate it into Pizza Boy.   ...

I think that it could be as simple as a temporary blockage that appears randomly from time to time (not always on screen) between two buildings so that it blocks vertical movement.  That would be a lot easier to implement than a place to block horizontal movement because it would conflict with drawing the cars/taxis.  



Concept Sprite for traffic cones (mocked up in SprEd at https://bocianu.gitlab.io/spred/ ).  This needs to have the player color changed for certain rows if you want to have the white reflector portions.  They could be all orange (single color).


Edited by Sohl
Extra sprite info, sprite had too many colors
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So I've been keeping with the idea of trading ideas in BASIC (levels the playing field since @kid_snz started in bB)... but it's possible to sprinkle in assembler so there's no problem incorporating @Sohl's code. 

So the last couple of days I was also playing around with customizing the multisprite kernel to get more playfield options (trying to repro the graphics in the original art while retaining some ability to tweak the game from BASIC). Short story -  I've made a POC for doing a repeated symmetric playfield (normally not allowed). It still has a couple of glitches but I believe I can resolve them. 


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13 hours ago, Dave C said:

So I've been keeping with the idea of trading ideas in BASIC (levels the playing field since @kid_snz started in bB)... but it's possible to sprinkle in assembler so there's no problem incorporating @Sohl's code. 

So the last couple of days I was also playing around with customizing the multisprite kernel to get more playfield options (trying to repro the graphics in the original art while retaining some ability to tweak the game from BASIC). Short story -  I've made a POC for doing a repeated symmetric playfield (normally not allowed). It still has a couple of glitches but I believe I can resolve them. 


Isn't it somewhat possible to get a repeating playfield (copying the left half to the right half) in Multisprite Kernel if you play with the CTRLPF?  There was something I did a while back that did that but I don't know if that may cause some glitches down the road. 

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22 hours ago, Sohl said:

I think that it could be as simple as a temporary blockage that appears randomly from time to time (not always on screen) between two buildings so that it blocks vertical movement.  That would be a lot easier to implement than a place to block horizontal movement because it would conflict with drawing the cars/taxis.  



Concept Sprite for traffic cones (mocked up in SprEd at https://bocianu.gitlab.io/spred/ ).  This needs to have the player color changed for certain rows if you want to have the white reflector portions.  They could be all orange (single color).


I had thought the same line of thinking as you.  The way I had messed around with it was that when the pizza get picked up I can reuse one of the sprites to make a temporary obstacle along the vertical paths.  I made a full blockage, like the barricade, or a partial blockage like with a guy jackhammering.  I had also considered a moving obstacle, like a dog moving back and forth.


These are the sprites I played around with:





Edited by KevKelley
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2 hours ago, KevKelley said:

I had thought the same line of thinking as you.  The way I had messed around with it was that when the pizza get picked up I can reuse one of the sprites to make a temporary obstacle along the vertical paths.  I made a full blockage, like the barricade, or a partial blockage like with a guy jackhammering.  I had also considered a moving obstacle, like a dog moving back and forth.


These are the sprites I played around with:





Ooh, these are pretty good.  If the sprite can be animated over several frames, you could even combine the first or second with the third, and have the worker "appear" to walk out from behind a building, jackhammer a bit then walk off.  I mocked it up in SprEd...

ConstructionSprites.bas ConstructionSprites.asm

Edited by Sohl
Added sprite data declarations
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6 hours ago, KevKelley said:

Isn't it somewhat possible to get a repeating playfield (copying the left half to the right half) in Multisprite Kernel if you play with the CTRLPF?  There was something I did a while back that did that but I don't know if that may cause some glitches down the road. 

Yes CTRLPF can work for some playfields. The main caveats are there will be a blank space in the middle because (as I discovered) multisprite doesn't use PF0. The other is on some lines multisprite loads PF1 and PF2 in an order that makes sense for mirrored but causes a bit of a glitch with repeated. So to mod the kernel I didn't have to do major major changes I just had to find enough room to add PF0 (7 cycles) and then dial the writes back/forward a notch... and it's *almost* there... (there's a slight glitch in the P0 sprite)...

I'm including my latest demo.

  • I did a translation of one of @Sohl's sounds as a POC - I think I might want to just bring in the asm 
  • updated sprites from @kid_snz 
  • the repeated playfield
  • player moves half speed as the original
  • cabs weave around a little 
  • player glows when invincible
  • added an extra invincible sound

There's a couple of bugs

  • one is that collision is still janky and collision with the playfield seems extra janky now
  • I was able to iron out repeated playfield glitches - but - there's a slight twinge in P0 sprite when it crosses a P1

I'm including the .bas file in an archive with the custom kernel - VS Code *should* be able to build everything as long as it's all in one directory.

pizza-boy-20210130.zip pizza-boy-20210130.bin

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51 minutes ago, Dave C said:

Screenshot of the latest AR-type version (.. and the blink+flicker effects makes taking a screenshot a little odd. I'm thinking someone must have solved this before... or there's an option in Stella I don't know)


In Stella's TV Options, there is a phosphor setting.  If you make it higher, it helps persist some of the prior frame, but perhaps there's a more direct way to combine even and odd frames.

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19 hours ago, KevKelley said:

Isn't it somewhat possible to get a repeating playfield (copying the left half to the right half) in Multisprite Kernel if you play with the CTRLPF?  There was something I did a while back that did that but I don't know if that may cause some glitches down the road. 

repeating playfield with multisprite kernel works. But you can't use pfscore bars, or at least the right one will overlap with the scores.


To use the right score bar I modified the multisprite kernel in 1942 to set the PF to reflected before the scores:



which means you have to set it back to repeating before drawscreen in your main loop.


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12 hours ago, KevKelley said:

I assumed there was a reason why. I played around with settings but never dug deeper.

Yeah so I was finding it hard to figure out all the playfield options without looking at the actual kernel.


This section that can be seen from @Al_Nafuur’s link is the one that I needed to deal with to be able to use PF0

    sty temp1
    ldy pfpixelheight
    lax (PF1pointer),y
    stx PF1                        ;+7        26
    lda (PF2pointer),y
    sta PF2                        ;+7        33
    ;sleep 6
    stx PF1temp2
    sta PF2temp2

This code is

  • loading the current playfield line number into the y register
  • then loading up PF1 and 2 (note: no PF0 at all in the main playfield kernel)
  • then there’s some business where it saves the values in RAM for faster access in case they are needed later

What I did is hardwire in the playfield references to get a little time back and also be able to remove the need to do all the side-saving - TLDR I got enough cycles back from that to get the 7 cycles needed for PF0. 

I was thinking about the possibility of asymmetric plus multisprite - for this game specifically it could be made to work by doing all the sprite repositioning in places where there are blank lines. It would mean making almost a new kernel though.

Edited by Dave C
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I was actually finding it difficult to incorporate the idea of road construction because I was trying to stick to my original design and deliver the pizza from the middle, while it works perfect with @KevKelley's design. We can easily avoid it as shown in the attachment.


So since @Dave C's latest update, the pizza appears in random locations as we test, and I'm starting to think that this boy should be set up like working for UberEats-like current delivery services. That way it wouldn't be weird to deliver from a random location. But I don't think I'd let him carry that big bag pack though.


For the design, I'm trying to find something that fits in with my design, while also referring to yours. So far, I like the fence thing.


Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 9.48.54 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 9.28.48 PM.png

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@kid_snz I like a lot of the barricade ideas you have. I think the main idea with the obstacles is that when they block the vertical path you still gotta dodge cars. I was playing around with the idea that there may be a couple different obstacles that spawn to where perhaps some may obstruct the path fully, like the barricade, while others may only partially, like the cones, so the more narrow path would require greater precision to go down. 


I had also thought about games like Pac Man where things may follow a path and since you didn't mind flicker you could possibly have something else move in a non linear path. I had thought that maybe a dog can spawn to chase down the player. This thought came from years ago while I was riding my bike and a dog attacked me. It bit my leg so I was sure to try and avoid it and get the heck out of there. 

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45 minutes ago, KevKelley said:

I was playing around with the idea that there may be a couple different obstacles that spawn to where perhaps some may obstruct the path fully, like the barricade, while others may only partially, like the cones, so the more narrow path would require greater precision to go down. 

It could be the cones maybe only slow you down / make you lose some control. Which could be interesting on the street.

The flicker could be manageable if everything is offset vertically / maybe play around with blink (like the pretzel blinks rather than flickers - originally to get around the limit on the number of sprites in the multisprite kernel)

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5 hours ago, kid_snz said:

For the design, I'm trying to find something that fits in with my design, while also referring to yours. So far, I like the fence thing.


Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 9.48.54 PM.png


I like the top center column and middle right column barricades (fences).  I also very much like these traffic cones.  

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I had played a little bit with the hit detection, delivery, etc.


I changed some things from my last upload.  I changed a bit how the destination spawns.  So the destination appears when the chef holds out his pizza but once you grab the pizza the timer starts and you must get the pizza to the flashing door.  Right now the timer just keeps going. 


When you grab the pizza from the chef you must avoid the cars.  I made hit boxes around the cars.  you can travel the road with the cars but yyou gotta stick to the bottom. If you are riding with the pizza and a car passes by it will blow your pizza to the floor and you must grab it.  Also, if you get hit by a car the pizza will drop and the car will push you forward so you gotta retrieve the pizza.  

I also changed the color of the background a bit so I could add a black obstacle, like an oil slick or hole or something in addition to the barricades.


Here is a video of the newest play. 


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6 hours ago, stepho said:

If you are going to have flickering then perhaps it could be something that flickers in real life.
Possibly downed electrical lines.
Or an "Eat at Joes" sign.

I was just in New York and Brooklyn wasn't that treacherous for a pizza delivery! ?

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On 2/1/2022 at 4:49 PM, KevKelley said:

I had played a little bit with the hit detection, delivery, etc.


I changed some things from my last upload.  I changed a bit how the destination spawns.  So the destination appears when the chef holds out his pizza but once you grab the pizza the timer starts and you must get the pizza to the flashing door.  Right now the timer just keeps going. 


When you grab the pizza from the chef you must avoid the cars.  I made hit boxes around the cars.  you can travel the road with the cars but yyou gotta stick to the bottom. If you are riding with the pizza and a car passes by it will blow your pizza to the floor and you must grab it.  Also, if you get hit by a car the pizza will drop and the car will push you forward so you gotta retrieve the pizza.  

I also changed the color of the background a bit so I could add a black obstacle, like an oil slick or hole or something in addition to the barricades.


Here is a video of the newest play. 

PIZZBOY_2022_02_01.bas 14.22 kB · 4 downloads

It's great how the addition of the timer makes the game play even better. Also, I watched in the latest video that there are many different types of obstacles out there :)

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17 minutes ago, kid_snz said:

I watched in the latest video that there are many different types of obstacles out there

I was originally going to use the jackhammer guy as the obstacle sprite but I reuse the sprite from the pizza guy which frees up that sprite for obstacles. 


I tested their placement but I also want to see if I can make multiple copies of the obstacles too. Then I could maybe use the other sprite for the pretzel or other power ups. 


As for the timer, I was also thinking of making it go slightly quicker for doors that are closer to make it more of a challenge.

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@KevKelleyI'm thinking about making a more modified kernel that may help with both trying to give @kid_snz a playfield to match his painting and help get more sprites in like the jackhammer guy, cones, etc - if we expect to have a lot of sprites that don't move vertically makes it easier to reuse sprites - as long as there's enough RAM to hold the data (which - the superchip does have available RAM...). The general purpose kernels can't make those assumptions.

Attached is my latest demo - another update with some taxi movement and tuning the sound a little. 

pizza-boy-20220203.bin pizza-boy-20220203.zip

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