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2022 Harmony Games Round 1(WIP) Port- Turbo Arcade

Dan Iacovelli

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Time to announce the first Ports Game of the 2022 Harmony Games Tournament
which  is Turbo Arcade by Champ Games

which won for Best Work in Progress-Ports in the 4th Annual Atari Awards(2021)
Unlike other Games in this Tournament where you can play on hardware or emulator (Stella)
This game can only be played using Stella as game can not be played using Harmony cart or other flash carts.
Here is the rules:
Play on standard level Difficulty A on left (manual shifting) B on right(display cars passed)
for score to count you need to pass at least 5 or the max of 30 cars in the first round
We are using the current rom from the champs game website which can be found at Champs Games Download Page


As this is a Ports Round for Harmony Games

Scoring for bonus points start at 9pts for first place and ends with 1pt for 9th place and each place after.
Post your Scores in this thread only I will update the Scores in this post
and at Atari video Club website Harmony games Page
This round begins on 3/14/2022 at  noon Central and Ends on 4/9/2022 at 2pm Central
Good Luck!
Port Round 1 Scores:
Name: Score: points
@ZeroPage Homebrew James O: 10,020 :9 pts

@cwielandCharles Wieland :5,466 :8 pts
@ZeroPage Homebrew Tanya O : 1,612: 7 pts


Edited by Dan Iacovelli
Scores Updated 4/5
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