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random number in assembly

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Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions on this, took me a couple of hours to tweak this out looking through google one topic in this forum.


	org $1000
icl "hardware.s"

rnd = $C6
  lda $D20A ;read 53770 location
  sta rnd  ;address holding random number

getrnd  lsr rnd  ;shift value down
  lda rnd        ;load to acc
  cmp #$40       ;compare with immediate hex 40
  bcs getrnd     ;branch if carry is set (greater than condition)
  jmp top        ;get a new random number


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Here's what I used in my assembly language roguelike project.  It's not as efficient as it should be (see dice2 loop to calculate the modulus) but it works.  :)



ldx	#3
ldy	#6
jsr	dice		
sta	strength	;;; generate player's strength
;; dice - rolls X dice of Y sides storing result in accum.  TRND & TSIDES
;;		are byte variables defined elsewhere.
dice	lda	#0
		sta	trnd		; temp result bucket
		sty	tsides		; number of sides on the dice
dice1	lda	RANDOM		; get random number from hardware
dice2	sbc	tsides		; subtract the number of sides
		bcs	dice2		; carry set?  Subtract again!
		adc	tsides		; now accum = n mod m (0 .. m-1)
		adc	trnd		; add accum to trnd
		sta	trnd		; store it back to trnd
		inc	trnd		; increment trnd by one so n mod m range is (1 .. m)
		dex				; another dice?
		bne	dice1		; yup, do it again!
		lda	trnd		; store temp random to accum and return


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14 minutes ago, damosan said:

adc trnd ; add accum to trnd 
sta trnd ; store it back to trnd 
inc trnd ; increment trnd by one so n mod m range is (1 .. m)


small optimization

sec ; increment by one so n mod m range is (1 .. m)
adc trnd ; add accum to trnd 
sta trnd ; store it back to trnd


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8 hours ago, damosan said:

Here's what I used in my assembly language roguelike project.  It's not as efficient as it should be (see dice2 loop to calculate the modulus) but it works.  :)

Not really. If the number of sides does not divide 256, the output will not be equi-distributed, so it only simulates a loaded dice.

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15 hours ago, thorfdbg said:

Not really. If the number of sides does not divide 256, the output will not be equi-distributed, so it only simulates a loaded dice.


Then fix it.  It works well enough for the standard d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 dice it was meant to support.

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7 hours ago, damosan said:


Then fix it.  It works well enough for the standard d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 dice it was meant to support.

Not really.  To illustrate the problem, consider that the random number generator generates numbers between 0 and 7 (3 bit), and consider you simulate a D6. Then, the numbers 0 and 6 generate a 1, 1 and 7 generate a 2, but there is only a probability of 1/8 for all other sides of the dice. The unbalance is less extreme for more bits, but it is still present.


The fix for this is the "rejection trick". That is, subdivide the total output range of the input random number generator into equally sized sets, and a remainder set, and whenever you get an output in the remainder set, reject it and run the input random number generator again. This, provably, simulates a fair dice, all provided the input number generator has a uniform distribution.

For example, you can fix your algorithm for a D6 by rejecting all numbers >= 252 (42*6) and then follow the same program flow.


For reference, see for example "Donald Knuth, The Art of Programming, Volume II: Numerical and Semi-Numerical Algorithms". But, again, the argument is quite simple, and so is the fix.



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in our Lynx productions Laoo did this:

.proc Random
RndStore equ *+1
eor #42 ;answer to life the universe and everything
sta RndStore

it could be easly chagned for other machines (just adapt the line with 'eor').


jmp random

A = the pseudo-random number

its simple and pretty decent (used it Lynx Quest and demos). Could be better (n-passes) but the speed was most important here.
Edited by solo/ng
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4 hours ago, thorfdbg said:

For example, you can fix your algorithm for a D6 by rejecting all numbers >= 252 (42*6) and then follow the same program flow.

If I'm understanding you correctly...


d4 = No remainder set

d6 = 252

d8 = No remainder set

d10 = 250

d12 = 252

d20 = 240

d100 = 200



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You can fill 256 byte table with numbers from min to max (for example for dice it could be 1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,...).

Then you do


ldx $d20a

lda random_table,x


It will be slightly biased toward 1,2,3 and four, as the 256 is not divisible by 6.

Very slightly though.



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