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Aaron the Aardvark returns

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So I thought I'd get to my Aaron the Aardvark game. I noticed that the spaceships were going way too fast. So I slowed them down. This made a huge difference in the playability factor of the game. I am wondering if anyone would like to publish my game for me. Just send me a PM if you're interested. You can grab it here.


I will soon test this on my Skunkboard when I feel like hooking up my jaguar to play some games.

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Why don't you publish the game yourself - you already have given a link out to the game so people can play it either digitally or flashed to roms. How many people do you think will purchase you game ? I have not had time to play the game . If you are trying to get somebody interested in publishing your game you need to do some work to make them want to publish your game

13 hours ago, Seedy1812 said:

Why don't you publish the game yourself - you already have given a link out to the game so people can play it either digitally or flashed to roms. How many people do you think will purchase you game ? I have not had time to play the game . If you are trying to get somebody interested in publishing your game you need to do some work to make them want to publish your game

I don't know the first thing about making games, especially Jaguar ones. Plus I don't have any hardware to burn Jaguar games onto a cartridge.

  • 1 month later...

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