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choice4genesis - a ChoiceScript clone for the Sega Genesis


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This is a ChoiceScript clone that generates Sega Genesis ROMs. If can be used for visual novels or simple multimedia presentations.

It takes a bunch of scripts and images and, from that, it generates SGDK-compatible .c and .res files. Those are then compiled into a Sega Genesis compatible ROM, which can be run on an emulator or even on real hardware.

The syntax of the scripts is somewhat based on ChoiceScript, but it is not exactly the same.

Please note that this is an early work and progress, and it is not as stable or user-friendly as it is planned to become.


Page on itch.io: https://haroldo-ok.itch.io/choice4genesis

Github repo: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis


Transpiler for version 0.3.0: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.3.0/choice4genesis.-.v0.3.0.-.transpiler.7z

Example ROM for version 0.3.0: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.3.0/choice4genesis.-.v0.3.0.-.small.example.bin


Video for version 0.1.0:


Example script:

* font "damieng.com - Hourglass font.png"
* background "Blue Hedgehog.png"
* create intVar, 1
* create boolVar, true
* temp localInt, 2
* set intVar, 3
* set localInt, intVar + 3
* create playingMusic, false
* choice
    * if playingMusic
        # Stop the music
            * stop music, sound
            OK, music is stopped.
            * set playingMusic, false
    * elseif FALSE
        This should not appear
        This should not play
        * music "Actraiser - Fillmore.vgm"
    * else
        # Play some music
            * music "Actraiser - Fillmore.vgm"
            OK, playing Fillmore, from Actraiser.
            * set playingMusic, true
    # Play a voice
        * sound "ready.wav"
        OK, playing a digital voice.
    # Show a smiley
        * image "Smiley.png", at(30, 3)
        OK... showing a smiley!
    # Fourth choice
        You chose the last one
        * choice
            # Yet another choice
                You chose this.
            # One more choice
                You chose that.
This is a test.
Second line.
Third line.

Commands implemented so far



Loads a .png file containing the 8x8 font. Note that the image must be paletized, with 16 colors. Future versions of this tool will probably convert the image automagically.



Loads a .png file as a background image. Note that the image must be paletized, with 16 colors. Future versions of this tool will probably convert the image automagically.



Presents a menu to the user, allowing to choose between multiple options.



Starts playing a .vgm/.xgm music in the background.



Plays a digitized sound.



Stops the music and/or sound.



Allows drawing a small image in .png format somewhere in the background. Note that the image must be paletized, with 16 colors. Future versions of this tool will probably convert the image automagically.



Waits for a few seconds.



Creates a global variable.



Creates a local variable. temp variables are only visible inside the scene file that created them.



Changes the current value of an existing variable.



Allows a certain block of code to only be executed on a given condition.



Jumps to a different scene. The scene files are located on the script directory, and have the .choice extension.


Planned commands

The tool accepts those commands, but, at the moment, they don't do anything.



Will allow to mark a place where the goto command can jump to.



Will jump to a given label from anywhere on the same scene.



Will configure the default sequence in which the scenes will be played.



Will jump to the next scene in the game.



Will allow to configure the region of the screen that will be used for the text popups and menus.



Will allow to clear regions of the screen.



Will play a full screen video.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Version 0.6.0 is now available!


Implemented between 0.3.0 and 0.6.0:

  • Added a few improvements on the command line tool:
    • It is now possible to choose which project to compile;
    • The command line tool can now invoke the SGDK compiler to convert the generated .c and .res files into ROMs;
    • The command line tool can now call the emulator after compiling;
    • It is now possible to call a command line menu to compile the projects interactively.
  • Added language features:
    • Now it is possible to use print a numeric variable in the middle of a text line by using ${expression};
    • window: allows to change the location of the text window;
    • flush: immediately displays the contents of the text buffer on the text window; it may or may not wait for a button press;
    • clear: clears a layer/region of the screen.



Example script:

* font "damieng.com - Hourglass font.png"
* background "Blue Hedgehog.png"

* create intVar, 1
* create boolVar, true
* temp localInt, 2

* set localInt, intVar + 3

* create playingMusic, false

* choice
	* if playingMusic
		# Stop the music
			* stop music, sound
			OK, music is stopped.
			* set playingMusic, false
	* elseif FALSE
		This should not appear
		This should not play
		* music "Actraiser - Fillmore.vgm"
	* else
		# Play some music
			* music "Actraiser - Fillmore.vgm"
			OK, playing Fillmore, from Actraiser.
			* set playingMusic, true
	# Play a voice
		* sound "ready.wav"
		OK, playing a digital voice.
	# Show a smiley
		* image "Smiley.png", at(30, 3)
		OK... showing a smiley!
	# Fourth choice
		This is a test.
		Second line.
		Third line.
		* choice
			# Yet another choice
				You chose this.
			# One more choice
				You chose that.
	# Increment a number
		* set intVar, intVar + 1
		The value is now ${intVar}!
	# More options...
		* choice
			# Test window
				* window from(1, 1), to(10, 4)
				Window 1
				* flush nowait
				* window from(29, 1), size(10, 6)
				Window 2
				* flush nowait
				* window default
				Returning to the default window
				* flush
				* clear background, foreground
				Clearing everything
			# Go to another scene
				* goto_scene test


Edited by haroldoop
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Would it be possible to create a Choose Your Own Adventure-style Visual Novel with this SDK? You know, so the player has some control over the story?


This would rock if the SDK had this function.


Edit: After reading through the example code, it would appear that what I asked is actually possible with your SDK.

Edited by ColecoGamer
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5 hours ago, ColecoGamer said:

Would it be possible to create a Choose Your Own Adventure-style Visual Novel with this SDK? You know, so the player has some control over the story?


This would rock if the SDK had this function.


Edit: After reading through the example code, it would appear that what I asked is actually possible with your SDK.

Yes, Choose Your Own Adventures is one of the primary objectives of the tool. 👍

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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 0.9.0 is now available!


Implemented between 0.6.0 and 0.9.0:

  • 0.7.0: Implement `title`, `author` and `while` commands:
    • title and author are used for populating the ROM header;
    • while allows to keep repeating a block of code while a condition is true.
  • 0.8.0: Customize cursor and allow to select image layer:
    • Flags were added to the image command, in order to allow choosing if the image will be drawn in the foreground or in the background l
    • Implemented the cursor command, in order to allow customizing the cursor.
  • 0.9.0: Implement automatic word wrapping for the text boxes.

Standalone distribution for 0.9.0: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.9.0/choice4genesis-0.9.0-standalone.7z

Transpiler for 0.9.0: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.9.0/choice4genesis.-.v0.9.0.-.transpiler.7z

Demo ROM for 0.9.0: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.9.0/choice4genesis.-.v0.9.0.-.simple.demo.rom.bin

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  • 1 month later...

Version 0.12.0 is now available!


Implemented between 0.9.0 and 0.12.0:

  • 0.9.1: Fix image and sound related code to check if the referenced file exists;
  • 0.10.0: Allow the use of native `C` functions;
  • 0.11.0: Automatically convert images to 16 colors, if necessary;
  • 0.11.1: Fix background palette bug;
  • 0.11.2: When clearing the foreground, deallocate the tiles used by the `*image` command;
  • 0.12.0: Implement support for ADPCM for both music and sound

Standalone distribution: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.12.0/choice4genesis-0.12.0-standalone.7z

Transpiler only: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.12.0/choice4genesis.-.v0.12.0.-.transpiler.7z


Edited by haroldoop
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  • 3 weeks later...
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2 hours ago, ColecoGamer said:

Quick question: can you include animation to the story? You know, like a hand-drawn cinema with sound and music?

There are planned commands for playing videos and moving sprites around, but they haven't been implemented yet:

Without those, there are ways to do very limited animation by combining the "background", "image" and "wait" commands, but it would be pretty awkward to do animation in that way.

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  • 1 month later...

Version 0.14.0 is now available!


This version reduces the size of the distribution. The full distribution for this version occupies 190MB, while in the previous version, it was 235MB.


- Full standalone distribution for 0.14.0: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.14.0/choice4genesis-0.14.0-standalone.7z

- Transpiler only: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/choice4genesis/releases/download/v0.14.0/choice4genesis.-.v0.14.0.-.transpiler.7z

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  • 5 months later...

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