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unpacking LZ4 on Jaguar


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in case you need to use compressed files on Jag, on my github, in my YM emulation code, there is an unpacking subroutine to decompress LZ4 using 68000, and the same for DSP



the PC exe packing program is here :

compressing is done with : lz4.exe -9 -l --no-frame-crc [input file] [output file]


start of packed datas are at +8


the -l command generate a legacy frame format lz4, more simple then usual lz4 format

documentation of the format is here  : https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/lz4/+/HEAD/doc/lz4_Frame_format.md
( bloc size is 8 MB which is enough to only create 1 block file for the Jaguar )

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if creg is tagging registers to create aliases for them, i don't have a clear answer.

i use it in complex code, for example in the gpu sprite collisions routine of Jalaga, but most of the time i code with directly the registers.


i may see things better with registers, and i'm using my own custom colors in notepad++ to help



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Slighly optimized/size reduced (250 > 186)


; input: R20 : packed buffer
;		 R21 : output buffer
;		 R0  : LZ4 packed block size (in bytes)

; A4 => R24
; A0 => R20
; A1 => R21
; A3 => R23
; D0 => R0
; D1 => R1
; D2 => R2
; D4 => R4

; adresse saut 1 => R10
; adresse saut 2 => R11

; R12=$FF pour mask
; R13=tmp

		move	R20,R24
		add	R0,R24	; packed buffer end
		moveq	#0,R0
		moveq	#0,R2
		moveq	#$F,R4
		movei	#.lenOffset_smallest_DSP,R10
		movei	#$FF,R12

		loadb	(R20),R0
		addq	#1,R20
		move	R0,R1
		shrq	#4,R1
		jump	eq,(R10)

		cmp	R1,R4			; cmp.B !!!!
		jr	ne,.readEnd_smallest1_DSP
;;->		nop
		loadb	(R20),R2
		addq	#1,R20
		add	R2,R1			; final len could be > 64KiB
		not	R2
		and	R12,R2			; not R2.b
		jr	eq,.readLoop_smallest1_DSP

		loadb	(R20),R13
		addq	#1,R20
		subq	#1,R1
		storeb	R13,(R21)
		jr	ne,.litcopy_smallest_DSP
		addq	#1,R21

		; end test is always done just after literals
		movei	#.readEnd_smallest_DSP,R11
		cmp	R20,R24
		jump	eq,(R11)

		loadb	(R20),R1	; read 16bits offset, little endian, unaligned
		addq	#1,R20
		loadb	(R20),R13
		addq	#1,R20
		shlq	#8,R13
		add	R13,R1

		move	R21,R23
		sub	R1,R23		; R1/d1 bits 31..16 are always 0 here

		moveq	#$F,R1
		and	R0,R1		; and.w	d0,d1 .W !!!

		cmp	R1,R4			; cmp.B !!!!
		jr	ne,.readEnd_smallest2_DSP

		loadb	(R20),R2
		addq	#1,R20
		add	R2,R1			; final len could be > 64KiB
		not	R2
		and	R12,R2			; not R2.b
		jr	eq,.readLoop_smallest2_DSP

		addq	#4,R1

		loadb	(R23),R13
		addq	#1,R23
		subq	#1,R1
		storeb	R13,(R21)
		jr	ne,.copy_smallest_DSP
		addqt	#1,R21

		movei	#.tokenLoop_smallest_DSP,R11
		jump	(R11)

		cmp	R1,R4				; cmp.B !!!!
		jr	ne,.readEnd_smallest_DSP

		loadb	(R20),R2
		addq	#1,R20
		add	R2,R1			; final len could be > 64KiB
		not	R2
		and	R12,R2			; not R2.b
		jr	eq,.readLoop_smallest_DSP


	movei	#YM_LZ4_nb_bloc_LZ4_disponibles,R0
	load	(R0),R1
	addq	#1,R1
	store	R1,(R0)

	movei	#DSP_boucle_centrale,R0
	jump	(R0)



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Could save a few more, there are a couple of places you can do this:


		loadb	(R20),R0
		addq	#1,R20
		move	R0,R1
		shrq	#4,R1
		jump	eq,(R10)
into this....

        loadb   (R20),r0
        move    r0,r1
        shrq    #4,r1
        jump    eq,(R10)
        addq    #1,r20


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Down to 146  142 bytes plus some speed optimization:

;;; -*-asm-*-

; input: R20 : packed buffer
;		 R21 : output buffer
;		 R0  : LZ4 packed block size (in bytes)

; A4 => R24
; A0 => R20
; A1 => R21
; A3 => R23
; D0 => R0
; D1 => R1
; D2 => R2
; D4 => R4

; adresse saut 1 => R10
; adresse saut 2 => R11

; R12=$FF pour mask
; R13=tmp

		move	R20,R24
		add	R0,R24			; packed buffer end
		moveq	#$F,R4
		movei	#.lenOffset_smallest_DSP,R10
		movei	#.tokenLoop_smallest_DSP,R11
		movei	#$FF,R12

		loadb	(R20),R0
		addqt	#1,R20
		move	R0,R1
		shrq	#4,R1
		jump	eq,(R10)
		and	r4,r0			; remove high nibble

		cmp	R1,R4			; r1 == 15 ?
		loadb	(R20),R2
		jr	ne,.readEnd_smallest1a_DSP ; skip first addq in copy loop!
		addqt	#1,R20
		add	R2,R1			; final len could be > 64KiB
		cmp	R12,R2			; r2 = $ff ?
		jr	eq,.readLoop_smallest1_DSP
		loadb	(R20),R2

		addqt	#1,R20
		subq	#1,R1
		storeb	R2,(R21)
		addqt	#1,R21
		jr	ne,.litcopy_smallest_DSP
		loadb	(R20),r2

		; end test is always done just after literals
		cmp	R20,R24
		jr	ne,.lenOffset_smallestx_DSP
		loadb	(R20),R1	; read 16bits offset, little endian, unaligned

;;; .readEnd_smallest_DSP:

;;; ----------------------------------------
	;; Return to caller
		movei	#YM_LZ4_nb_bloc_LZ4_disponibles,R0
		load	(R0),R1
		addq	#1,R1
		store	R1,(R0)

		movei	#DSP_boucle_centrale,R0
		jump	(R0)
;;; ----------------------------------------
		loadb	(R20),R1	; read 16bits offset, little endian, unaligned
		move	R21,R23
		addqt	#1,R20
		loadb	(R20),R13
		addqt	#1,R20

		cmp	R0,R4			; cmp.B !!!!
		jr	ne,.readEnd_smallest2_DSP
		loadb	(R20),R2
		add	R2,R0			; final len could be > 64KiB
		cmp	R12,R2			; r2 = $ff ?
		jr	eq,.readLoop_smallest2_DSP
		addq	#1,R20

	;; finish offset calculation
		shlq	#8,R13
		add	R13,R1
		sub	R1,R23		; R1/d1 bits 31..16 are always 0 here

		addq	#4,R0
		loadb	(R23),R13
		addq	#1,R23
		subq	#1,R0
		storeb	R13,(R21)
		jr	ne,.copy_smallest_DSP
		addqt	#1,R21

		jump	(R11)
		loadb	(R20),R0

		align 4
YM_LZ4_nb_bloc_LZ4_disponibles:	ds.l 1


Edited by 42bs
No "not" needed
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So, final version. Register usage reduced, more comments.


;;; -*-asm-*-

; input:
;;; R20 : packed buffer
;;; R21 : output buffer
;;; R0  : LZ4 packed block size (in bytes)
;;; Register usage (destroyed!)
;;; r1,r2,r4,r10,r11,r12,r13
;;; R1,R2     : temp register
;;; r4        : mask $0f
;;; r10       : jump destination
;;; r11       : jump destination
;;; r12       : mask $ff
;;; r13       : end of packed data

		move	R20,R13
		add	R0,R13			; packed buffer end
		moveq	#$F,R4
		movei	#.lenOffset_smallest_DSP,R10
		movei	#.tokenLoop_smallest_DSP,R11
		movei	#$FF,R12

		loadb	(R20),R0
		addqt	#1,R20
		move	R0,R1
		shrq	#4,R1
		jump	eq,(R10)
		and	r4,r0			; remove high nibble

		cmp	R1,R4			; r1 == 15 ?
		loadb	(R20),R2
		jr	ne,.readEnd_smallest1a_DSP ; skip first addq in copy loop!
		addqt	#1,R20
		add	R2,R1			; final len could be > 64KiB
		cmp	R12,R2			; r2 = $ff ?
		jr	eq,.readLoop_smallest1_DSP
		loadb	(R20),R2

		addqt	#1,R20
		subq	#1,R1
		storeb	R2,(R21)
		addqt	#1,R21
		jr	ne,.litcopy_smallest_DSP
		loadb	(R20),r2

		; end test is always done just after literals
		cmp	R20,R13
		jr	ne,.lenOffset_smallestx_DSP
		loadb	(R20),R1	; read 16bits offset, little endian, unaligned

;;; .readEnd_smallest_DSP:

;;; ----------------------------------------
	;; Return to caller
		movei	#YM_LZ4_nb_bloc_LZ4_disponibles,R0
		load	(R0),R1
		addq	#1,R1
		store	R1,(R0)

		movei	#DSP_boucle_centrale,R0
		jump	(R0)
;;; ----------------------------------------
		loadb	(R20),R1	; read 16bits offset, little endian, unaligned
		addqt	#1,R20
		loadb	(R20),R2
		addqt	#1,R20
		shlq	#8,R2
		add	R2,R1
		neg	r1
		add	r21,r1		; source = dest - offset

		cmp	R0,R4		; r0 == 15 ?
		jr	ne,.readEnd_smallest2_DSP
		loadb	(R20),R2
		add	R2,R0		; final len could be > 64KiB
		cmp	R12,R2		; r2 = $ff ?
		jr	eq,.readLoop_smallest2_DSP
		addq	#1,R20


		addq	#4,R0
		loadb	(R1),R2
		addq	#1,R1
		subq	#1,R0
		storeb	R2,(R21)
		jr	ne,.copy_smallest_DSP
		addqt	#1,R21

		jump	(R11)
		loadb	(R20),R0

		align 4
YM_LZ4_nb_bloc_LZ4_disponibles:	ds.l 1


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regarding this depacking using the dsp, while playing a module, during the lz4 depacking, the music seems to be off tone.

it seems the interrupts are not able to do all their duty


aren't the interrupts I2S and timer 1 supposed to have priority upon the main DSP code ?


replay frequency is ~16000 Hz

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