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Games you wish had come out on the 7800

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Thinking back to my childhood, where my exposure was limited to arcade games and anything away from the 2600, I would have been ecstatic to have seen the following games on my 7800:


Black Widow, Tempest, Mr Do!, Legendary Wings, Sky Shark, FAST Ms. Pac-Man, the original Pac-Man, and Popeye


I was amazed to see Xevious on the 7800, having only previously experienced it as an arcade game, and so it became a go-to game for me growing up, so had I been exposed to more arcade games, I would've wanted a 7800 port of them because I felt the 7800 could delver that arcade action. I never knew 7800 original games like Ninja Golf and Midnight Mutants existed because few stores carried 7800 games and the other kids in school had Nintendo. 


I started dreaming up my own games I wish could've been made. I created a game called "Spiders and Cobwebs". A lot of what I dreamed up back then was similar to this game:



I also had wished for a larger Adventure and Haunted House style game. Later, after being exposed to the NES, I wanted my 7800 to have games similar to the greats like Super Mario, Zelda (both one and two, yes I loved the second game), Mega Man, and Dragon Quest/Warrior. Maybe a Faxanadu-type game. 


And, while many 2600 games titles were awesome in their own right, I had wondered how some games would've looked with 7800 graphics and gameplay. I had 100 Atari games at the peak of my collecting but so few 7800 games. I only had Food Fight, Ms Pac Man, Xevious, Dig Dug, Pole Position II (obviously), Ballblazer, Choplifter, Desert Falcon, F18 Hornet, One-on-One Basketball (despite hating basketball I enjoyed this game), and Winter Games. 


Looking back, I wish that Atari had installed POKEY in all consoles, at least the joypads an optional purchase, and had the capacity to make larger games. It is certainly a capable system, and many homebrews here are evidence that it could've been so much more than it was. That makes me a little sad when I think about it. 

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I'll make some comment about 'R-type for the 7800'?  Why do it?


For various reasons, such as copyright hassle, and the hardware being so very different.  I'll say it'll be better and easier to work on some R-type variant - like Armalyte was for the C64.  That you would work on a game heavily influenced by R-Type but take advantage of the hardware you are working on, and use it's strengths.

Another example is R-Type III on the SNES.


If you really want to play R-Type on a home system - you can't get any better than playing it on the Sega Master System, or PC Engine or the SNES.

Sure, if you had a programmer and graphics artist who would gladly put in the time and effort to deliver R-Type on the 7800.  Fine, go for it.


But I would rather see them taking advantage of the 7800 and deliver what they think they are better capable of in a game inspired by R-Type.


Just my two cents.



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1 hour ago, kiwilove said:

If you really want to play R-Type on a home system - you can't get any better than playing it on the Sega Master System, or PC Engine or the SNES


These above mentioned are not the best R-Type home releases, there are better releases available on Switch, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PSX, Super Retro-cade and Evercade. But if you really want R-Type on 7800 then it doesn't matter if it's also playable on Switch or MAME.

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2 hours ago, Defender_2600 said:


These above mentioned are not the best R-Type home releases, there are better releases available on Switch, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PSX, Super Retro-cade and Evercade. But if you really want R-Type on 7800 then it doesn't matter if it's also playable on Switch or MAME.

Yes - I'll agree there is nothing like the original coin-op, when playing it via MAME.  I haven't played consoles past PS2, that's when my interest and money ran out.  My memory of playing R-Type games on SNES BitD, an affordable home system that did satisfy your coin-op cravings.



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I bet the 7800 could play a good game of Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved. I don't know, maybe the snakes would be the most challenging enemy type to pull off. And of course it wouldn't be completely filling the screen with particle effects. But as far as the essence of the game, it seems like it would play to the 7800's sprite-moving strengths.

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14 hours ago, kiwilove said:

  I haven't played consoles past PS2, that's when my interest and money ran out.  My memory of playing R-Type games on SNES BitD, an affordable home system that did satisfy your coin-op cravings.


Super Nintendo got R-Type III and Super R-Type but unfortunately didn't get the original R-Type. A version for Sega Genesis would have been perfect even considering the higher horizontal resolution compared to Super Nintendo. I hope the new project for Sega Genesis will be completed.




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8 hours ago, Zoyous said:

I bet the 7800 could play a good game of Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved. I don't know, maybe the snakes would be the most challenging enemy type to pull off. And of course it wouldn't be completely filling the screen with particle effects. But as far as the essence of the game, it seems like it would play to the 7800's sprite-moving strengths.

There was a great version of that done in BlitzMax. Its a great game for sure

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On 1/9/2023 at 10:26 PM, 7800Knight said:

Some kind of graphic adventure game on the 7800 would be fun like King's Quest, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry or Hugo's House of Horrors.  Of course, as the 7800 doesn't have keyboard support, we'd have to use cursors and prompts much like the NES port of King's Quest 5.

King's Quest 1 would be fun and not terribly complicated I hope. Using 102 Premade Tiles I designed, I created some screen comparisons.

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #1.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #2.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #3.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #4.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #5.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #6.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #7.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #8.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison #9.png

Kings Quest 1 Comparison Title.png

Edited by PAC-MAN-RED
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1 hour ago, John Stamos Mullet said:

More than anything, I would love a 7800 port of Pitfall II - graphically updated like  Muddyvision’s A.R.T.I. (HERO), but also including the 2nd level from the 5200 version.

Great call! Would love to see Pitfall II - loved playing the c64 version.

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The Atari 7800 could use more platformers; the NES has Super Mario Bros (and many imitators) along with Castlevania and Mega Man.


Titles that come to mind are:




Black Tiger (Black Dragon)

Bubble Bobble

Captain Silver

Circus Charlie

City Connection

Jungle Hunt


Major Havoc



Peter Pack Rat

Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory

Samurai Nipponichi (close to a platformer)

Snow Brothers

The Wiz

Wonder Boy


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Star trek

B.C.'s Quest for tires


Rescue on Fractalus

Battle zone

Metal gear

Wcw wrestling

Colecovisions The dukes of hazzard - with the steering wheel pedal


I really loved playing Gorf on the coleco, but since its out on the 2600, really Dont need it now. 


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A lot of the games I've made for the 7800 were meant to fill in genre gaps in its library.  I generally try to add my own spin on the games instead of direct remakes, but the missing/underrepresented genres certainly have informed what I've chosen to code.  Instead of remaking R-Type or Columns or Metroid, I'll try to add some unique story, graphics, and mechanics to make the game my own,  (insert any "we have [popular game] at home!" memes here).


I'll also add that most of these games are for sale in the AtariAge store (or I plan for them to be) if you're in the mood to play a puzzler, shmup, or MetroidVania on the 7800.


Dragon's Cache, for instance, is a puzzle drop game that supports 2-player head-to-head, along the lines of Columns or Tetris, and is something the 7800 totally needed, IMHO. 




Dragon's Havoc is a side-scrolling shooter, another genre oddly missing from the 7800 (Plutos and Sirius never got out of prototype phase, IIRC).  It was fun leveraging the 7800's graphical system to implement parallax scrolling - easier to do than on the NES.  It also has 2-player simultaneous play!




Harpy's Curse is currently in testing, but is my stab at a MetroidVania - it's more like "Joust Meets Metroid" but has over 500 screens (1000+ with a second quest in the work) to explore and uses horizontal scrolling engine.




Each project I endeavor to learn more about the 7800, and build of off the code I wrote from the previous games.  I've currently got a platformer and an RPG in tentative works, and seeing how they develop, and I usually post more about them in the programming forum as I make progress.


The 7800's potential combined with its original, neglected library is one of the reasons I homebrew for it.  If I make a shmup or platformer for the NES, it's one of hundreds that already exist.  If I make a shmup or platformer for the 7800, it's nearly unique and feels like it's filling in a gap.

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5 hours ago, Revontuli said:

A lot of the games I've made for the 7800 were meant to fill in genre gaps in its library.  I generally try to add my own spin on the games instead of direct remakes, but the missing/underrepresented genres certainly have informed what I've chosen to code.  Instead of remaking R-Type or Columns or Metroid, I'll try to add some unique story, graphics, and mechanics to make the game my own,  (insert any "we have [popular game] at home!" memes here).


I'll also add that most of these games are for sale in the AtariAge store (or I plan for them to be) if you're in the mood to play a puzzler, shmup, or MetroidVania on the 7800.


Dragon's Cache, for instance, is a puzzle drop game that supports 2-player head-to-head, along the lines of Columns or Tetris, and is something the 7800 totally needed, IMHO. 




Dragon's Havoc is a side-scrolling shooter, another genre oddly missing from the 7800 (Plutos and Sirius never got out of prototype phase, IIRC).  It was fun leveraging the 7800's graphical system to implement parallax scrolling - easier to do than on the NES.  It also has 2-player simultaneous play!




Harpy's Curse is currently in testing, but is my stab at a MetroidVania - it's more like "Joust Meets Metroid" but has over 500 screens (1000+ with a second quest in the work) to explore and uses horizontal scrolling engine.




Each project I endeavor to learn more about the 7800, and build of off the code I wrote from the previous games.  I've currently got a platformer and an RPG in tentative works, and seeing how they develop, and I usually post more about them in the programming forum as I make progress.


The 7800's potential combined with its original, neglected library is one of the reasons I homebrew for it.  If I make a shmup or platformer for the NES, it's one of hundreds that already exist.  If I make a shmup or platformer for the 7800, it's nearly unique and feels like it's filling in a gap.


This is my Favorite response in this entire thread!!


They don't make a LIKE Big enough!

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I'll try and do a list...


1) Pac Man Plus games (but Back in the Day!!)

2) Pinball -  something like Revenge of the Gator meets Jaki Crush

3) An R-Type variant-ish

4) Star Castle

5) an Adventure sequel with bigger mazes and neat looking dragons, (Maybe make the dude look like the guy from Deadly Towers)

6) An Omega Race sequel (with the original included too,  ideally)

7) a Sydney Hunter game

8 ) An Arkanoid sequel with non-linear levels (something where you could randomly jump ahead at times)

9)  Something original that reminds one of Viewpoint

10) Something Horror

11) Something MetroidVania-esque but preferably original

12) Jinks II (Hey, it's My List!)

13) One that plays like Dark Cavern, but with endless mazes to explore and different colors/themes

14) A Mr. Do! sequel with new mazes and backgrounds, different monsters, better music,  and as long as we're dreaming, let's say Officially Licensed

15) A Demon Attack meets Phoenix crossover event

16) Rikki & Vikki II

17) A Dr. Mario-ish clone but with Heavy Metal Music, Exploding skulls, and nudity

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I think the 7800 could do a game like Bolo for the Apple II really well. If you haven't ever seen or played it, it's a top-down tank game with procedurally generated mazes. You can set the density of the mazes and the speed of the enemies. The mazes are pretty big, maybe 10 screens wide and tall, and you have to use a radar to find and destroy the enemy base, which is constantly spawning enemies. The enemies have flocking behaviors and seek you out. It's a really cool game but runs pretty slow on the Apple II... it would probably play very fast and fluid on the 7800.

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On 2/14/2023 at 12:51 AM, mksmith said:

Great call! Would love to see Pitfall II - loved playing the c64 version.


I'd love to work on a Pitfall "redux" !


a couple of years back while hacking the A8 version,

I came up with this new Harry sprite, unfortunately I couldn't use it due to technical constraints..


So that's a start I guess  😉





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Knight Rider 7800 :P


On 2/14/2023 at 9:39 AM, GoldLeader said:

14) A Mr. Do! sequel with new mazes and backgrounds, different monsters, better music,  and as long as we're dreaming, let's say Officially Licensed

Jumping Jack (also by Universal and on essentially the same hardware) always felt like it should have been a Mr. Do! sequel.  Not sure that that one ever saw a home port to any platform.


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