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Fun with the Ultimate 1MB Upgrade


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Without getting into too much detail, the 130XE has an extra 64M of memory.  It is accessed by tweaking bits 2 and 3 of PORTB ($D301).  The extended memory is accessed 16K at a time depending on which bits are on or off.  The extended memory is accessed via a "window" at $4000 through $7FFF.


The Ultimate 1MB Upgrade uses bits 1,2,3,5,6 and 7 to control access to the extended memory.  Like the 130XE, all extended memory is accessed via $4000 through $7FFF, 16M at a time.  but there are many more banks available.


The sector copy programs I wrote are tweaking all six of the aforementioned bits in PORTB.  Obviously, if you run it on a 130XE, the 130XE will not understand the various configurations and you'll end up with garbage on your destination disk (or the program will crash - I have not actually tried this to see what happens).


I actually wrote versions of my SECTCOPY programs for the 130XE.  However, all the later enhancements which allow it to detect Dual Density disks or to copy Atari DOS 2.5 are not in these versions since I wrote them some time ago.  If it can be of use to some of you out there, I can return to the 130XE versions of my program and add all the later enhancements.


Hope this helps.


PS I just tested the SECTCOPY programs on a 130XE.  Sure enough, the program locks up when I try to run it.  Because it is referencing memory configurations that do not exist and the program doesn't know what to do. 



Edited by AGiambra
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As I mentioned earlier, the SECTCOPY and SECTVTOC programs were written for the Ultimate 1MB Upgrade and will not work on Atari 130XE machines.  Attached are copies that will run on the 130XE machines.  They will automatically detect and copy single density and double density disks.  They will also automatically detect and copy Atari DOS 2.5 disks.  Enjoy.




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  • 2 weeks later...

When the Ultimate 1MB Upgrade is present SECTCOPY.COM will switch itself into bankswitching mode.  If you use the SWAP option and then copy a disk, the target disk will have errors.  This has been corrected on the attached disk.  I also updated the first post in this thread with the correct versions.  Unfortunately, I cannot edit the post that begins "More Improvements" so do not download from there.  Use the disk here or on the first post.  Thanks.




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