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ICD FA-ST Harddrive Enclosure - Troubleshooting & Questions


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Hi - I just acquired the ICD FA-ST shown in the pictures below.  I know they made these for both the Atari 8bit and the ST lines so I am not sure which system this one is for.

Right now I do not get anything when I power it on.  No lights, no fan, no sound from the drive. It looks like there is room and power for a second drive as well. 


1) Does anyone have a manual for the FaST device?


2) Does anyone have schematics for this?


3) I expect there was/is some software on diskette to setup/config the FaST. Does anyone know of or have these?


4) The power supply fuse is good and the on/off switch is good. I don't know much about trouble shooting when it comes to power supplies.  Any guidance on where to start would be very helpful.


FYI - I did replace the 3V button battery with a known good one. Smaller in size but it should be a good substitute. Replacing it did not help (yet). 
FYI - Info on the HDD itself is found at this link:

On 11/14/2022 at 4:22 PM, David_P said:
















No obvious bulging caps. I tested the fuse and the on/off switch for continuity and they tested good.  What do I check next? (please be specific as I am a newbie with power supplies)




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4 hours ago, 800_Rocks said:

I know they made these for both the Atari 8bit and the ST lines so I am not sure which system this one is for.

I think that's the ST one, it has a 50 pin SCSI connector to it, you would need a 15 pin 'D' to 50 pin

SCSI cable to connect it to your ST.


4 hours ago, 800_Rocks said:

I tested the fuse and the on/off switch for continuity and they tested good.  What do I check next? (please be specific as I am a newbie with power supplies)

Disconnect the power supply from the drive and test the voltages on the white plug, black is the 0V , red and yellow should be 5VDC and 12VDC

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11 hours ago, Atari030 said:

You can use the ICD pro tools with this. It is for the ST. You will need a DMA cable

I have the DMA cable to hook to the ST hard drive port.

Do you know where I can find the ICD pro tools?  Also, any idea the latest/last version of the ICD pro tools?

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On 11/22/2022 at 4:28 PM, larrylaffer said:

Please be careful when working on power supplies. Don't touch underneath the capacitors, they can keep quite a bit of a charge even after they psu is powered off.

LOL! I learned that back in the 70's working on microwaves...


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28 minutes ago, bandit said:

LOL! I learned that back in the 70's working on microwaves...

I am always careful with those. But one day something distracted me and I touched one of those charged capacitors... Oh my... My sight got darker and I felt a tension in pretty much all my muscles. Of course my fingers kept holding because of the tension that was induced so it was like I was shutting down... And then all of a sudden I made a sudden sound like a scream and got unintentionally pushed back and let that board go off my hands... Totally different feeling than the tingling sensation of AC...


And it only takes a moment of not paying attention. Do be careful... 🙂

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The coin battery is presumably for a battery based real time clock. Should be a nice unit if you can get it started. For my two pennies worth, the drive itself looks to run off a standard Molex power connector, have you got a PC hanging about somewhere that you can plug it into to see if it actually spins up itself (might save you the trouble of fixing the PSU if it has the click of death/ has siezed or something)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update - When I remove the MOLEX power connector to the hard drive the 12V fan (hidden under the ribbon cable) starts spinning and the little LED lights-up on the front of the FAST case.  The voltages test fine at the MOLEX itself.  So I assume there is a short in the hard drive itself or in the PCB underneath the drive.  How do I determine which is the case?  Are hard drives available as replacements (image of drive shown below)?  If yes, what should I look for?





Some info on the HDD here: https://stason.org/TULARC/pc/hard-drives-hdd/seagate/ST157N-0-49MB-3-5-HH-SCSI1-SE.html





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