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ZPH Interview on ZPH! January 3, 2023

ZeroPage Homebrew

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ZPH Interview on ZPH!


Ever had a question about ZeroPage Homebrew? How does it operate behind the scenes? Why did James decide to do a stream all about Atari homebrew? Why does he keep doing it after 5 years?


This is the time to ask!!


James' work partner and filmmaker Giovanna will be interviewing James and Tanya on January 3, 2023 about the show and more! Please leave your questions below that you've always wanted an answer to!



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This is a great idea!


The show is such a huge time commitment on your part. I'm curious if you have days where you are supposed to stream where you just aren't "feeling it", and how you handle that.


Also, did it take much convincing to get Tanya involved as a co-host?

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A filmmaker doing a twitch stream is a bit like a novelist doing slam poetry. How do the two compare and contrast, and what itch does each scratch for you?


Everybody has pivotal moments in their life, where a single decision leads them down a unique path. Was there a particular moment that brought about the ZPH stream, and what are the mirror-universe James and Tanya doing now instead?



What's your favorite color? (j/k)



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Question #1:  I would like to know how much everyone's day jobs translates over to the skill at putting on the ZPH stream - everything seems so much more professional and consistent than many other streamers.  

Question #2:  Have you found your work on the ZPH stream has provided some benefit in doing your day jobs better?  I ask because I've found my hobbies have actually helped practice some skills I need for my own day job.

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Question 1:  you've been doing this for five years.  do you foresee a time when you won't want to do it?  have you (or will you) talk to anyone about handing it off?


Question 2: do you have any thoughts about how you would handle the show if it grew any more?  it's still at a stage where everyone in the chat "knows" each other (I think), and where the chat is slow enough to be an integral part of the show (which is really nice for building a sense of community).  Any thoughts on how that feeling might be preserved in the future?


Question 3: Darcy runs a game shop.  Any thoughts about doing an annual atari day there?


Question 4:  not a question but we miss aerlan!

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For Tanya and James 

1. What was your childhood like?  Did you play outside? build forts? Ride bikes? 

2. Was there a favorite system you had from childhood?

3. Can you name any games that were generally disliked that you learned to love? What was it that allowed you to find enjoyment in that game?

4. Have you had any interesting dreams about video games?



Thank you both for what you do. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm just now catching this on youtube. Great interview overall, and my ears especially pricked up when you talked about 2600 magazine. In the pre-internet days I was a pretty regular 2600 reader, and much later in 2006 I had an article published; it went through the analysis and steps to get root on a particular consumer NAS box. (I got a 2600 magazine hoodie out of it.) So fun to hear I'm not alone with the dual-2600 personal history! :thumbsup:

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6 hours ago, RevEng said:

I'm just now catching this on youtube. Great interview overall, and my ears especially pricked up when you talked about 2600 magazine. In the pre-internet days I was a pretty regular 2600 reader, and much later in 2006 I had an article published; it went through the analysis and steps to get root on a particular consumer NAS box. (I got a 2600 magazine hoodie out of it.) So fun to hear I'm not alone with the dual-2600 personal history! :thumbsup:


Very nice, I probably read your article! Congrats on getting it published in the magazine! I imagine there's a fairly decent cross over from the hacking community and the retro gaming community. 🙂


- James

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