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Any1 want to hack on #FujiNet for Intellivision?


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8 hours ago, tschak909 said:

What would using SSH via the #FujiNet on the #Intellivision look like? Like this. Some of the crazy things possible with our codebase, but we need hardware engineering help to work out the bus interface. Please consider joining our discord, if you can help: https://discord.gg/7MfFTvD #retrogaming #retrocomputing 


I tried to join the Discord channel, but when I click on "Accept Invitation," I get, "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid."



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6 hours ago, JohnPCAE said:

I'm still trying to understand. Does FujiNet have existing hardware that the Inty could talk to, or is it just a software stack? I've noted that you mentioned that you have cross-platform software, but we don't have a C compiler for the CP-1600 CPU as far as I know. We have IntyBasic which is a cross-compiler and we have CP-1600 assembly.

I can explain:


#FujiNet is built on:


* Firmware for an ESP32 that provides the bulk of the stack for all sorts of devices


** Virtual software loading

** Virtual printing

** Protocol offloaded networking


* A board containing an ESP32 and appropriate interfacing for the target system.


* Host software that talks to the board to implement the host side of various functions.



For the firmware, we split things up so that we have a concept of:


* Busses (the target system and the protocols they need to talk, even if they are bespoke) Atari SIO, RS232, AdamNet, Apple IWM (SmartPort), ComLynx, etc.

* Devices (the individual devices that can be implemented, disk, printer, network, modem, etc.)

* Media (just as implied)


And the network device divides this even further by adding protocol adapters:









and so on.


So e.g. the Intellivision could immediately use the software loading, and networking devices, even without a keyboard.


I did the SSH client as an example that no matter which target is built, the support for various protocols is there and can be used, so e.g. a game could establish an SSH connection if wanted.


What we need help on, is to come up with a workable bus interface that I could write the bus firmware for, and the rest of the stack would immediately be usable, even in IntyBASIC. :) Not having a C compiler doesn't matter, because...well...the important part of the system is to get the firmware to bus implemention working, then I can write the firmware, and example software to use it.



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I put together some sample code for manipulating the ACC's parallel port. With this you can bit-bang the parallel port pins. Do you need me to build you an ACC unit so you have something to test with?

I'm also attaching a PDF that describes the operation of the parallel port on a PC. It's what I followed when implementing it on the ACC. The ACC's parallel port is meant to operate like the port on a PC as closely as possible. The only deviation is that pin 17 is output-only in my implementation because I didn't have an IC pin available to read it.


; ACC registers

ACC_REG_INDEX            EQU     $007E
ACC_REG_VALUE            EQU     $007F

ACC_REG_SIGNATURE        EQU     0     ;                      read-only, always returns MAGIC_SIGNATURE (0x5EE5)
ACC_REG_ENABLE           EQU     1     ; .........ppppevm     m = enable memory, v = enable video, e = sprite exclusion, 
ACC_REG_PALETTE_INDEX    EQU     2     ; .......rrrrrrrrr     0 .. 511 allowed (256 palette colors, 2 registers per color)
ACC_REG_PALETTE_VALUE    EQU     3     ; bbbbbbbbaaaaaaaa     two timeslice values (four timeslice values make up a single palette color)
ACC_REG_STATUS_INFO      EQU     4     ; r.......mmmmmmmm     read-only.  returns the number of times MSYNC went from low to high and whether the emulator is running.
ACC_REG_CURSOR           EQU     5     ; ......bceeeessss     s = start scanline, e = end scanline, c = show cursor, b = enable cursor blink
ACC_REG_CURSOR_POS       EQU     6     ; yyyyyyyyxxxxxxxx     y = row (0 .. 23), x = column (0 .. 39/79)
ACC_REG_CHAR_SCANLINES   EQU     7     ; ............ssss     1 .. 15 allowed
ACC_REG_SCROLL_V         EQU     8     ; ............vvvv     0 .. char. scanlines - 1, specifies starting character scan line
ACC_REG_BUFFER_START     EQU     9     ;                      dword location within video memory (4-byte granularity)
ACC_REG_BUFFER_PITCH     EQU     10    ;                      1 .. 160 allowed.  character-mode virtual screen pitch in characters.
ACC_REG_SCREEN_MODE      EQU     11    ;                      0 .. SCREEN_MODE_MAX allowed (anything over the max is treated as the max)
ACC_REG_GRAM_START       EQU     12    ;                      the location within video memory (word granularity).  Used only by text modes.
ACC_REG_RESERVED         EQU     13
ACC_REG_CYCLE_COUNT_LO   EQU     14    ;                      read-only. low word of the raw bus cycle count
ACC_REG_CYCLE_COUNT_HI   EQU     15    ;                      read-only. high word of the raw bus cycle count
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_DATA    EQU     16    ; ........dddddddd     bidirectional parallel port data register
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_STATUS  EQU     17    ; ........dddddddd     same format as PC parallel port status register
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_CONTROL EQU     18    ; ..........d.dddd     same format as PC parallel port control register
ACC_REG_START_PROCESSOR  EQU     19    ;                      write an address here to tell the emulator to immediately start running at that location
ACC_REG_EBCI             EQU     20    ;                      read by emulated BEXT instruction
ACC_REG_INT_VECTOR       EQU     21    ;                      memory location used when triggering an interrupt with REG_INTERRUPT
ACC_REG_INTERRUPT        EQU     22    ;                      writing anything here triggers an interrupt in the emulator.  does nothing if the emulator is halted.
ACC_REG_R0               EQU     23    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R0
ACC_REG_R1               EQU     24    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R1
ACC_REG_R2               EQU     25    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R2
ACC_REG_R3               EQU     26    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R3
ACC_REG_R4               EQU     27    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R4
ACC_REG_R5               EQU     28    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R5
ACC_REG_R6               EQU     29    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R6
ACC_REG_R7               EQU     30    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R7
ACC_REG_FLAGS            EQU     31    ;                      emulated CP-1600 flags

ACC_BUFFER               EQU     $D000
ACC_ENABLE_VIDEO         EQU     2
ACC_ENABLE               EQU     3

ACC_SIGNATURE            EQU     $5EE5

; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Returns whether the ACC (Advanced Console Component) is present
; Returns value in R0
;   0 - not present
;   1 - present


        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVII    #ACC_REG_VALUE, R1
        MVI@    R1,     R1
        CLRR    R0
        CMPI    #ACC_SIGNATURE, R1
        BNEQ    @@ACCNotFound
        INCR    R0
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Writes to the parallel port data pins
; Data pins are pins 2-9 on the DB25 connector.
; R0 - The byte to output

WriteParallelDataPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R1,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port data pins and returns it in R0
; Data pins are pins 2-9 on the DB25 connector.

ReadParallelDataPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port status pins and returns it in R0.
; Use this to read port pins 1, 10-16.
; Bit    Name         Inverted    Port pin    Type
; ---------------------------------------------------
; 0      Strobe       Yes         1           Control
; 1      AutoLF       Yes         14          Control
; 2      Init         No          16          Control
; 3      Error        No          15          Status
; 4      Select       No          13          Status
; 5      Paper out    No          12          Status
; 6      ACK          No          10          Status
; 7      Busy         Yes         11          Status

ReadParallelStatusPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Writes to the parallel port control port.  Use this to output
; to control port pins 1, 14, 16, 17 and set whether data pins
; 2-9 are input or output.
; Bit    Name              Port pin
; --------------------------------
; 0      Strobe            1
; 1      AutoLF            14
; 2      Init              16
; 3      Select printer    17
; 4      Reserved          N/A
; 5      Data input        N/A
; 6      Reserved          N/A
; 7      Reserved          N/A
; R0 - The byte to output

WriteParallelControlPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R1,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port control port and returns it in R0.
; This cannot be used to read the state of port pins 1, 14, 16,
; and 17 (see status port) but it can be used to read what is
; being output to those pins as well as read the state of the
; Data input bit.

; Bit    Name              Port pin
; --------------------------------
; 0      Strobe            1
; 1      AutoLF            14
; 2      Init              16
; 3      Select printer    17
; 4      Reserved          N/A
; 5      Data input        N/A
; 6      Reserved          N/A
; 7      Reserved          N/A

ReadParallelControlPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Sets the parallel port data pins to output

SetParallelDataOutput PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        ANDI    #$00DF, R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Sets the parallel port data pins to input

SetParallelDataInput PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        ANDI    #$00DF, R0
        XORI    #$0020, R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R0
        PULR    R7




Edited by JohnPCAE
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12 hours ago, JohnPCAE said:

I put together some sample code for manipulating the ACC's parallel port. With this you can bit-bang the parallel port pins. Do you need me to build you an ACC unit so you have something to test with?

I'm also attaching a PDF that describes the operation of the parallel port on a PC. It's what I followed when implementing it on the ACC. The ACC's parallel port is meant to operate like the port on a PC as closely as possible. The only deviation is that pin 17 is output-only in my implementation because I didn't have an IC pin available to read it.


; ACC registers

ACC_REG_INDEX            EQU     $007E
ACC_REG_VALUE            EQU     $007F

ACC_REG_SIGNATURE        EQU     0     ;                      read-only, always returns MAGIC_SIGNATURE (0x5EE5)
ACC_REG_ENABLE           EQU     1     ; .........ppppevm     m = enable memory, v = enable video, e = sprite exclusion, 
ACC_REG_PALETTE_INDEX    EQU     2     ; .......rrrrrrrrr     0 .. 511 allowed (256 palette colors, 2 registers per color)
ACC_REG_PALETTE_VALUE    EQU     3     ; bbbbbbbbaaaaaaaa     two timeslice values (four timeslice values make up a single palette color)
ACC_REG_STATUS_INFO      EQU     4     ; r.......mmmmmmmm     read-only.  returns the number of times MSYNC went from low to high and whether the emulator is running.
ACC_REG_CURSOR           EQU     5     ; ......bceeeessss     s = start scanline, e = end scanline, c = show cursor, b = enable cursor blink
ACC_REG_CURSOR_POS       EQU     6     ; yyyyyyyyxxxxxxxx     y = row (0 .. 23), x = column (0 .. 39/79)
ACC_REG_CHAR_SCANLINES   EQU     7     ; ............ssss     1 .. 15 allowed
ACC_REG_SCROLL_V         EQU     8     ; ............vvvv     0 .. char. scanlines - 1, specifies starting character scan line
ACC_REG_BUFFER_START     EQU     9     ;                      dword location within video memory (4-byte granularity)
ACC_REG_BUFFER_PITCH     EQU     10    ;                      1 .. 160 allowed.  character-mode virtual screen pitch in characters.
ACC_REG_SCREEN_MODE      EQU     11    ;                      0 .. SCREEN_MODE_MAX allowed (anything over the max is treated as the max)
ACC_REG_GRAM_START       EQU     12    ;                      the location within video memory (word granularity).  Used only by text modes.
ACC_REG_RESERVED         EQU     13
ACC_REG_CYCLE_COUNT_LO   EQU     14    ;                      read-only. low word of the raw bus cycle count
ACC_REG_CYCLE_COUNT_HI   EQU     15    ;                      read-only. high word of the raw bus cycle count
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_DATA    EQU     16    ; ........dddddddd     bidirectional parallel port data register
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_STATUS  EQU     17    ; ........dddddddd     same format as PC parallel port status register
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_CONTROL EQU     18    ; ..........d.dddd     same format as PC parallel port control register
ACC_REG_START_PROCESSOR  EQU     19    ;                      write an address here to tell the emulator to immediately start running at that location
ACC_REG_EBCI             EQU     20    ;                      read by emulated BEXT instruction
ACC_REG_INT_VECTOR       EQU     21    ;                      memory location used when triggering an interrupt with REG_INTERRUPT
ACC_REG_INTERRUPT        EQU     22    ;                      writing anything here triggers an interrupt in the emulator.  does nothing if the emulator is halted.
ACC_REG_R0               EQU     23    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R0
ACC_REG_R1               EQU     24    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R1
ACC_REG_R2               EQU     25    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R2
ACC_REG_R3               EQU     26    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R3
ACC_REG_R4               EQU     27    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R4
ACC_REG_R5               EQU     28    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R5
ACC_REG_R6               EQU     29    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R6
ACC_REG_R7               EQU     30    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R7
ACC_REG_FLAGS            EQU     31    ;                      emulated CP-1600 flags

ACC_BUFFER               EQU     $D000
ACC_ENABLE_VIDEO         EQU     2
ACC_ENABLE               EQU     3

ACC_SIGNATURE            EQU     $5EE5

; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Returns whether the ACC (Advanced Console Component) is present
; Returns value in R0
;   0 - not present
;   1 - present


        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVII    #ACC_REG_VALUE, R1
        MVI@    R1,     R1
        CLRR    R0
        CMPI    #ACC_SIGNATURE, R1
        BNEQ    @@ACCNotFound
        INCR    R0
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Writes to the parallel port data pins
; Data pins are pins 2-9 on the DB25 connector.
; R0 - The byte to output

WriteParallelDataPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R1,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port data pins and returns it in R0
; Data pins are pins 2-9 on the DB25 connector.

ReadParallelDataPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port status pins and returns it in R0.
; Use this to read port pins 1, 10-16.
; Bit    Name         Inverted    Port pin    Type
; ---------------------------------------------------
; 0      Strobe       Yes         1           Control
; 1      AutoLF       Yes         14          Control
; 2      Init         No          16          Control
; 3      Error        No          15          Status
; 4      Select       No          13          Status
; 5      Paper out    No          12          Status
; 6      ACK          No          10          Status
; 7      Busy         Yes         11          Status

ReadParallelStatusPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Writes to the parallel port control port.  Use this to output
; to control port pins 1, 14, 16, 17 and set whether data pins
; 2-9 are input or output.
; Bit    Name              Port pin
; --------------------------------
; 0      Strobe            1
; 1      AutoLF            14
; 2      Init              16
; 3      Select printer    17
; 4      Reserved          N/A
; 5      Data input        N/A
; 6      Reserved          N/A
; 7      Reserved          N/A
; R0 - The byte to output

WriteParallelControlPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R1,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port control port and returns it in R0.
; This cannot be used to read the state of port pins 1, 14, 16,
; and 17 (see status port) but it can be used to read what is
; being output to those pins as well as read the state of the
; Data input bit.

; Bit    Name              Port pin
; --------------------------------
; 0      Strobe            1
; 1      AutoLF            14
; 2      Init              16
; 3      Select printer    17
; 4      Reserved          N/A
; 5      Data input        N/A
; 6      Reserved          N/A
; 7      Reserved          N/A

ReadParallelControlPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Sets the parallel port data pins to output

SetParallelDataOutput PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        ANDI    #$00DF, R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Sets the parallel port data pins to input

SetParallelDataInput PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        ANDI    #$00DF, R0
        XORI    #$0020, R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R0
        PULR    R7



parallel.pdf 76.49 kB · 0 downloads

Where does the parallel port sit in the memory map?



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13 hours ago, JohnPCAE said:

I put together some sample code for manipulating the ACC's parallel port. With this you can bit-bang the parallel port pins. Do you need me to build you an ACC unit so you have something to test with?

I'm also attaching a PDF that describes the operation of the parallel port on a PC. It's what I followed when implementing it on the ACC. The ACC's parallel port is meant to operate like the port on a PC as closely as possible. The only deviation is that pin 17 is output-only in my implementation because I didn't have an IC pin available to read it.


; ACC registers

ACC_REG_INDEX            EQU     $007E
ACC_REG_VALUE            EQU     $007F

ACC_REG_SIGNATURE        EQU     0     ;                      read-only, always returns MAGIC_SIGNATURE (0x5EE5)
ACC_REG_ENABLE           EQU     1     ; .........ppppevm     m = enable memory, v = enable video, e = sprite exclusion, 
ACC_REG_PALETTE_INDEX    EQU     2     ; .......rrrrrrrrr     0 .. 511 allowed (256 palette colors, 2 registers per color)
ACC_REG_PALETTE_VALUE    EQU     3     ; bbbbbbbbaaaaaaaa     two timeslice values (four timeslice values make up a single palette color)
ACC_REG_STATUS_INFO      EQU     4     ; r.......mmmmmmmm     read-only.  returns the number of times MSYNC went from low to high and whether the emulator is running.
ACC_REG_CURSOR           EQU     5     ; ......bceeeessss     s = start scanline, e = end scanline, c = show cursor, b = enable cursor blink
ACC_REG_CURSOR_POS       EQU     6     ; yyyyyyyyxxxxxxxx     y = row (0 .. 23), x = column (0 .. 39/79)
ACC_REG_CHAR_SCANLINES   EQU     7     ; ............ssss     1 .. 15 allowed
ACC_REG_SCROLL_V         EQU     8     ; ............vvvv     0 .. char. scanlines - 1, specifies starting character scan line
ACC_REG_BUFFER_START     EQU     9     ;                      dword location within video memory (4-byte granularity)
ACC_REG_BUFFER_PITCH     EQU     10    ;                      1 .. 160 allowed.  character-mode virtual screen pitch in characters.
ACC_REG_SCREEN_MODE      EQU     11    ;                      0 .. SCREEN_MODE_MAX allowed (anything over the max is treated as the max)
ACC_REG_GRAM_START       EQU     12    ;                      the location within video memory (word granularity).  Used only by text modes.
ACC_REG_RESERVED         EQU     13
ACC_REG_CYCLE_COUNT_LO   EQU     14    ;                      read-only. low word of the raw bus cycle count
ACC_REG_CYCLE_COUNT_HI   EQU     15    ;                      read-only. high word of the raw bus cycle count
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_DATA    EQU     16    ; ........dddddddd     bidirectional parallel port data register
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_STATUS  EQU     17    ; ........dddddddd     same format as PC parallel port status register
ACC_REG_PARALLEL_CONTROL EQU     18    ; ..........d.dddd     same format as PC parallel port control register
ACC_REG_START_PROCESSOR  EQU     19    ;                      write an address here to tell the emulator to immediately start running at that location
ACC_REG_EBCI             EQU     20    ;                      read by emulated BEXT instruction
ACC_REG_INT_VECTOR       EQU     21    ;                      memory location used when triggering an interrupt with REG_INTERRUPT
ACC_REG_INTERRUPT        EQU     22    ;                      writing anything here triggers an interrupt in the emulator.  does nothing if the emulator is halted.
ACC_REG_R0               EQU     23    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R0
ACC_REG_R1               EQU     24    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R1
ACC_REG_R2               EQU     25    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R2
ACC_REG_R3               EQU     26    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R3
ACC_REG_R4               EQU     27    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R4
ACC_REG_R5               EQU     28    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R5
ACC_REG_R6               EQU     29    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R6
ACC_REG_R7               EQU     30    ;                      emulated CP-1600 register R7
ACC_REG_FLAGS            EQU     31    ;                      emulated CP-1600 flags

ACC_BUFFER               EQU     $D000
ACC_ENABLE_VIDEO         EQU     2
ACC_ENABLE               EQU     3

ACC_SIGNATURE            EQU     $5EE5

; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Returns whether the ACC (Advanced Console Component) is present
; Returns value in R0
;   0 - not present
;   1 - present


        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVII    #ACC_REG_VALUE, R1
        MVI@    R1,     R1
        CLRR    R0
        CMPI    #ACC_SIGNATURE, R1
        BNEQ    @@ACCNotFound
        INCR    R0
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Writes to the parallel port data pins
; Data pins are pins 2-9 on the DB25 connector.
; R0 - The byte to output

WriteParallelDataPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R1,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port data pins and returns it in R0
; Data pins are pins 2-9 on the DB25 connector.

ReadParallelDataPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port status pins and returns it in R0.
; Use this to read port pins 1, 10-16.
; Bit    Name         Inverted    Port pin    Type
; ---------------------------------------------------
; 0      Strobe       Yes         1           Control
; 1      AutoLF       Yes         14          Control
; 2      Init         No          16          Control
; 3      Error        No          15          Status
; 4      Select       No          13          Status
; 5      Paper out    No          12          Status
; 6      ACK          No          10          Status
; 7      Busy         Yes         11          Status

ReadParallelStatusPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Writes to the parallel port control port.  Use this to output
; to control port pins 1, 14, 16, 17 and set whether data pins
; 2-9 are input or output.
; Bit    Name              Port pin
; --------------------------------
; 0      Strobe            1
; 1      AutoLF            14
; 2      Init              16
; 3      Select printer    17
; 4      Reserved          N/A
; 5      Data input        N/A
; 6      Reserved          N/A
; 7      Reserved          N/A
; R0 - The byte to output

WriteParallelControlPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R1
        MVO     R1,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R1
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads from the parallel port control port and returns it in R0.
; This cannot be used to read the state of port pins 1, 14, 16,
; and 17 (see status port) but it can be used to read what is
; being output to those pins as well as read the state of the
; Data input bit.

; Bit    Name              Port pin
; --------------------------------
; 0      Strobe            1
; 1      AutoLF            14
; 2      Init              16
; 3      Select printer    17
; 4      Reserved          N/A
; 5      Data input        N/A
; 6      Reserved          N/A
; 7      Reserved          N/A

ReadParallelControlPort PROC

        PSHR    R5
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Sets the parallel port data pins to output

SetParallelDataOutput PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        ANDI    #$00DF, R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R0
        PULR    R7


; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Sets the parallel port data pins to input

SetParallelDataInput PROC

        PSHR    R5
        PSHR    R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_INDEX
        MVI     ACC_REG_VALUE, R0
        ANDI    #$00DF, R0
        XORI    #$0020, R0
        MVO     R0,     ACC_REG_VALUE
        PULR    R0
        PULR    R7



parallel.pdf 76.49 kB · 1 download

Would this make the FujiNet implementation depend on your ACC device?  I thought the idea was to define a means to interface the ESP32 directly with the Intellivision, via the cartridge port or something.



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2 minutes ago, DZ-Jay said:

Would this make the FujiNet implementation depend on you ACC device?  I thought the idea was to define a means to interface the ESP32 directly with the Intellivision, via the cartridge port or something.



that would be correct, but am trying to learn as much as I can from @JohnPCAE's implementation as I can. The goal for me would be a self contained cartridge.




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6 hours ago, tschak909 said:

Where does the parallel port sit in the memory map?



All ACC registers are at $007E and $007F. You select the register by writing to $007E and you set (or read) the register's value at $007F. If you've ever done CGA, EGA, or VGA programming, it will look very familiar. I do something similar with my USB card by putting its registers at $007C and $007D (so please don't use those).

Edited by JohnPCAE
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1 minute ago, JohnPCAE said:

All ACC registers are at $007E and $007F. You select the register by writing to $007E and you set (or read) the register's value at $007F. If you've ever done CGA, EGA, or VGA programming, it will look very familiar. I do something similar with my USB card by putting its registers at $007C and $007D (so please don't use those).

ok was making sure, will have to look at the schematic to see how you've decoded that.


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Just now, tschak909 said:

ok was making sure, will have to look at the schematic to see how you've decoded that.


The decoding is done in the Raspberry Pi Pico. It does all of the heavy lifting. It's a dual-core microcontroller. One core talks to the Intellivision bus and emulates a coprocessor and the other core handles video output.

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6 hours ago, DZ-Jay said:

Would this make the FujiNet implementation depend on your ACC device?  I thought the idea was to define a means to interface the ESP32 directly with the Intellivision, via the cartridge port or something.



It does, but right now the ACC is the only thing that provides any sort of external device connectivity to the Inty. As to why I chose a parallel port, it provides a ton of capability while also being an industry standard. You can connect any old printer from the 80's or 90's and it will work as long as you have the software to drive it. Or you could rig a DIN connector to its pins and bit-bang the Commodore 64 IEC protocol if you wanted to. Or you could connect a resistor ladder to the data pins and get crude analog sound. Or anything else you could do with a PC's parallel port.

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  • 10 months later...
1 minute ago, First Spear said:

Is there anything new on this you can share with an untalented spectator on this topic (like me)?




Work on this is dependent on a fully functional parallel bus interface, which the #zx-spectrum team is still working on. Once this is available, we'll be able to move forward on this.


If anyone wants to help push it forward in spite of this (e.g. you have an alternative path), please contact us in the discord. https://discord.gg/7MfFTvD



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  • 7 months later...

Ok, another attempt to push this rock forward...

Since some time has passed, I can fill in on some things learned since the last post:


We've been able to use the RP2040 microcontroller present in the Raspberry Pico (and similar devices), and most specifically, the PIO macroblock, as a front-end to the ESP32, with it performing any fast reacting bus actions, while connecting to an ESP32 over one of the high speed UARTs (e.g. at approximately 4mb/ps)


(1) We have leveraged this, to provide the high speed IWM interactions needed for the Mac68K.


(2) We have also used this, (thanks to the work of @jeffpiep) to provide a ROM emulation, and bus I/O decoding for the next iteration of the TRS-80 Color Computer Cartridge.


(3) This is being used for the Atari 2600 version of FujiNet to provide the same features as (2), fusing together elements of PlusCart and FujiNet.


Point (2) and (3) is what I feel will be most useful for an Intellivision version. 


This begs the question from those who could answer:


FujiNet would be a cartridge device, with a pass-through to plug in another game, which would use the services provided.


We could provide a decoded section of memory addresses that attach to the FujiNet, to provide e.g.


* A byte for device #

* A byte for status

* A byte for reading data

* A byte for writing data


What would be the best way to expose this address space in the memory map so that other games could potentially use the services provided by the FujiNet cart to use the network adapter for networked game use (the network device would be one of many devices exposed by the FujiNet.)


If anyone wants to help with starting a bring-up, come join us over in the discord:



One of the games that could be quickly ported, could be the 5 Card Stud that we're working across different platforms, e.g.




Atari 2600:




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Hi, Thom,


I joined the Discord channel.  I don’t know how much I can contribute to the project, but I am very interested in it.  So, if any of my low-level Intellivision-development arcane experience can be of value, I am willing to assist in whichever way I can.



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@DZ-Jay and I had a very productive conversation over the last day and a half!


It seems that (and I am stating this here so that I may be potentially corrected):


* There is an existing protocol standard in JLP that can be used to be the base-line Fujinet-to-INTV communication protocol.

* JLP is implemented in devices like the LTO Flash, but also in the jzIntv emulator.

* This means that the FujiNet bring-up could be done using FujiNet-PC, connected to jzIntv.


For those working on e.g. jzIntv, and LTO Flash, etc, does this make sense?



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3 hours ago, tschak909 said:

@DZ-Jay and I had a very productive conversation over the last day and a half!


It seems that (and I am stating this here so that I may be potentially corrected):


* There is an existing protocol standard in JLP that can be used to be the base-line Fujinet-to-INTV communication protocol.

* JLP is implemented in devices like the LTO Flash, but also in the jzIntv emulator.

* This means that the FujiNet bring-up could be done using FujiNet-PC, connected to jzIntv.


For those working on e.g. jzIntv, and LTO Flash, etc, does this make sense?



By the way, I only mentioned JLP as a model of how your API may be implemented and suggested that since it was fully specified and (I think) open source, you could review how it interacts between the game program and the hardware extensions.


I didn’t mean to suggest that JLP out of the box supports a generic API for your purposes.


Sorry for the confusion.



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Just now, DZ-Jay said:

By the way, I only mentioned JLP as a model of how your API may be implemented and suggested that since it was fully specified and (I think) open source, you could review how it interacts between the game program and the hardware extensions.


I didn’t mean to suggest that JLP out of the box supports a generic API for your purposes.


Sorry for the confusion.



Oh I do understand! But I think there may be enough here to build upon, much like we had to do with DriveWire on the TRS-80 CoCo bring-up. :)


Hopefully I can work with the jzIntv maintainer and others to try and establish a solid plan that would be beneficial to all :)




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OK, trying to figure out where we could place registers for the FujiNet. Any JLP/Intv hardware hackers' input would be most welcome:


Let's say we have the following registers: (we can optimize this, but am just providing an example)

| Offset | Description
|---       |---
| 0        | Device ID (Fujinet Config, Network Device, etc.)
| 1        | Status Flags (Ready, Error, etc.)
| 2        | Command byte (OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, STATUS, PARSE JSON, etc.)
| 3        | Buffer address HI
| 4        | Buffer address LO
| 5        | Buffer len HI
| 6        | Buffer len LO
| 7        | Aux parameter 1
| 8        | Aux Parameter 2


Where could we cram this in the overall memory map? 


I am reading the JLP documentation, and I see various bits of the memory map marked as "NOT FOR JLP," what does this mean for something like FujiNet?





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43 minutes ago, tschak909 said:

OK, trying to figure out where we could place registers for the FujiNet. Any JLP/Intv hardware hackers' input would be most welcome:


Let's say we have the following registers: (we can optimize this, but am just providing an example)

| Offset | Description
|---       |---
| 0        | Device ID (Fujinet Config, Network Device, etc.)
| 1        | Status Flags (Ready, Error, etc.)
| 2        | Command byte (OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, STATUS, PARSE JSON, etc.)
| 3        | Buffer address HI
| 4        | Buffer address LO
| 5        | Buffer len HI
| 6        | Buffer len LO
| 7        | Aux parameter 1
| 8        | Aux Parameter 2


Where could we cram this in the overall memory map? 


I am reading the JLP documentation, and I see various bits of the memory map marked as "NOT FOR JLP," what does this mean for something like FujiNet?






Those are not available.  They are reserved for the actual Intellivision hardware -- things like the Intellivoice, ECS, etc.



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Would anyone here be interested in helping define the bus protocol that could potentially be used for any system with at least an 8-bit data bus? It would affect not only Intellivision, but potentially every game console that would use a FujiNet.


I am genuinely trying to involve others, so that we can get a bus interface that a rough consensus of us would be happy with.



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3 hours ago, tschak909 said:

Would anyone here be interested in helping define the bus protocol that could potentially be used for any system with at least an 8-bit data bus? It would affect not only Intellivision, but potentially every game console that would use a FujiNet.


I am genuinely trying to involve others, so that we can get a bus interface that a rough consensus of us would be happy with.



I might be able to help.  I've defined other non-retro protocols.  However, my bandwidth is limited these days so I can only help somewhat.

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On 6/2/2024 at 8:29 PM, tschak909 said:

OK, trying to figure out where we could place registers for the FujiNet. Any JLP/Intv hardware hackers' input would be most welcome:


Let's say we have the following registers: (we can optimize this, but am just providing an example)

| Offset | Description
|---       |---
| 0        | Device ID (Fujinet Config, Network Device, etc.)
| 1        | Status Flags (Ready, Error, etc.)
| 2        | Command byte (OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, STATUS, PARSE JSON, etc.)
| 3        | Buffer address HI
| 4        | Buffer address LO
| 5        | Buffer len HI
| 6        | Buffer len LO
| 7        | Aux parameter 1
| 8        | Aux Parameter 2


Where could we cram this in the overall memory map? 


I am reading the JLP documentation, and I see various bits of the memory map marked as "NOT FOR JLP," what does this mean for something like FujiNet?





Here's the Intellivision memory map.



The Intellicart used some of those addresses marked reserved, although write only.


Would this be a device that passes through the cartridge port for other cartridges?

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23 minutes ago, mr_me said:

Would this be a device that passes through the cartridge port for other cartridges?

I think that is the case, which presents a problem in laying out the memory space without colliding with the JLP and other similar extensions.


That is why I suggested he take a look at what JLP does and how it works, to see how best to accommodate his requirements alongside it.



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