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After years of searching...I now own an Exidy Sorcerer!

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Hi all, 


Sorry to have lagged on this for so long.  Thanks to @davidcalgary29 for the prompt...


When I got the machine, I was surprised to plug the thing on and it was already turned on and running.  I thought I'd managed to turn the power switch off...in the end it turns out that both the power switch and fuse holder were broken and the previous owner had simply wired around both internally (yikes!).  I went off to source both and frankly the machine sat on my bench for months while I worked on other projects (have I told you about my Lisa? Or my PET?).  Your prompt got me off my duff and I installed the new power switch and ordered a replacement fuse holder. Meanwhile I've had the Teensy all loaded up and the leads soldered to it for months as well, awaiting getting the power sorted first.  The fuse holder and switch took some research to replace because of course I needed replacements that fit the existing holes, etc.  This turned out to be a little trickier than I'd originally thought, but in the end everything will look very close to factory. I might have mentioned that I proactively swapped all the power board caps just in case. 


Since I had a working power switch, I felt confident enough to power the thing up for the first time in a while and of course it still works great. Here's a photo I recently posted to r/VintageComputing showing it working and running "GOTO 10" next to my PET.


So at the present I have the fuse holder sitting at home (I'm on the road) and will put it at the Teensy in when I return.  I moved the Sorcerer out of my back room and into a prominent place in my self-styled Vintage Computer Museum, where it's sandwiched between a 2001-32N PET and a TRS-80 Model I (with Expansion Interface and disk drive emulator).  So the upshot is that I now have a "1970s desk" for my systems.   (Note: the photo has my Mac SE/30 to the left of the Sorcerer, but I moved the TRS-80 there instead--made more sense!). 


I will post an update in a week or so once I have the final pieces in place. 


Thanks for your interest! 😊


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