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Question about RAM usage

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I'm curious about RAM usage on the 2600.   I've noticed when watching various youtube videos and reading online resources that registers like NUSIZ0 use every single bit fully.  Is it possible to do that for RAM as well?  If it's possible, is it practical to access the individual bits or does it use up too many CPU cycles?  For example, if you're using a byte of RAM and only need the first 60 values, can you use the other four bits (nibble?) for something completely different to save on RAM?  Thanks in advance.  

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21 hours ago, LatchKeyKid said:

If it's possible, is it practical to access the individual bits or does it use up too many CPU cycles?  For example, if you're using a byte of RAM and only need the first 60 values, can you use the other four bits (nibble?)



yes, that's common practice.  When using individual bits use the top 2 bits for anything time critical as they can quickly be tested for:


For bit 7:

    BPL SKIP ; branch if bit 7 is set to 0
    BMI SKIP ; branch if bit 7 is set to 1

For bit 6:

    BVC SKIP ; branch if bit 6 is set to 0
    BVS SKIP ; branch if bit 6 is set to 1

Using BIT means the registers (A, X, Y) do not get overwritten.


To test other bits uses the A register, and 2 extra cycles

    AND #%00100000 ; bit 5
    BEQ SKIP ; branch if bit 5 is set to 0
  • LDA #%00100000 ; bit 5
    BNE SKIP ; branch if bit 5 is set to 1

Use %00010000 for bit 4 and so on.  The LDA and AND can be in either order, just make sure the # goes with the bit to test.



It's also common practice to reuse bytes of RAM for different things at different times.  In Medieval Mayhem the RAM used for the castle walls is also used for the main menu:

Wall1L       ds 6
Wall1R       ds 6
Wall2L       ds 6
Wall2R       ds 6
Wall3L       ds 6
Wall3R       ds 6
Wall4L       ds 6
Wall4R       ds 6

; reuse of Wall RAM for main menu
G48            EQU Wall1L      ; uses all of Wall1L and Wall1R
Option1        EQU Wall2L      ; pointer to graphics for 1st displayed option      
Value1         EQU Wall2L+2    ; pointer to graphics for 1st displayed value
Option2        EQU Wall2L+4    ; pointer to graphics for 2nd displayed option
Value2         EQU Wall2R      ; pointer to graphics for 2nd displayed value
Option3        EQU Wall2R+2    ; pointer to graphics for 3rd displayed option
Value3         EQU Wall2R+4    ; pointer to graphics for 3rd displayed value
Option4        EQU Wall3L      ; pointer to graphics for 4th displayed option
Value4         EQU Wall3L+2    ; pointer to graphics for 4th displayed value
TopOption      EQU Wall3L+4    ; top option to display
SelectedOption EQU Wall3L+5    ; option selected(0-9)
HiLiteOption   EQU Wall3R      ; option to hilite (0-3)
BitOn          EQU Wall3R+1    ; ChangeCatch subroutine
BitOff         EQU Wall3R+2    ; ChangeCatch subroutine
LastSelect     EQU Wall3R+3    ; used to reset Attract Mode countdown

Delay          EQU Wall4R
MMcolor        EQU Wall4R+1    ; holds color of Medieval Mayhem logo
SlctValueColor EQU Wall4R+2    ; holds color of selected menu value
G48temp1       EQU Wall4R+3    ; holds lines remaining during Show48graphic
G48temp2       EQU Wall4R+4    ; holds temp image data during Show48graphic
; end reuse of Wall RAM for main menu




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Thanks!  I appreciate the detailed explanation as always.  I'm glad to hear that the rest of the bits aren't wasted in those scenarios.  I was curious if you could, for example, have multiple timers going on the same byte to count different things (like multiple independent effects counters) and am glad to hear that it's potentially possible.

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