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Align ignored by cl65? unable to set segment address

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I'm not seem able to make my symbol get aligned properly (array for font):

I modified the segment and memory in cfg (copy form atari-xex.cfg)


    ZP:         file = "", define = yes, start = $0082, size = $007E;
# "system check" load chunk
    SYSCHKCHNK: file = %O,               start = $2E00, size = $0300;
    FONT_RAM:    file = "", define = yes, start = $2000,  size = $1000;	
# "main program" load chunk
    MAIN:       file = %O, define = yes, start = %S,    size = $BC20 - __STACKSIZE__ - __RESERVED_MEMORY__ - %S;

    ZEROPAGE:  load = ZP,         type = zp;
    DATA:      load = MAIN,       type = rw;
    FONT:      load = FONT_RAM,   type = ro, align=$100, define=yes;
    INIT:      load = MAIN,       type = rw,                optional = yes;


An I'm using pragma to refer the segment:

#pragma data-name (push,"FONT")
#include "font.h"
#pragma data-name (pop)

in font.h

extern unsigned char GAME_FONT[];

however I have a non-aligned address for the pointer:

 _GAME_FONT                00541A RLA  

See the full map and cfg file in the attachments

What am I missing here ?

I've been following the documentation and examples in thread:

Also I found this great presentation form @Bill Kendrick

thx !

taco.map tacobot.cfg

Edited by Mariano DM
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OK .. after pulling out my hair I was able to do it !


a really ugly solution, hope I can do it properly


put the pragma in the .c file instead of the header.


#pragma data-name (push,"FONT")
unsigned char GAME_FONT[] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
#pragma  data-name (pop)


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For bitmap the alignment doesn't matter.

It can't cross a 4K boundary, not sure if ALIGN could help there.

When up at the 4K boundary the mode line should start -40 bytes from it (32 or 48 if narrow/wide DMA) then the next line will need LMS in the DList to start it at the next 4K.

Generally the OS will always have RAMTOP aligned at a 4K boundary - it only does the second LMS in the hires modes that use 8K.

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Your solution by putting the #pragma data-name directive to the font.c is correct.

And that is exactly where it should have been in the first place.


Why is that?


The extern unsigned char GAME_FONT[]; statement doesn't generate any machine code or data. It is just a symbol for the compiler that will be resolved later by the linker. Therefore, there is no code or data that could go to the FONT segment. That is also clear from the .map file. The .map file has no mention of the FONT segment.


So, if you want to use the #pragma data-name directive, use it where the data is defined, not where it is declared.








Edited by baktra
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