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Found my old schematic disk from 1997 for the Tutebot robot I built based on this book (https://www.amazon.com/Mobile-Robots-Inspiration-Implementation-Second/dp/1568810970?dplnkId=569bbaa0-019e-41c5-a819-21f73eb7792e) created using a DOS PCB design program called Circuit Layout. Still runs on my 486 machine :) I ended up transferring it by hand using an etching pen and a blank pcb copper board. The robot still works by the way! I love computer archeology :lol:


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2 hours ago, mizapf said:

A joyful 3rd of October to all my fellow countrymen!


I know, this sounds silly. It should not, though. It does not have to be a 4th of July, but it could be more than people in dark suits listening to solemn speeches and classical music played on a lonely piano.

I would expect it to be festive and celebrated like the Fourth of July.  I cannot imagine anyone who grew up in other parts of the world, intrigued by 45 years of movies and books, who then got to watch the wall fall as it happened through the magic of modern technology put to use beyond entertainment -- probably the first international news story to really catch our attention -- would disagree.


Men in dark suits giving solemn speeches sounds like a step backward, like maybe people miss that time period.  I would not like that at all.

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Are drivers getting worse and less attentive? 

I had a 530 work meeting this morning.  afterwards I decided to drive to the local donut shop for a friday treat.

At the entrance to our subdivision is a traffic light.  There was a car in the left turn lane and I was approaching the straight/right turn lane. Our light turned green and I saw the car turn. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement — A semi went right through the red light (from my left side) barely missing the turning car. If I would’ve been a few seconds earlier there’s a chance that I would have been in the path of that semi.  

I stopped in the turn lane for a few seconds processing what had happened. I usually pause before entering the intersection on a red to green, but this semi came through a good 2-3 seconds after the green light.  Good grief.  

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1 hour ago, InsaneMultitasker said:

I stopped in the turn lane for a few seconds processing what had happened. I usually pause before entering the intersection on a red to green, but this semi came through a good 2-3 seconds after the green light.  Good grief.


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You also have a lot of outsiders driving trucks, many can't even read or write English. They have been doing many things, like trying to drive their trucks under overpasses and bridges that have heights limits plainly posted, but they attempt it anyhow, with most interesting results. I know it doesn't account for all, but does many.

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Patent trolls BTFO!  Those of you in the industry (really, any industry since none are immune from this cancer,) as long as I have been, you have likely grown to hate patent trolls.  This one got its ass whipped so hard by CloudFlare, it had to crack open its wallet and has cracked open its patent portfolio to the public.



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17 hours ago, RickyDean said:

You also have a lot of outsiders driving trucks, many can't even read or write English. They have been doing many things, like trying to drive their trucks under overpasses and bridges that have heights limits plainly posted, but they attempt it anyhow, with most interesting results. I know it doesn't account for all, but does many.

That is racist nonsense. A driver license requires a minimum proficiency in literacy, particularly a truck license. That said, some immigrants may not have the same training, experience, or knowledge of US traffic laws as native-born drivers but there is no data on whether this translates into higher accident rates. 

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6 hours ago, Vorticon said:

That is racist nonsense. A driver license requires a minimum proficiency in literacy, particularly a truck license. That said, some immigrants may not have the same training, experience, or knowledge of US traffic laws as native-born drivers but there is no data on whether this translates into higher accident rates.

It may sound racist, but the point being is that it does happen that immigrants are granted CDLs and licenses fraudulently, many of them do not speak English beyond simple greetings, and they do have accidents.  It does not help that in some states, driving "farm use" vehicles, which can include personnel transport, does not require a driver license at all.  In Florida, a farm use vehicle can operate pretty much anywhere if it is small enough, or within 150 miles if it falls into the larger gross weight category.  Whether or not it increases rates can be a point of argument since we are given more and more incomplete statistics, but this was not a claim in the first place, only that things happen.


Frankly, finding statistics for this, one way or the other, is a futile task to most laymen without access to better than commodity search tools.  You can find anecdotal evidence, as I have in a few trucker forums and sub-reddits.  I heard from the owner of a transportation company, someone for whom I would vouch as a straight-shooter I have know my entire adult life, that one of his competitors works some shenanigans to get his immigrant drivers CDLs, with just enough skill to put the truck in gear and steer it, including having another employee go to the test with them as an "interpreter."  If something happens, like say a roll-over on an Interstate off-ramp, well, he had the right credentials so far as the state is concerned.


To the point of legal drivers doing stupid shit, too: yes, that happens, but I cannot abide the idea that illegal drivers, whether immigrant or otherwise, helps the situation any.  If x is the number of native English-speakers with inadequate skills having accidents and y is the number of immigrant non English-speakers with inadequate skills having accidents, obviously x + y > x.  An objective fact with no racism involved.

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I'm somewhat missing the actual path to rm.



Do as a superuser (administrator)


      -recursively (including subdirectories and their contents)

      -forced (without asking even for write-protected files)

      -verbose (so you see what is being deleted)

      --no-preserve-root (don't even stop for the root directory)


(and now, the path is missing; should be "/" if intended to wipe the partition)


&& (start the following job after the first one completed successfully)

:(){ :|:& };:

This is just a purposefully obscured implementation of a "fork bomb". Better readable:

    bomb() { bomb | bomb & }; bomb


Define the function bomb as calling bomb and in parallel start another bomb and send it in the background (&) so it does not wait for completion. Finish the definition (;) and call bomb. This will create new bomb processes at an exponential rate.


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We were talking about register sizes earlier and why we haven't advanced yet from 64-bit.  Actually newer Intel/AMD x86 CPUs do have 32 x 512-bit registers for SIMD vector operations.  There won't be a need for more than 64-bit pointers for a while since 16 Exabytes is not an address space we're likely to fill in the near future (famous last words).

File:Table of x86 Registers svg.svg

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