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F18A (VGA version) Interest check - 2nd run


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I'm pondering to make another run of these F18A boards designed by Matthew Hagerty.  I have had great success in getting these built and have found a good supply (although expensive) for the Xilinx IC that is required for the F18A to do its wonderous video upgrade!  To make everyone aware, since these chips have become very expensive compared to what they were 3 years ago, the price for the units will be around $175 USD + shipping + insurance.  the units will be tested and also will come with the VGA ribbon cable.  Users will be required to pre-pay for their board. since a few of the chips have gotten quite expensive, especially the FPGA IC.


The F18A VGA version has been installed and tested on the below systems.

  • TI-99/4A Home Computer
  • ColecoVison Game Console (1)
  • ColecoVision ADAM Computer (1)
  • Toshiba HX-10 MSX1 Computer
  • Toshiba Pasopia-IQ MSX1 Computer
  • JVC Victor HC-7 MSX1 Computer
  • Yamaha CX5M MSX1 Computer
  • SpectraVideo 328 Computer (1)
  • Tomy Tutor (1)
  • SEGA SG-1000 (2)
  • SEGA SC-1000II (replaced a TMS9118 VDP)
  • Telegames Personal Arcade
  • Powertran Cortex
  • Memotech 500 and 512 (2)


You can read more about it at Pin-out (dnotq.io)


Video showing differences installed on a ColecoVision.


If you are interest, please fill out my interest form at the below link:



Edited by Shift838
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2 hours ago, Justin Payne said:

I remember seeing this in action several years ago. Very impressive. Do you happen to know how many games were created and/or modified to take advantage of this for the TI/99? What is the current price of this device for that system?

There have been some games created to take advantage of the F18A as well as some utilities like TIMXT (terminal program to connect to telnet-based BBS), then of course Telnet for use with the F18A and TIPI.  A Zaxxon clone, the 9640 boot menu for the TI-99, Alex Kidd and TI-Scramble, just to name a few programs.  there are more.


The price will be around $175 each and it comes with a VGA ribbon cable.  This is due to a few of the chips have drastically (especially the Xilinx) gone up in price).  I tried the eBay route with a few of the Xilinx sellers, but out of 5 that I received, only 1 was an authentic chip, the rest were fake.  So I had to resort to a reputable dealer, which of course the price is quite a bit more.

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FPGA prices stink right now. When I purchased one some years ago for a TI99/4A upgrade I think it was around $100 less than the asking price here, but again FPGA prices are terrible now so you cannot be faulted for it.


I will say however if I were die-hard into one of the computers or consoles this is compatible with I would consider it. The VGA output quality was outstanding!


Hopefully FPGA prices come down at some point and things like this and the DE-10 Nano can become somewhat affordable again.

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I have one of these on the way and was wondering what the best way to get the VGA into a TV is. My current one only has HDMI. Will an VGA to HDMI adapter work or will it cause delays in game play?


Would it be better to buy another TV that has a VGA input?





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