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Atari Homebrew High Score Contest: 2600 Division (Harmony Games) :

Dan Iacovelli

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Now that the 5th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards are done time to announce the Games for the
Atari Homebrew High Score Contest for the Harmony Games Division (2600 Division):
As mentioned last year we changed it up a bit, we dropped the Graphics Round, and split up the
Port and Original rounds (the Work in Progress stays the same) to be on its own with
normal points being  above 4k  games and bonus points for 4k and below games.

Here is games being used for the Harmony Games Division:

here is the schedule for each round:

  1. Work in Progress March 13- April 19th (extended)
  2. Best Original April 10th - May 7th
  3. Best Port May 8th -June 11th


Scoring goes as follows:

Work In Progress: Original games : 10pts for 1st place and 1pt for 10th place and after

: Port games: 9pts for 1st place and 1pt for 10th place and after

Original: above 4k : 10pts for 1st place and 1pt for 10th place and after

              4k and below: 9pts for 1st place and 1pt for 10th place and after

Port: above 4k : 10pts for 1st place and 1pt for 10th place and after

              4k and below: 9pts for 1st place and 1pt for 10th place and after.


Unlike the past scores can now be submitted in 3 ways:

  1. via the post on Atari Age (like normal)
  2. via Facebook on the Atari Video Club group ( thread will be set up)
  3. via the AVC Online website on the AH HSC page

When the round goes active they will be linked to the post which includes the other ways to
submit scores.

The 7800 Division (Concerto Games) will start a month after this division ends on second Monday of the month.



Edited by Dan Iacovelli
Games Announced for the Atari HoemBrew High Score Contest
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Please note change change in final round:
I noticed the game was picked for >4k round : Invaders from Andromeda  had no actual scoring system and I did try to figure a way to use it just wasn't possible.
so I tried apple slayer and einavder and decided to go with einvader

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Thanks to all who played in both Harmony Games and Concerto Games Division.
in the next few weeks we be looking for new name for the HSC I have couple names will have poll started as soon as we get other names
I'll be posting a suggestion post first before doing a poll,
HSC will be back after the 2023 Awards announced.


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