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Atari 2600 Loaner, and Activision Loaner carts

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I'm starting a slow crawl through my Atari 2600 collection. 

I started collecting in the 90's.  These three carts came from the Mile-High Flea Market in Denver Colorado

I now live in Maryland.  


These are the only prototypes/loaners I've ever found in the wild. 


The first Just says "Football 9-2" on it.  It has some yellow paint maybe on it (I've never tried to remove it) it doesn't hurt the label.  The label is very nice otherwise. 
The game is actually Realsports Football.   And I tested it this morning.  The EPROM is still good.  I cannot see any differences between the released game and this cartridge,  but there could be. 


The second is Megamania by Activision.  It did not have any additional labels on it.  Just an all red Activision label.  
The third is Pitfall,  it did have the printed end label on it.  With the game number.   I think even the printed label is as old as the cartridge.  

Any interest?  Offers?
I'm sorry I don't think any of the games differ from the originals that I can tell.   but that's just me. 
I tested them all this morning by the way.   If you guys would like screen shots of me testing. 





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