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I wonder whether this is some intentional threat of people who want to make something on the Atari....

Hey Tebe, Raster and other cuplrits, it's time to confess you are a part of the Great Anti-Atari Conspiracy..... :evil: :roll: :D

:?: yea I must admit I don't know where MK is coming from either sometimes?
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Tell me, what prevents G2F from leaving the PMs on when drawing in gr 9 , 10, 11 ?


problem with code under ZOOM, "division by zero" ( ad:=crX div (2 div Pixel) ERROR if PIXEL=4), solution: disable PMG


mode pixel 1x1 , 2x1, pixel is incresed by 1,2, PMG by 2, it's OK, one procedure for pixel 1 and 2, but not for pixel 4x1, pixel 4x1 is faster then pixel PMG, solution: rewrite code :(

Edited by tebe
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Tebe explained: all problems with GTIA modes in G2F are coming from programming technique he used at starting point. G2F was designed as GR8 and GR15 tool and never intended to be more than graphics to font converter (yea, Graph2Font) in these two modes. GR9 was added to implement Our5oft intro picture only and that started generating problems... Pixels in mode 9 are increased by 4, sprites pixels by 2 - it makes sprites corrupted or divides by zero and hang program up. He should start G2F from beginning to get correct results for GTIA modes.


Good news: TeBe added sprites for GR9, but is no chance to work on them in ZOOM mode. He is still improving this GTIA modes feature because priorities are still incorrect, like in GR15 mode. :)

Edited by Kaz atarionline.pl
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Tell me, what prevents G2F from leaving the PMs on when drawing in gr 9 , 10, 11 ?


problem with code under ZOOM, "division by zero" ( ad:=crX div (2 div Pixel) ERROR if PIXEL=4), solution: disable PMG



But why does it work when using 1x1 or 2x2 and switching to 4x1 then? Only the priority was shown wrong, when I was creating the Sonic picture.

mode pixel 1x1 , 2x1, pixel is incresed by 1,2, PMG by 2, it's OK, one procedure for pixel 1 and 2, but not for pixel 4x1, pixel 4x1 is faster then pixel PMG, solution: rewrite code :(


Isn't it possible, somehow, to send the graphics directly to the A800win emulator? Having both tools active, you could directly see the progress then, alike how buggy the zoom is?

Edited by emkay
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but i stll cannot save other files than BMPs.


save BMP or PNG only


first CTRL+S, select file extension type to BMP or PNG, click button SAVE


You got me wrong, I guess. I cannot save G2F or XEX files with the new version(s). It always saves a BMP file.

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try with shortcut, Save G2F = CTR+G, Save XEX = CTRL+X


hmm, strange, 'Save XEX' work fine with suggested file name


strg g works

strg x saves the file into the folder where g2f is. Not into the wanted folder.


but at least I can do some impression, since the shapes of the PM is not editable.


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To make it more clear :)


We have the possibility of using up to 88 colours per scanline. The missiles give the missing flexibility for fine colouring.

The result is the only way to have real 256 colour pictures... without interlace.... without flicker just stable colours.

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g2f 11.12.2008


PMG+GR9 + ZOOM (90%), changes in SaveDialog


Save to specific file still don't work. Last good version is probably 9.03.2008 (v3.8.5.7 march 2008)

New looks like: When i choose for example 1.xex - saved file is 1.xex but inside is png!, when 1.bmp - saved file is 1.bmp but inside is png, when g2f -saved file is 1.g2f but inside is still png.

Only way to save file in g2f or xex - in my situation - turn on in "special/save g2f/xex" and close program - very annoying. Because that i still use older version.

Edited by irwin
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Only way to save file in g2f or xex - in my situation - turn on in "special/save g2f/xex" and close program - very annoying. Because that i still use older version.


Irwin - I'm intensively using EVERY new version of G2F and haven't noticed this bug, because I ALWAYS have option "Save g2f/xex" switched on. It makes your life easier when you save g2f AND xex file in background. There is no problem with PNG and BMP files too. Thus, there is no serious reason to use older version (from March!).

Edited by Kaz atarionline.pl
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Only way to save file in g2f or xex - in my situation - turn on in "special/save g2f/xex" and close program - very annoying. Because that i still use older version.


Irwin - I'm intensively using EVERY new version of G2F and haven't noticed this bug, because I ALWAYS have option "Save g2f/xex" switched on. It makes your life easier when you save g2f AND xex file in background. There is no problem with PNG and BMP files too. Thus, there is no serious reason to use older version (from March!).

Hm. The latest version seem to work properly here for saving stuff now.


No Idea what happened with the verisons before.

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Irwin - I'm intensively using EVERY new version of G2F and haven't noticed this bug, because I ALWAYS have option "Save g2f/xex" switched on. It makes your life easier when you save g2f AND xex file in background. There is no problem with PNG and BMP files too. Thus, there is no serious reason to use older version (from March!).


Look at screen-videos:


test01.avi - newest official version 27.11.2008 - all files saved to bmp (or sometimes to png) with extension: filename.xxx(file type).bmp. All files is bmp, no matter what you choose at file save dialog. All this same size 230kb


test02.avi - newest version from today 11.12.2008 - all files saved to png, this time with proper extension: filename.xxx (file type) but all this same size 942 bytes and all is png inside.


For me is a serious reason to use older version. :twisted:



sorry for my simple english :)


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In the latest version the shortcuts seem to work properly, but when writing XEX, it always stores it into the folder of the G2F.EXE. The Interface for storing is still messed.

An I wonder why the changes happened in the Raster editing. The older was more comfortable.

It seems, in this mode the usage of PM still doesn't work when rasters been used.



Some adjustments on the picture.... (a bit nature, a bit virtuality ;) )


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