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Lynx GD not loading games

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Hi Guys,

My Lynx GD was working fine. Just got it out of storage again and now my games only load to the splash screen then they are frozen. Can't get any further. Real game cards work fine. I've formatted my 16GB SD card again (FAT32) and copied the games back onto it same issues. I'm on firmware 1.4 any ideas whats wrong? I don't think the issues is with my games as all games do the same.



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Hi! Sorry you're having problems.


I have to admit, this isn't an issue I've heard of before.


First stop is always cleaning the card edge. Some isopropyl alcohol and a clean cloth or q-tips is the best for this.


Next you can try the memory test to see if there are any issues. Press OPTION1 when it asks for the firmware update, now press OPTION2 on the firmware update screen. This will run a test to see if there are any issues with reading the onboard memory from the Lynx.


Start with that and we'll see how we get on. :) 

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Thanks for the reply. Memory tests good. I'm going to try formatting my SD card as FAT16 under Windows to see if that's the issue. I did format it under MacOS (FAT32). Can I update to firmware 1.6? If so Could you send me the link as the QR code does not work. Page does not exist anymore.



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Either FAT or FAT32 will work, as long as you can see the files on the Lynx, everything should be fine in that respect. I don't have any experience of doing this kind of thing with a Mac, but as long as it's just plain FAT or FAT32, everything should be fine.


There are two QR codes, make sure you're using the right one (you can switch between then with OPTION1). There will be a link at the bottom of the screen for the correct page, either type this in (be careful, I do realise the font can be sometimes be tricky to figure out the correct character!) or use the QR. The link is unique to your cartridge, so I can't send you a link to the update directly.


If you are still having issues getting the firmware link you can reset the cartridge and I can provide an initialisation update link if you let me know the serial number (the second page with QR code in the firmware update). There will also be a similar update link to before in this case.

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Right. I formatted as FAT16 and copied the games back from my "original" archive. That seemed to fix the issue. I've also updated firmware to 1.06 so on latest. Maybe the ROMS were corrupt? Strange. Many thanks for the support.



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