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2023 Harmony Games Div Round 3 Ports 4k and below game: Einväder

Dan Iacovelli

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Welcome to the  Atari Homebrew High Score Contest
Round 3: Best Port 4k(and below) Game: Einväder by Owen Cooper @Coopdevil
you can download the game and instruct ructions here: link

Here are the rules: Play on  Game Mode 4 until die.

 Scoring goes as follows:
 9pts for 1st place and 1pt for 10th place and after

This round begins on 5/8/2023 at  Noon Central and Ends on 6/11/2023 at 2pm Central*
Good Luck! 
Score can be submitted three ways Now:   

  1. via this  post on Atari Age (like normal)
  2. via Facebook on the Atari Video Club group (thread post will be set up)
  3. via the AVC Online website on the AH HSC page

*if we don't get more than 5 players (not counting myself)  before the round ends the round will extended one more week.

                                                  Name                   Score        Pts
Chris   @Teleprompter  30,000 9pts
                                               James @ZeroPage Homebrew    20,000 8pts
                                                 Tanya @ZeroPage Homebrew   7400 7pts
                                                   Mike  @littaum          2950         6pts
                                                Charles     @cwieland       2600       5pts
                                                    Dan I @Dan Iacovelli     1,500 4pts



Edited by Dan Iacovelli
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