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New IIGS Accelerator In Development


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On 5/7/2024 at 2:03 AM, SaturnGoddex said:

Keeping compatibility with real floppies is a big priority. It's a bit of a headache but I think dropping physical media is one plank too many for my ship of Theseus

Any update on this?

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  • 3 months later...

Just a quick update - reports of my death were mildly exaggerated :P I had some health stuff come up and had to take a break for a while, and when I came back to my prototype I realized it was enough of a rats nest that I wanted to go back to basics and start over


I made a much simpler accelerator for the regular 6502 and I'm happy with how that turned out, and it gave me a better working knowledge of how the bus on the 6502 family actually functions.


Now my plan is to build back up to the original goal incrementally, starting with just adapting a 3.3v 65816, then adding extra ram to it, and only then working on punching the clock speed and doing fancy video acceleration crud

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