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3 XB Games Released!


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                              I am pleased to make public 3 games that were made by me and my brother, almost 40 years ago. At that time we were two self-taught children who took our first steps programming in TI X-BASIC in Argentina.

Since then I have been a loyal fan of the TI scene and although I do not actively participate in the forum, I have always read you daily.

Two of these games are attempts to play classic arcade games, Frogger and Q*Bert. At that time when our father traveled to the USA we asked him to record with his camera and his VHS the novelties in the public arcades and then we tried to program it in our beloved TI 99/4 and later the TI 99/4A. The third is a Star-Trek game, a classic dogfight that requires the use of Joysticks.

I include in attachment a DSK file with the 3 programs and an auto loader that allows you to select each of the games. It can run both in an emulator and in real iron.


I hope you enjoy it


Best regards


Sebastian Magnasco


Edited by Tator
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If I can make a suggestion, if you can record individual videos of the games and post running them under emulation, I think it will always draw more attention and interest.  As it runs under emulation, I assume you can use the gaming record function of Windows (?) or whatever system you are using to avoid the use of a hand-held camera.


I rarely play any games myself, and those that I do are limited to about 2 games.  However, I do enjoy seeing what others have done.  




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Thank you for the feedback and suggestions. I did correct some offset pixels in the Frogger game ( Thank you Ciro!) and I am attaching the disk with the updated files.


I am also including some screenshots for reference and whenever I find the time will make a short video to showcase them as requested.


Thank you again for yor feedback!




Sebastian Magnasco







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