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Ian/Mark Keates' Lunar Lander


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Well the original was as strange thing as the first part was a normal binary which used for the loader screen and the second part was converted using a basic to cassette boot tool.

All that was done years ago and so I didn't have any code. However using the VCopy Blizzard tool I was able to extract the two blocks from the cassette image.


Then I converted to XEX files by replacing the cassette 6 byte header with and xex header and relevant INIT and RUN values.

By the nature of the first file chaining the second file, I was able to join the two files to make one and so replace that code with a delay and return.


However, there was still an issue and this is because the game file loads at $07BA and so does not play friendly with DOS and cart-based binary loaders.

So to avoid that I have employed Exomizer to decompress that area after loading it higher in memory. However that introduced a final issue.

The game uses a display list routine that was relocated to the Stack memory area ($100). This area is used by the Exomiser code and so the dlist code is lost.

So I had to add a final segment to the XEX chain to recall the code that copied it after the decompression and now the game will launch fine.


Best wishes,


Lunar Lander _ Keates, Ian.atr Lunar Lander _ Keates, Ian.xex

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