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4 minutes ago, jschultzpedersen said:

Drawing circles or parts of circles normally depend on the use of trig functions like SIN and COS. They are available in Extended Basic, but they are not supported by the compiler, because it only works with integers. Drawing entire circles can still be done easily with the equation x^2 + y^2 = r^2. But drawing parts of a circle is hard without the trig functions. This routine therefore always draws an entire circle. I should add that the manual for the compiler has an example of how to add your own SIN tables to a program. So, it can be done.


Of course, being Extended Basic - even compiled - it cannot compete speed wise with solutions in Forth or Assembler. But you do get pseudo HIRES graphics in the bargain - until you run out of ink, that is!




For what it's worth, The Missing Link lets you plot pixels, lines and circles in XB. The format is simple: CALL LINK("LINE",ROW1,COL1,ROW2,COL2) or CALL LINK("CIRCLE",ROW,COL,DIAMETER)

You will never run out of ink, and it can be compiled.

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Yes, my project with doing pseudo HIRES graphics in Extended Basic was because I was curious about the capabilities of regular Extended Basic. There are superior extensions like The Missing Link out there, and I have downloaded them, but I was trying to see, what I could do with 'straight' Extended Basic. Anyway, that was last year. This year I have spent my time on working with Forth, and lately I have turned to assembler. it is nice to be back after a break of 35 years! 🙂




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1 hour ago, jschultzpedersen said:



Yes, my project with doing pseudo HIRES graphics in Extended Basic was because I was curious about the capabilities of regular Extended Basic. There are superior extensions like The Missing Link out there, and I have downloaded them, but I was trying to see, what I could do with 'straight' Extended Basic. Anyway, that was last year. This year I have spent my time on working with Forth, and lately I have turned to assembler. it is nice to be back after a break of 35 years! 🙂




Welcome to Team Denmark. 🚴‍♂️

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15 hours ago, jschultzpedersen said:



Yes, my project with doing pseudo HIRES graphics in Extended Basic was because I was curious about the capabilities of regular Extended Basic. There are superior extensions like The Missing Link out there, and I have downloaded them, but I was trying to see, what I could do with 'straight' Extended Basic. Anyway, that was last year. This year I have spent my time on working with Forth, and lately I have turned to assembler. it is nice to be back after a break of 35 years! 🙂




That's the sort of thing that keeps most of us interested  - to see what sort of capabilities can be wrung out of the original hardware. There are some amazing things being done with standard TI BASIC and of course with TI XB as well.

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Team Nordic - that sounds good! I believe there was a good number of ti99 fans in Sweden earlier, judging by the 'Programbiten magazine' that flourished in the early nineties. I have downloaded most of them, and they kind of inspired me to write some articles for the TI*MES magazine - the TIUGUK user clubs bi-annual magazine. I find that writing articles for others is an excellent way to teach myself about a subject. And who knows... It might tempt others to dig out that old TI99 like I did and have some fun.

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14 hours ago, jschultzpedersen said:

I have downloaded most of them...

They are all here.

Yes, we were quite a few members once here in Sweden. Some are getting old, some have died. Claes Schibler, Sören Bernle, Sven Lundgren and Lars Thomasson are some who aren't with us any longer. Jan Alexandersson gave up his TI - I have his hardware now. You'll find my name in Programbiten too.

Together with Sören Bernle, Lennart Thelander and Sven Lundgren we once visited a TI meeting at the later infamous Gravenshoved kostskole. But at that time the school didn't have the reputation it would later get.

Edited by apersson850
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The TI99 was fairly big in Denmark too for a while. I started out buying a TI99 i 1982 - the first computer the shop sold to a customer. It did not take long before I was employed in the shop, running the computer sales dept. We sold hundreds of TI99, and we were probably the last place in Denmark, where you could buy TI99 games and equipment, since we bought all the stuff Texas had in storage, when they closed down. But eventually the C64 killed it off completely. Back then there was little software and information about the system was hard to get. Things have changed... Now I can get answers to all the questions I had then, and there are free software and hardware extensions, that goes beyond my wildest dreams then.


Is anyone aware of any active TI99 clubs in Denmark or Sweden? The TIUKUG (UK user group) has a small one day gathering on the 30. of Sept. near Leicester, but it is kind of too far away for me to contemplate. Any arrangements in Denmark or the southern parts of Sweden would suit me better, as they are within driving range.

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Lets see. If I get this right Traryd is located about a 100 km from the ferry between Denmark and Sweden, so it is well within the range of my electric car, even for a return trip. I lived for some years in Gothenburg back in the nineties. So I should be able to handle myself on the swedish roads. The same goes for a trip the other way if you care to visit me in my village close to Hillerød. I have a small confession - I do not drink alcohol. So schnapps is not an option for me. But do not let that stop others 🙂 In any case, it should be fun to meet a 'live' TI99 user.



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It sounds just right with such a distance. My current Leaf can do about 400 km at this time of year. I 'upgraded' it from my original Leaf, that I bought nearly nine years ago. That car could only do about 150 on a fully charged battery, which was as good as it gets then, but is rather limiting even in a small country like Denmark by current standards. The nice thing is that I run on solar power from my roof cells for most of the year. So driving it is dirt cheap!


I would love to do a one-day visit to see your 'slightly enhanced' setup. It would have to be a Saturday or Sunday. Just name a date.... You can write me at jesper@chessspot.dk.


If you could find time to visit me, I have a fairly basic TI99 setup with a PEB with 2 disk drives, 32 K and serial port. But perhaps I can tempt with my collection of old home computers of the same age as the TI99 :-)



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