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AMIS Code Breakdown by line numbers and logical grouping


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In my never-ending need to complete a project I started in 1981,  I started breaking down AMIS into its logical bits.
its here: https://github.com/rickcollette/amisbbs


posting here in case anyone was ever curious, but didn't wanna dig through and make notes along the way.


The why of it: AMIS sparked my career in a round about way.  I ran it for a long time, modifying it along the way. Lost code, sadly, but over the last couple of years I wanted to rebuild what I had - which was a stable bbs that was written in basic, and anyone could run, mod, etc.

So I am making yet another attempt at it.  Maybe this time it will go on to be something cool.. but I'm leaving the document trail as I go so that even if I don't get the end result I want, maybe someone else can use the information.

[edit] - this is a work in progress, also it is in github, so if anyone has anything they want to add to this, please do!

Edited by rickcollette
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