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Firmwares for Fujinet for Apple ][ manufactured by Masteries


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Here I will upload and maintain all the firmwares oriented

and tested for the Fujinet for Apple ][ model I manufacture:


Suitable for all units, from the older ones, to most recent!



=>Firmwares suitable for REV A hardware revision (REV A is the first version of the FujiApple),

these are the same as for REV B hardware revision:


Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing




=>Firmwares suitable for upgrade REV A hardware revision

(the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back,

but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder):



Firmware v1.1 :  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V6FNA9Sv6qn5T3kdlYBX_zAwcGgFGrvh/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1elNx2yRY1EcVt_S4ILmVQG2ytTgAocNn/view?usp=sharing





=>Firmwares suitable for REV B hardware revision (REV B is the latest hardware revision),

(these firmwares have the checking for the lack of one component disabled, due to this checking

is not compatible with all available versions of AHCT125 ic ) :



Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing




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1 hour ago, garycimera1968 said:

Good morning. Cool to see new firmware updates. I'm a bit confused (as always it seems). I just bought mine a few months ago for my GS. I'm pretty sure there is no soldered jumper wire. Which firmware update would I use? I dont want to brick mine. I love this cool device!

Greetings Gary,


Look at the back side of your unit, it will read REV A or REV B;

probably yours is a REV B, but is better to be sure



Also you can plug the USB wire at your PC/MAC computer and see the log file at Fujinet flasher

in order to view your current firmware version, but again, probably your firmware is 0.5.77bfa009



As far I tested, Firmware v1.0 works pretty well; SmartPort and Disk ][ have clearly differentiated slots,

and CP/M support works ok





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I was confused on how to load the firmware for my unmodified REV A until I realized that I needed to download a newer version of the Fuji Firmware Upgrade tool and then select custom file and point it to the zip file.  


Thanks for publishing the 1.1 version for Fujinet for your unmodified REV A.

Edited by djpoptart1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Update with Firmware v1.2!


For all hardware revision units


As far I tested, it works like a charm



=>Firmwares suitable for REV A hardware revision (REV A is the first version of the FujiApple),

these are the same as for REV B hardware revision:


Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing




=>Firmwares suitable for upgrade REV A hardware revision

(the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back,

but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder):


Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ffl7-1SCgafa0xo_55lc_jyOfQGvKhcX/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 :  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V6FNA9Sv6qn5T3kdlYBX_zAwcGgFGrvh/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1elNx2yRY1EcVt_S4ILmVQG2ytTgAocNn/view?usp=sharing





=>Firmwares suitable for REV B hardware revision (REV B is the latest hardware revision),

(these firmwares have the checking for the lack of one component disabled, due to this checking

is not compatible with all available versions of AHCT125 ic ) :


Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey @masteries!  Have you been able to build the latest firmware through VSCode and have Wi-Fi work?  I find that if I build from the current repository (as of November 17) with the Masteries switch enabled, the FN boots but fails to connect to Wi-Fi.  Loading your 1.2 firmware above makes Wi-Fi work again.  I'd appreciate if you could confirm if the latest build does the same for you, and if not, please confirm what switches you've selected to make it work.



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On 11/18/2023 at 3:44 AM, Solitaire01 said:

Hey @masteries!  Have you been able to build the latest firmware through VSCode and have Wi-Fi work?  I find that if I build from the current repository (as of November 17) with the Masteries switch enabled, the FN boots but fails to connect to Wi-Fi.  Loading your 1.2 firmware above makes Wi-Fi work again.  I'd appreciate if you could confirm if the latest build does the same for you, and if not, please confirm what switches you've selected to make it work.




Greetings Solitaire01,


A far I know, there is no more recent firmware than v1.2 in the current date

of this post,


The "Masteries SPI Fix switch" is only needed if you have a Revision A upgraded to Revision B

(the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back,

but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder).


If your unit is not a Rev. A upgraded to Rev. B, the enable of the cited switch will cause an input/output

pin selection mismatch, SD card will not operate.



Non upgraded REV. A or current REV. B (that is REV. 01 as officially numbered) do not require

Masteries SPI Fix switch,



Also, REV1 code check needs to be disabled, due to there are many AHCT125 ic models in the market,

and some of these ics are not well detected by cited check code.




As well, all these recent firmware compilations are based on using PIOx 6 for the ESP32 firmware build;

(as Fujinet team did)

there is an unexplored option fo generate the new firmwares using PIOx 3



The new ESP32 libraries reduced SD card compatibility,

that is not fun at all,



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The changes in the "fnSystem.cpp" file (located at   fujinet-platformio\lib\hardware ), to ensure the Fujinet selected pinout is always the same as the published schematic:




From line 662

    /* Apple 2 Rev 1 has pullup on IO4 for Safe Reset
       If found, enable spifix, no tristate and Safe Reset on GPIO4
    // fnSystem.set_pin_mode(GPIO_NUM_4, gpio_mode_t::GPIO_MODE_INPUT, SystemManager::pull_updown_t::PULL_UP);
    // rev1upcheck = fnSystem.digital_read(GPIO_NUM_4);
    // fnSystem.set_pin_mode(GPIO_NUM_4, gpio_mode_t::GPIO_MODE_INPUT, SystemManager::pull_updown_t::PULL_DOWN);
    // rev1downcheck = fnSystem.digital_read(GPIO_NUM_4);

    // if (rev1upcheck == rev1downcheck && rev1downcheck == DIGI_HIGH)
    // {
        // a2spifix = true;
        // a2no3state = true;
        // Debug_printf("FujiApple NO3STATE & SPIFIX ENABLED\r\n");

        // safe_reset_gpio = GPIO_NUM_4; /* Change Safe Reset GPIO for Rev 1 */
    // }


Probably a simple  a2spifix = true;  and a2no3state = false; will be enough as well


There are no esoteric changes, only ensure proper pinout selection,

due to tristate is present.






Also, the used switches for compilation remain the same, no modifications:


; FujiApple Rev 0 Prototype (ESP32-DEVKITC-VE 8MB Flash, 8MB PSRAM)
platform = espressif32@${fujinet.esp32_platform_version}
platform_packages = ${fujinet.esp32_platform_packages}
board = fujinet-v1-8mb
build_type = debug
build_flags =
    ;-D DBUG2 ; enable monitor messages for a release build
    ;-D EXTRA ; enable DRIVE2 pin as extra debugging signal for logic analyzer
    ;-D MASTERIES_SPI_FIX ; Hardware mod for Masteries Rev0
    ;-D NO3STATE ; no external tri-state on FN data out to A2, done internally
    ;-D REV1DETECT ; Only 3 people on earth need this enabled. You know who you are :P







Attached, these files


platformio.ini fnSystem.cpp

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  • 3 months later...

Update with Firmware v1.2.1!


For all hardware revision units


As far I tested, it works well



=>Firmwares suitable for REV A hardware revision (REV A is the first version of the FujiApple),

these are the same as for REV B hardware revision:


Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bG7bowHWJuyEz9VAKkNcVRcBnI59wGV/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing




=>Firmwares suitable for upgrade REV A hardware revision

(the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back,

but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder):


Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1io0UTw7FAiKTZiQ_-3t3Zo3J8RrMAD8X/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ffl7-1SCgafa0xo_55lc_jyOfQGvKhcX/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 :  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V6FNA9Sv6qn5T3kdlYBX_zAwcGgFGrvh/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1elNx2yRY1EcVt_S4ILmVQG2ytTgAocNn/view?usp=sharing





=>Firmwares suitable for REV B hardware revision (REV B label can be read at back side of FujiApple unit),

(these firmwares have the checking for the lack of one component disabled, due to this checking

is not compatible with all available versions of AHCT125 ic ) :


Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bG7bowHWJuyEz9VAKkNcVRcBnI59wGV/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing

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  • 1 month later...



I have a REV B that I am using with a Yellowstone card. It worked fine out of the box on Firmware v0.5.77bfa009. After flashing 1.2.1 I receive the error CHECK DISK DRIVE. I don't see Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 listed for REV B in this thread so I downloaded the REV A version of Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 and I still receive the CHECK DISK DRIVE error. What am I doing wrong? :)

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On 5/2/2024 at 7:53 AM, rexbinary said:



I have a REV B that I am using with a Yellowstone card. It worked fine out of the box on Firmware v0.5.77bfa009. After flashing 1.2.1 I receive the error CHECK DISK DRIVE. I don't see Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 listed for REV B in this thread so I downloaded the REV A version of Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 and I still receive the CHECK DISK DRIVE error. What am I doing wrong? :)




The v0.5.77bfa009 version can be flashed directly from the official flasher tool, selecting Apple II as platform, and selecting this firmware version;

due to it configures correctly the pinout.



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Updated with version 1.3



For all hardware revision units


As far I tested, it works well



=>Firmwares suitable for REV A hardware revision (REV A is the first version of the FujiApple),

these are the same as for REV B hardware revision:


Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHsd8ckvIk1L8ayuMTeR7IHaLhfLAv55/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bG7bowHWJuyEz9VAKkNcVRcBnI59wGV/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing




=>Firmwares suitable for upgrade REV A hardware revision

(the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back,

but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder):


Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f6qg_mBN8Wo_SJ4o6DAYU9P1bzIMsPKy/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1io0UTw7FAiKTZiQ_-3t3Zo3J8RrMAD8X/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ffl7-1SCgafa0xo_55lc_jyOfQGvKhcX/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 :  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V6FNA9Sv6qn5T3kdlYBX_zAwcGgFGrvh/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1elNx2yRY1EcVt_S4ILmVQG2ytTgAocNn/view?usp=sharing





=>Firmwares suitable for REV B hardware revision (REV B label can be read at back side of FujiApple unit),

(these firmwares have the checking for the lack of one component disabled, due to this checking

is not compatible with all available versions of AHCT125 ic ) :


Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHsd8ckvIk1L8ayuMTeR7IHaLhfLAv55/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bG7bowHWJuyEz9VAKkNcVRcBnI59wGV/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing









Quick How to flash firmware guidelines:







Fujinet update frontend software is located here: https://fujinet.online/download/


USB to COM driver, for CH340 USB chip based ESP32 boards:  https://sparks.gogo.co.nz/ch340.html





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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/24/2024 at 5:03 AM, BslBryan said:

They have located a crippling memory leak and have fixed it in the latest firmware. 

Can you please update your firmware to include this revision?


Thanks for the advice!


I will update the firmware list in some days



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Posted (edited)
On 5/24/2024 at 5:03 AM, BslBryan said:

They have located a crippling memory leak and have fixed it in the latest firmware. 

Can you please update your firmware to include this revision?


The last version available at Github is v1.3 that is already available to download and flash,

in the previous post to your last one;


The first post, or any post can´t be edited after a time; due to this, the last available list of firmwares

is usually posted at last position in this thread.



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On 5/24/2024 at 5:03 AM, BslBryan said:

They have located a crippling memory leak and have fixed it in the latest firmware. 

Can you please update your firmware to include this revision?


Oh!  I know what you are telling about, the compilation P. Puskari performed

of v1.4 (Pre-release)


The v1.4 code is not at github yet,


however, here is the .zip file from P.Puskari:




Updated with version 1.4(pre-release)



For Rev. A and Rev. B hardware revision units,

when the code is uploaded at github, I will try to compile

for all hardware revisions


As far I tested, it works well



=>Firmwares suitable for REV A hardware revision (REV A is the first version of the FujiApple),

these are the same as for REV B hardware revision:


Firmware v1.4 pre: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lTN9trIC506PGakSySBA6fnaogad_9uj/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHsd8ckvIk1L8ayuMTeR7IHaLhfLAv55/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bG7bowHWJuyEz9VAKkNcVRcBnI59wGV/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing




=>Firmwares suitable for upgraded REV A hardware revision

(the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back,

but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder):


Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f6qg_mBN8Wo_SJ4o6DAYU9P1bzIMsPKy/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1io0UTw7FAiKTZiQ_-3t3Zo3J8RrMAD8X/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ffl7-1SCgafa0xo_55lc_jyOfQGvKhcX/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 :  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V6FNA9Sv6qn5T3kdlYBX_zAwcGgFGrvh/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v0.5.77bfa009 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1elNx2yRY1EcVt_S4ILmVQG2ytTgAocNn/view?usp=sharing





=>Firmwares suitable for REV B hardware revision (REV B label can be read at back side of FujiApple unit),

(these firmwares have the checking for the lack of one component disabled, due to this checking

is not compatible with all available versions of AHCT125 ic ) :


Firmware v1.4 pre: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lTN9trIC506PGakSySBA6fnaogad_9uj/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHsd8ckvIk1L8ayuMTeR7IHaLhfLAv55/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bG7bowHWJuyEz9VAKkNcVRcBnI59wGV/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S16R1CJH-lCQrGdnq5kOMbn5snws0lvb/view?usp=drive_link

Firmware v1.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtIMIUGgZYRouATKP3oUh3WJIn_8th_a/view?usp=sharing

Firmware v1.0 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16UMjHlqC_aNxAdWib7JAEvFjyfrbvfUv/view?usp=sharing









Quick How to flash firmware guidelines  (v1.4 requires Fujinet flasher version 1.4.2):







Fujinet update frontend software is located here: https://fujinet.online/download/


USB to COM driver, for CH340 USB chip based ESP32 boards:  https://sparks.gogo.co.nz/ch340.html




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Because many folks have asked and there is much confusion, I am working on a way to have firmware for the Masteries boards built automatically when Github makes the official firmware releases. @masteries please confirm if I have this information correct. I'm a bit confused about your firmware releases above.


7 hours ago, masteries said:

=>Firmwares suitable for REV A hardware revision (REV A is the first version of the FujiApple),

these are the same as for REV B hardware revision:

^ this firmware works for Rev A (without SPI mod) and Rev B hardware. Requires the modifications in this post:


which is essentially: a2spifix = true and a2no3state = false


7 hours ago, masteries said:

=>Firmwares suitable for upgraded REV A hardware revision

(the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back,

but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder):

^ this firmware is for Rev A WITH SPI mod. Requires compiling firmware with MASTERIES_SPI_FIX flag, no other changes required

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Posted (edited)
On 6/10/2024 at 7:36 PM, mozzwald said:

Because many folks have asked and there is much confusion, I am working on a way to have firmware for the Masteries boards built automatically when Github makes the official firmware releases. @masteries please confirm if I have this information correct. I'm a bit confused about your firmware releases above.




=>Firmwares suitable for upgraded REV A hardware revision

(the upgrade can be identified easily, your unit will have REV A marked at back,

but there is also a copper wire soldered between the green board and one pin of the SD card holder):


On 6/10/2024 at 7:36 PM, mozzwald said:

^ this firmware is for Rev A WITH SPI mod. Requires compiling firmware with MASTERIES_SPI_FIX flag, no other changes required

Exactly, upgraded REV A are the ones with SPI mod in order to support CP/M mode.







^ this firmware works for Rev A (without SPI mod) and Rev B hardware. Requires the modifications in this post:


which is essentially: a2spifix = true and a2no3state = false


Yes, you are true; as well this needs to be commented, or at least not assigned in the way the sentence assign it


// safe_reset_gpio = GPIO_NUM_4; /* Change Safe Reset GPIO for Rev 1 */











Thanks for the effort taken at Fujinet team!


The answers are in bold letters, directly in the quoted post.



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Firmware is now being made in the nightly build. The only confirmed working test was on RevB hardware. Two firmwares are created:


RevA SPI Fix for RevA with SPI Fix bodge wire modification

RevAB for RevA or RevB




@masteries during testing on RevB hardware it was determined that Button C was actually connected to hard reset and not a GPIO pin on the ESP32. Is this correct? Can you provide PDF/JPG/PNG schematic for RevA and RevB hardware?

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Posted (edited)
On 6/12/2024 at 2:40 PM, mozzwald said:

Firmware is now being made in the nightly build. The only confirmed working test was on RevB hardware. Two firmwares are created:


RevA SPI Fix for RevA with SPI Fix bodge wire modification

RevAB for RevA or RevB




@masteries during testing on RevB hardware it was determined that Button C was actually connected to hard reset and not a GPIO pin on the ESP32. Is this correct? Can you provide PDF/JPG/PNG schematic for RevA and RevB hardware?


Attached you will find the schematics,


The second button is hardwired to hard reset in RevB, as you stated.


As well, if memory serves me well, the GPIO_IO4 is used to drive the enable/disable of the tristate gate,

in both schematics.



Note: The used micro SD card holder has 10k pull-up resistors,

not needed to be added manually. As well, all the USB part of

the original schematic is not needed due to the Lolin D32 Pro board

contains all these components. Lolin is somewhat expensive, but

saves hand labour time.


RevA schematic.JPG

RevB schematic.JPG

Edited by masteries
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Posted (edited)
On 6/17/2024 at 5:55 AM, rexbinary said:

What is it that lets the Masteries Fujinet with v0.5 installed work when plugged into a Yellowstone DB-19 connector? Is that something that could be built into newer firmwares?

Personally I would bet that it is because firmware versions prior to v1.0 use the PIO 3.x libraries (for the ESP32 micro) 
while from version 1.0 onwards PIO 6.x is used. And that introduces differences in the timing of the input/output signals, 
something that should be critical for Yellowstone cards.

It was also observed that the compatibility of SD cards is much broader with PIO 3.x than with PIO 6.x



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