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Atari Acquires Awesomenauts, Swords & Soldiers from Ronimo Games


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I wonder what they paid for it.


I felt that they both in action and words communicated they were interested in accumulating IPs and have deals with other retro- or indie-companies.


I see nothing surprising in this, if it was on auction (anyway) and could hold some game-value in it (thst is; game had/had some following, can be made into more in the future).


They’ve been open that they won’t stake this Atari on a single, big project - that they want to have some width to their undertakings.


To me, this is more IPs being gathered.


As production and releases can take 6 months to a year, it can be interesting to see where they go with all these retro-IPs, and whether they’ll be able to make some bigger money on it, so as to be able to pull off more heavy-duty projects in the future.


Will shares now rise within the next 48 hours…?

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[Update: David Lowey has provided some clarification on Atari’s reasoning behind acquiring these properties:

“We do think Awesomenauts and Swords & Soldiers are both strong games, and they were on Wade’s radar. When we found out that they were available it made the decision to acquire them easier.

Both games show off Ronimo’s sense of humor, their ability to create compelling characters and stories, and their game design. They were received very positively when they were released, and they continue to support an active player base and community of fans. So, we think they are a good addition to Atari’s portfolio, and we will explore ways to continue to support and commercialize the existing games and the underlying IP.

We have only announced the acquisition of the games, trademarks, and the underlying intellectual property. As of now, we have nothing to share regarding ongoing collaboration with the team members at the studio.”

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This news is also present on Dutch news sites as Ronimo games was a Dutch company. According to the article Ronimo filed for bankruptcy in August of this year. On a Dutch auction site people can make bids on their inventory of equipment. The curator is selling everything at the moment, so Ronimo as a developer does not exist anymore.


source: https://tweakers.net/nieuws/214956/atari-neemt-ips-van-awesomenauts-swords-en-soldiers-over-van-nederlandse-studio.html


auction: https://www.troostwijkauctions.com/a/faillissement-ronimo-games-b-v-A1-15242




Edited by Fred_M
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