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Are they still making these?


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Got it! In the build-instructions.md file, I found the build command, "pyinstaller -F -w -n ESPHome-Flasher -i icon.icns esphomeflasher/__main__.py", and that built a working executable. In linux, icon is not supported, but it doesn't appear to do any harm.


This is the build command I settled on:

pyinstaller -F -w -n esphomeflasher esphomeflasher/__main__.py

Then I just copy esphomeflasher from the dist directory to /usr/bin.


It's not "seeing" my serial ports, but I'll fix that if I get one.

Edited by invisible kid
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I think I have serial support turned on:

  │ │    <*> Serial ATA and Parallel ATA drivers (libata)  --->           │ │  


But it does look like will have to turn on my parallel port and recompile(unrelated to this issue):

  │ │    < > Parallel port support  ----                                  │ │  


I have two serial ports I believe, one provided by the motherboard, and a another serial and parallel port via pci card. I'm not seeing the serial and the parallel on the pci card, but the one from the motherboard seems to be accessible:

esphomeflasher -p /dev/ttyS0 fujinet-ATARI-v1.2.0.zip
Using '/dev/ttyS0' as serial port.
Using '460800' as baud rate.
Starting firmware upgrade...
File 1: bootloader.bin, Offset: 0x1000
File 2: partitions.bin, Offset: 0x8000
File 3: firmware.bin, Offset: 0x10000
File 4: spiffs.bin, Offset: 0x910000
FujiNet Version: v1.2
Version Date: 2023-10-14 18:40:00
Git Commit: 4c184943

I'm thinking if I get one, it would work. Which brings up a question. If it does work, would I be able to use one of your dev versions?

Edited by invisible kid
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