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Ben from Plaion

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Tell me what game you'd like to see released by Atari in the future for the 2600+, an old re-issue, a homebrew, an enhanced re-issue, a brand new game, a downport, whatever.


How about a cart (possibly with dip-switches) that has both 2600 and 7800 version of the same game, such as  2600 Asteroids and 7800 Asteroids?

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2 hours ago, Zoyous said:

2600 - new sequels to Yars' Revenge and Adventure

7800 - Toobin' (I know it requires licensing, or ideally Atari acquiring the Atari Games portfolio)

Good luck getting WB to acknowledge any Midway/Atari Games IP other than MK. The last time they even released a compilation was over 10 years ago. 



Like, A rampage enhanced edition was one of the first things to come to mind, or even an official Robotron port to the 2600... But I just know that'll never happen (hence Black Widow). 

Space Invaders or Battlezone are probably more likely to happen vs WB.

Edited by Warboss Gegguz
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11 minutes ago, ls650 said:

Tell me what game you'd like to see released by Atari in the future for the 2600+, an old re-issue, a homebrew, an enhanced re-issue, a brand new game, a downport, whatever.


How about a cart (possibly with dip-switches) that has both 2600 and 7800 version of the same game, such as  2600 Asteroids and 7800 Asteroids?

Ohh, I like this suggestion. Need to make space on my a shelf.


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17 minutes ago, ls650 said:

Tell me what game you'd like to see released by Atari in the future for the 2600+, an old re-issue, a homebrew, an enhanced re-issue, a brand new game, a downport, whatever.


How about a cart (possibly with dip-switches) that has both 2600 and 7800 version of the same game, such as  2600 Asteroids and 7800 Asteroids?

There is cost impact on having multigame dip switch cartridge with different k sizes. Thats why all games on the 10in1 and 4in1 cartridge are all iirc 2k or 4k only. Need to keep SRPs as low as possible.

Edited by Ben from Plaion
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I normally avoid collectors editions, but one of the early suggestions of the SwordQuest games made me think about what would it take to get me to buy:


1.  My estimate of retail price at $100 -$150, depending on what is included

2.  All 4 games on a dip switch cart like the paddle games one

3.  Include all 4 manuals and all 4 comic books (If Airworld doesn't have these yet, they should be created)

4.  Work with Boss Fight Studios using their Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. 1/18 system to make Torr and Tarra action figures.  The Earthworld outfits are probably the best for this package.  There are figures like the Tarzan ones or Fantasy or Greek that could be used for the base.

5.  Also have Boss Fight create the 5 prizes in 1/18 scale for the figures to play with.  This way all of us get to pretend that we won.





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I know it's not likely to happen due to licensing issues, but a re-release of Space Invaders would make my year, perhaps with a few enhancements to make it really special.


Nostalgia is such a strong thing - it's the first video game I ever played as a 13 year-old kid, and I continued to play it for literally hundreds of hours.

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Index of /stuff/collections/nir_dary_cds/ATARI 2600


More seriously:

*1-player versions of early cartridges that were originally 2-player only (or mostly 2-player), like Combat, Street Racer, Video Olympics, Slot Racers, etc.


*A port of Qwak! that uses the XE light gun.


*Compilation/s of [ports of] all the games from Atari's standalone console lineup - Super Pong, Ultra Pong, Stunt Cycle, and Video Pinball, with all the variations and difficulty options.


*A Paratrooper-type game that uses the paddle controllers. (Commando Raid and M.A.D. by U.S. Games were so close to being really good but the joystick control holds them back.)


*A port of Blue Max.

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MEDIEVAL MAYHEM (no enhancements needed. Already perfect!)


You want more paddle games, right?

If you go back to the basics with the Atari 2600+ and therefore also the (offline) group gaming experience, there is no way around Medieval Mayhem. Not only is it the best 4-player game on the Atari, it is certainly still (2023) one of the best party games ever made! Easily in a series with names like Bomberman, Mario Kart or NHL94! 

Since this game was released, it has become an integral part of my and my friends' annual "game session". And this despite the fact that we have certainly tried out over 150 offline party games over the last 20 years 🙂 

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I’d love to see a tie-in with a fun, nostalgic brand, really embracing that feeling we all had as kids, while also delivering a fun game that is worth delivering to both a new audience along with those of us who loved it as kids.


For the sake of fun, I’ll ignore licensing issues. 🤣 


With that criteria, I say Kool-Aid Man. Fun game, and for many of us, few names take us back to childhood like Kool-Aid. That, to me, really speaks to what the 2600+ project is all about.

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I'd like to see Atari try to get rights for a 2600+/7800 version of The Dreadnaught factor, by Activision.


Heck, it would also be cool to see if Activision would go for a compilation cart of their games like Atari did with the 10 in one that ships with the system.    

Edited by Thran
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Not a game, but the d-pad 7800 controllers!


An updated Pinball would be great. I still play the original from time to time. Not Midnight Magic.  In the same vein of the original.


Of course, multi-carts are always welcome. Thinking along the lines of M-Network game and Real Sports games.



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