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RXB 2024 update


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1 hour ago, Gary from OPA said:

Bad download? Try a different source for the files. Also try a fresh sdcard with only those files on it. I had issues the other day with flashrom99 and it was the sdcard. I ordered a finalgrom99 it arrives early next week I will try it myself and see.

Bad Download? 

Why would it work fine in Classic99 and not in FinalGROM?

All I did was copy the file from Desktop/Download folder to FinalGROM?

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1 hour ago, Asmusr said:

XB29GEM_8.bin is not the same as XB29GEMC.BIN.

Hmm XB2.9 GEM is not the same set up as RXB 2023 that only has 3 ROMS.

XB 2.9 GEM has multiple ROM pages like 12 or more.

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1 minute ago, RXB said:

Hmm XB2.9 GEM is not the same set up as RXB 2023 that only has 3 ROMS.

XB 2.9 GEM has multiple ROM pages like 12 or more.

Eh? You haven't renamed the file correctly for the FinalGROM. It should be  XB29GEMC.BIN not XB29GEM_8.bin.

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41 minutes ago, Asmusr said:

Eh? You haven't renamed the file correctly for the FinalGROM. It should be  XB29GEMC.BIN not XB29GEM_8.bin.

8.bin is a format in Classic99 explained for using those files.

In Classic99 docs it says 378 format is reverse loading format. i.e. 8.bin is reverse loading format.

RXB 2023 uses C.bin format and is normal loading format like GRAMKRACKER lower to higher loading.


No change no matter what I try? Can not get FinalGROM to run XB2.9GEM


I have tried every single suggestion so far with no luck of XB 2.9 GEM doing anything but locking up.

SuperXB works fine, XB3 works fine also!

Edited by RXB
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44 minutes ago, RXB said:

8.bin is a format in Classic99 explained for using those files.

In Classic99 docs it says 378 format is reverse loading format. i.e. 8.bin is reverse loading format.

RXB 2023 uses C.bin format and is normal loading format like GRAMKRACKER lower to higher loading.


No change no matter what I try? Can not get FinalGROM to run XB2.9GEM


I have tried every single suggestion so far with no luck of XB 2.9 GEM doing anything but locking up.

SuperXB works fine, XB3 works fine also!


Rename the two files in the XB2.9Gem zip into XB29GEM_G.bin as XB29GEMG.bin and XB29GEM_8.bin as XB29GEMC.bin.

Drop them into the FinalGrom99 SD card, maybe right now at the root level. If you cannot get XB256 to boot into the cursor when you press the appropriate letter, then you are either having a FG99 issue, SD card issue, or a TI994/a issue, as the files are working for others here on the forum to include myself.

Maybe try another SD card first or another FG99, if you have more than one. If the issue persists, then I would start at the cartridge port, cleaning it throughly.

If that doesn't fix it you may have a hardware issue. 

Edited by RickyDean
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1 minute ago, Reciprocating Bill said:

I see that the version of XB 2.9 makes a BIG difference with this task. E.g. version 2.920240104 is more than 10x faster than 2.920220317.


So, we need to be specific about which versions are involved when making these comparisons. 

Yea using that version.

Found the problem was reformatted 4Gig SD card no luck.

Used FinalGROM update 1.3 EPROM and replaced SD card with 4 Gig one and new image.


So got it to work in TI99/4A console with no 32K or 32K. (Of course I have a 1Meg AMS not a 32K)

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For some strange reason I can not edit that post above and it posted the wrong video????






XB vs XB3 vs XB 2.9 GEM vs RXB 2024



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So using the same timing routine as above I have added some Assembly to RXB 2024

to speed up some routines and here are the times:


 XB     XB3     XBGEM    RXB   command
 5:9    5:8     5:9      5:7   CALL SPRITE  
 5:22   5:22    5:31     5:9   CALL POSITION
 3:9    3:9     3:9      3:24  CALL DELSPRITE
 6:22   6:23    6:22     5:33  CALL DELSPRITE(ALL)
 3:8    3:17    3:17     3:4   CALL PATTERN
 4:4    4:4     4:4      4:17  CALL LOCATE 
 4:44   4:44    4:44     4:41  CALL MOTION
 6:5    6:6     6:6      6:1   CALL DISTANCE
 6:25   6:25    6:24     6:19  CALL COINC
 3:0    3:0     3:0      3:4   CALL COINC(ALL)
 4:33   4:15    4:15     4-24  CALL COLOR

For those routines that are slower I need to find sections to make into Assembly.


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RXB 2024 update on timing some routings on XB, XB3, XBGEM and RXB 2024

110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK"
120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$
130 FOR C=1 TO 10000
150 NEXT C
160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$
170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$
180 END 

   XB       XB3     XBGEM     RXB   command
  11:5      9:10     3:11     3:21  CALL CHAR(65,"FFFFFFFF")
2:57:15    34:18     5:33     4:42  CALL CHAR(65,Z$) ! LENGTH 64
  11:32     7:19     4:1      4:5   CALL CHARPAT(65,Z$)
  32:44     33:6  1:11:47     4:8   CALL CHARSET
   3:49     3:29     3:43     3:41  CALL CLEAR
   6:25     6:25     6:24     6:19  CALL COINC(#1,20,20,8,Z)
   3:0      3:0      3:0      3:4   CALL COINC(ALL)
   N/A      N/A      N/A      7:26  CALL COLLIDE(#1,20,20,8,X,Y)
   4:33     4:15     4:15     4:24  CALL COLOR(1,2,8)
   3:9      3:9      3:9      2:36  CALL DELSPRITE(#1)
   6:22     6:23     6:22     5:33  CALL DELSPRITE(ALL)
   6:5      6:6      6:6      6:1   CALL DISTANCE(#1,20,20,Z)
   6:6      3:7      4:10     4:2   CALL GCHAR(1,1,Z)
   4:11     3:1      4:5      4:17  CALL HCHAR(1,1,65)
4:37:35  4:39:17     9:31     7:33  CALL HCHAR(1,1,65,768)
   5:0      3:2      5:6      5:7   CALL JOYST(1,X,Y)
   4:37     3:25     4:38     5:2   CALL KEY(1,K,S)
   4:4      4:4      4:4      4:17  CALL LOCATE(#1,20,20)
   2:17     2:11     2:14     2:14  CALL MAGNIFY(1)
   4:44     4:44     4:44     4:41  CALL MOTION(#1,20,20)
   3:8      3:17     3:17     3:4   CALL PATTERN(#1,66)
   5:22     5:22     5:31     5:9   CALL POSITION(#1,20,20)
   3:44     2:11     2:6      2:17  CALL SCREEN(5)
   5:9      5:8      5:9      5:7   CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,10,10)
   3:55     3.0      4:5      4:17  CALL VCHAR(1,1,65)
4:30:22  4:30:41    18:29    21:3   CALL VCHAR(1,1,65,768)

Now CALL COLLIDE is a RXB command is Assembly and unlike COINC gives the exact location of a SPRITE collision of dot-row and dot-column

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Well more update tests with more times:

110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK"
120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$
130 FOR C=1 TO 10000
150 NEXT C
160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$
170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$
180 END 

   XB       XB3     XBGEM     RXB   command
  11:5      9:10     3:11     3:21  CALL CHAR(65,"FFFFFFFF")
2:57:15    34:18     5:33     4:42  CALL CHAR(65,Z$) ! LENGTH 64
  11:32     7:19     4:1      4:5   CALL CHARPAT(65,Z$)
  32:44     33:6  1:11:47     4:8   CALL CHARSET
   3:49     3:29     3:43     3:41  CALL CLEAR
   6:25     6:25     6:24     6:19  CALL COINC(#1,20,20,8,Z)
   3:0      3:0      3:0      3:4   CALL COINC(ALL)
   4:33     4:15     4:15     4:24  CALL COLOR(1,2,8)
   3:9      3:9      3:9      2:36  CALL DELSPRITE(#1)
   6:22     6:23     6:22     5:33  CALL DELSPRITE(ALL)
   6:5      6:6      6:6      6:1   CALL DISTANCE(#1,20,20,Z)
   6:6      3:7      4:10     4:2   CALL GCHAR(1,1,Z)
   4:11     3:1      4:5      4:17  CALL HCHAR(1,1,65)
4:37:35  4:39:17     9:31     7:33  CALL HCHAR(1,1,65,768)
   5:0      3:2      5:6      5:7   CALL JOYST(1,X,Y)
   4:37     3:25     4:38     5:2   CALL KEY(1,K,S)
   4:4      4:4      4:4      4:17  CALL LOCATE(#1,20,20)
   2:17     2:11     2:14     2:14  CALL MAGNIFY(1)
   4:44     4:44     4:44     4:41  CALL MOTION(#1,20,20)  
   3:8      3:17     3:17     3:4   CALL PATTERN(#1,66)
   5:22     5:22     5:31     5:9   CALL POSITION(#1,20,20)
   3:44     2:11     2:6      2:17  CALL SCREEN(5)
   5:9      5:8      5:9      5:7   CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,10,10)
   3:55     3.0      4:5      4:17  CALL VCHAR(1,1,65)
4:30:22  4:30:41    18:29    21:3   CALL VCHAR(1,1,65,768)
  14:17    10:10    15:42    11:50  CALL JOYLOCATE(1,X,Y,8,8,#1,RW,CL,K) GOTO 
  15:53    10:20    15:3     10:2   CALL JOYMOTION(1,X,Y,#1,9,9,K) GOTO
   7:7      5:11     7:7      9:33  CALL ONKEY("ABC",1,K,S) GOTO 1,2,3
   N/A      N/A      N/A      7:26  CALL COLLIDE(#1,20,20,8,X,Y)
   N/A      N/a     10:31    11:39  CALL MOVES("RR",1024,8192,12288) 
90 CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,20,20) :: XL,YL=20
110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK"
120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$
130 FOR C=1 TO 10000
:: IF K=18 THEN 150
150 NEXT C
160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$
170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$
180 END
90 CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,20,20) :: XL,YL=20
110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK"
120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$
130 FOR C=1 TO 10000
140 CALL JOYST(1,X,Y) :: CALL MOTION(#1,X*9,Y*9) :: CALL KEY(1,K,S) 
:: IF K=18 THEN 150
150 NEXT C
160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$
170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$
180 END
90 CALL SPRITE(#1,65,2,20,20) :: XL,YL=20
110 OPEN #1:"CLOCK"
120 INPUT #1:A$,B$,C$
130 FOR C=1 TO 10000
140 CALL KEY(1,K,S) :: IF K=65 THEN 150 ELSE IF K=66 THEN 150 ELSE IF 
K=67 THEN 150 ELSE 150
150 NEXT C
160 INPUT #1:D$,E$,F$
170 PRINT A$,D$:B$,E$,C$,F$
180 END

Guess next step is just to release RXB 2024 and start work on RXB Integer only which I will call RXBI just to make it simple.

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RXBBALL < program file works with classic99 / js99er


I made a little program using the latest RXB2024 .... its a bouncing ball (Again!) but this time using Rich's CALL IO and "Crash" sound effect, which plays whilst the program executes with no delay to the program.  




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6 hours ago, SteveB said:

The usual question from me ... are there any new subroutines to CALL ? Just asking if I need to update the TiCodEd RXB library file.

No same commands as RXB 2023, just more that have been updated to Assembly or more Assembly added to speed them up.

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I was told that RXB 2024A has a problem with CALL CHARSET(ALL) and CALL SCREEN("ON") and CALL SCREEN("OFF")

So I fixed these in RXB 2024B


Now I have noticed a ERROR in RXB 2020 and 2021 and 2022 that no one ever noticed so thanks for anyone that is debugging RXB for me.

(Atrax27407 I always give credit where credit is due, again thanks)



RXB 2024B.zip

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