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How many XE carts are there?


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I am referring to Atari blue label carts that came in the small blue boxes during the XEGS period.


Has anybody seen a title other than these?


  • RX8031 Donkey Kong (ex rare!)

RX8039 Eastern Front

RX8063 Rescue on Fractalus

RX8064 Ballblazer

RX8077 Battlezone

RX8078 Star Raiders II

RX8079 Food Fight

RX8081 Blue Max

RX8082 Lode Runner

RX8083 David's Midnight Magic

RX8084 Hardball

RX8085 Fight Night

RX8086 Barnyard Blaster

RX8087 Bug Hunt

RX8088 Crossbow

RX8089 Desert Falcon


RX8091 Flight Simulator II

RX8092 Archon

RX8093 One-on-One Basketball

RX8095 Karateka

RX8096 Choplifter!

RX8098 Summer Games

RX8099 Ace of Aces

RX8101 Dark Chambers

RX8102 Crystal Castles (ex rare!)

RX8103 Mario Bros.

RX8104 Crime Buster

RX8108 Necromancer

RX8109 Airball

RX8113 Thunderfox

RX8114 Into the Eagle's Nest


BTW- That's 32 altogether.

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I know of at least two others, but I don't know if they exist beyond the prototype or not. Atari Explorer magazine did "previews" of the games. The two I remember for sure are Deflector and Xenophobe. Deflector I believe was a sort of chess game where you positioned mirrors and prisms and shot a laser cannon trying to shoot your opponents cannon around obstructions or "pieces" using the mirrors&prisms. The graphics looked good and I think it might even be available for file download off the net. Xenophobe should need no introduction, as I recall it looked like the 7800 version with the natural drop in color. I vaguely remember other titles being previewed in that issue of A.E. or others around that time. I may still have the issue, so I'll check.

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Of those 32 carts, I only have 22 of them, plus the "XE Demo Cartridge", although I'm not sure how authentic it is (it has a silver label with blue printing, I believe). I also have a Football in an XE cart (it has a gray label). The carts I need from the above list are:


Donkey Kong

Eastern Front

Lode Runner




Summer Games

Dark Chambers

Crime Buster



According to Andrew Krieg's Atari 8-bit cartridge list (which he seems to update on a fairly regular basis), Xenophobe was never released in cartridge form and Deflector isn't even in his list. The XE Demo Cart is listed, though.




[ 10-10-2001: Message edited by: Albert ]

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The XE Demo is real. Atari sent these to dealers. But, as noted, its a silver label and technically not a released cart, so I did not include it in the list.


There are also grey case, silver label carts. Football, Jungle Hunt, Pole Position etc were re-issued for the XEGS in that form, but I wasn't referring to those either.


I have the Explorer with the Xenophobe and Deflector reviews. It sounds like they were already available! Unfortunately, they were never released, AFAIK. BTW- Anyone have the RX8xxx catalog #s for those?


Part of the reason for my original question: In the label variation section, Andrew Krieg lists:

  • Jungle Hunt grey case, blue label

Moon Patrol grey case, blue label

Super Breakout grey case, blue RX8006 label


Never seen or heard of these. Perhaps someone got them mixed up with the grey case, silver carts? Anybody seen them?

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I too, found the article and it does seem to portray them as already out, with screen shots and review. Also though, I noticed that this is the NOV/DEC '86 issue and I don't believe the XEGS was released until '87. So these carts, had they been released, may or may not have been cased and packaged as XE carts. It's too bad they weren't released with labels, box&manual, regardless of the style (XE or pre). I do think I'll pick them up from Bruce though, now that I've been reminded of them. He's got a few other never -released 8-bit/XEGS carts too. So does Video61 for that matter and I wouldn't be surprised if Best E. has some as well.

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Never mind about what I wrote above, I discovered that I had a couple of magazine covers mixed up and the articles are indeed in a 1990 issue of Atari Explorer and probably would ahve been two of the last games mad for the XEGS had they been released.

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Can scan it when I get time. (Gunstar, feel free to do it if convenient.) I wonder if they actually had a cart or disk of the program for review. Or was it just Atari hype.


Okay I think its 32 XE carts. Will consider the other three label variations listed as mistakes. Well, unless one shows up . This thread mentions gray case, silver labels. Sometime, I'll try to compile a list of those and bug everybody again.

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  • 7 months later...

Does anyone have the B&C Deflektor cart? Is is complete? Any good? Deflektor was shown at CES in 1989 (June?). Atari also showed Xenophobe and Midimmaze (early version). Deflector, Xenophobe, Tower Toppler, Ninja Golf and Commando were all promised by the end of 1989. Have never seen Xenophobe at all, but you would think a nearly completed version exists.

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I have Deflektor and it seems complete. It's alot of fun, but very hard.


As for the others...


Tower Toppler - I believe they found this prototype, but for some reason it was B&W only. I know there was a strange story about this like they found them in a warehouse in England or something.


Midi Maze - I've seen and played it (I know someone who has the original proto). It was really strange, basically it's doom with smiley faces. I believe it was released on the SNES as Faceball or something like that. It looked damn good for a XEGS game.


Mean 18 - Ick! I know someone who has several EPROMs for this game, and it sucks big time! The graphics look like an Atari 400/800 16K game, and the load time was horrendous. I can't believe the game I saw was ready for release!


I've never seen Xenophobe, Ninja Golf, or Commando, but Bruce told me had had Xenophobe so I believe him. I thought he had Commando and Mat Mania too, but I might be mistaken.



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Tower Toppler - I believe they found this prototype, but for some reason it was B&W only. I know there was a strange story about this like they found them in a warehouse in England or something.


Well, the program is by Hewson/US Gold in the UK, so that part is not surprising. The story, IIRC, was that Atari UK bought the rights. Then Atari US wanted a cartridge for XEGS instead of a tape as originally planned. They also changed the name which was originally "Nebulus" (sp?). Another one that should have been totally finished.

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Both the cart and ROM image of Tower Toppler that I have are incomplete as far as I can tell - there is garbage graphics for the "flying" aliens...


The game is in Antic F, for the most part, with some multicolor terrain in the "fish" stages (which are truly awful since the sub and fish are limited to the default mode 8 blue upper section!). So on PAL is mostly monochrome, but on NTSC it has Artifacted colors (pretty ugly both ways).


Its slow compared to the C64 original, since the 8bit version is done totally with software sprites and the C64 version uses hardware sprites, and LOTS of color too :-(


Overall 8bit TT is a bit naff and I can see why it was not released - they should have done it MUCH better, and could have for sure...



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