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Confused by font data addressing


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I'm realizing that I'm not accessing the font bitmap data correctly and that's causing some ROMs to look completely wrong on load.


I realize that I've been lucky with Centipede (and a couple of others) in that the font data is properly addressable even with my broken approach which was simply:


 (CHBASE << 8 + fontName * 8 + slice)

(where slice is the section through the font data for the scan line)


This is quite different from the actual addressing mode which is a more complex arrangement of

CHBASE (7 or 6 bits) << 8 + fontName (6 or 7 bits) << 3 + slice.


However switching to that makes things worse rather than better! I think I'm still not grokking it correctly, but the address I'm creating seems to match the documentation at least.

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The thing to realize about ANTIC is that it has no adder, so it can only create addresses by simple logic and incrementers. The address used to fetch character data is created just by routing bits from CHBASE, the current character name, and the row (delta) counter.


Pac-Man changes CHBASE from $E0 to $30 mid-screen via a DLI after the status bar. But yeah, that's not your only problem, because the character names clearly aren't right either. The maze is stored at $C00 as a normal-width IR mode 4 playfield which should have this data:




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Yeah - that looks like a maze. I believe I'm servicing the DLI appropriately (giving it cycles on the last scan line of the mode requesting it and then releasing WSYNC and giving it some more cycles to finish it off), but I guess something is going wrong as I'm definitely not getting the new font or the new data address (though that should just come in the regular DL instructions of course).


OK time for some more test cases to explore that behavior. And thanks again for your invaluable help.

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DLI shouldn't matter -- as you mention the screen address is changed purely by the display list alone, so even with the DLI simply disabled you would get this:




It looks like the screen at $0C00 is created by an RLE decompression routine, so you may have a CPU problem.

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3 minutes ago, phaeron said:

It looks like the screen at $0C00 is created by an RLE decompression routine, so you may have a CPU problem

Hmm - not sure about the CPU issue as I've got tests for every instruction, though perhaps? I imagine that's all uncompressed as part of load and doesn't require an ISR I'm not handling? But definitely something has gone amiss.

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I've found some Pac-Man source and I'm not seeing the RLE you mention? It seems like it's just copying the maze data to the 0xC00 screen ram?




From here: https://atariwiki.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=PAC-MAN (specifically PAC3.ASM)

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5 minutes ago, phaeron said:

The maze screen gets copied from $0800 to $0C00, but it's decompressed to $0800 first. Looks like the linked source is for the disk version, which doesn't seem to have the compression logic.


Ah! I guess I need to work on disassembling the ROM so I can follow along and find out where things are going off the rails. Appreciate the assist as always!

Edited by robus
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This seems to be the chunk of code that differs from the Disk version:


A3A8   A9 00                LDA #$00
A3AA   85 3E                STA $3E
A3AC   A9 08                LDA #$08
A3AE   85 3F                STA $3F
A3B0   A9 E1                LDA #$E1
A3B2   85 3C                STA $3C
A3B4   A9 A1                LDA #$A1
A3B6   85 3D                STA $3D
A3B8   A0 00                LDY #$00
A3BA   B1 3C      LA3BA     LDA ($3C),Y
A3BC   85 2A                STA $2A
A3BE   30 02                BMI LA3C2
A3C0   10 2B                BPL LA3ED
A3C2   C9 FF      LA3C2     CMP #$FF
A3C4   F0 30                BEQ LA3F6
A3C6   24 2A                BIT $2A
A3C8   70 11                BVS LA3DB
A3CA   29 7F                AND #$7F
A3CC   AA                   TAX
A3CD   20 9E A6             JSR $A69E
A3D0   20 9C A6             JSR $A69C
A3D3   20 A5 A6   LA3D3     JSR $A6A5
A3D6   CA                   DEX
A3D7   10 FA                BPL LA3D3
A3D9   30 DF                BMI LA3BA
A3DB   29 3F      LA3DB     AND #$3F
A3DD   20 A5 A6             JSR $A6A5
A3E0   20 9E A6             JSR $A69E
A3E3   20 AE A6             JSR $A6AE
A3E6   20 A5 A6             JSR $A6A5
A3E9   B1 3C                LDA ($3C),Y
A3EB   29 0F                AND #$0F
A3ED   20 A5 A6   LA3ED     JSR $A6A5
A3F0   20 9E A6             JSR $A69E
A3F3   4C BA A3             JMP $A3BA
A3F6   A9 95      LA3F6     LDA #$95
A3F8   85 3C                STA $3C
A3FA   A9 BE                LDA #$BE
A3FC   85 3D                STA $3D
A3FE   A9 00                LDA #$00
A400   85 3E                STA $3E
A402   A9 A6                LDA #$06
A4A4   85 3F                STA $3F
A4A6   A0 00                LDY #$00
A408   A2 00                LDX #$00
A40A   20 AE A6   LA40A     JSR $A6AE
A40D   20 A5 A6             JSR $A6A5
A410   20 9C A6             JSR $A69C
A413   29 0F                AND #$0F
A415   20 A5 A6             JSR $A6A5
A418   E8                   INX
A419   D0 EF                BNE LA40A
A41B   A9 03                LDA #$03
A41D   85 3C                STA $3C
A41F   A9 A0                LDA #$A0
A421   85 3D                STA $3D
A423   A9 00                LDA #$00
A425   85 3E                STA $3E
A427   A9 30                LDA #$30
A429   85 3F                STA $3F
A42B   20 68 A6             JSR $A668
A42E   A9 13                LDA #$13
A430   85 3C                STA $3C
A432   A9 BE                LDA #$BE
A434   85 3D                STA $3D
A436   A9 08                LDA #$08
A438   85 3E                STA $3E
A43A   A9 18                LDA #$18
A43C   85 3F                STA $3F
A43E   20 68 A6             JSR $A668

And calling a bunch of subroutines in the process. But I can see right at the beginning that it's loading 0x0800 into some vector address and then taking data(?) from 0xA1E1 and processing it through zero page indexing in 0x3C, but of course I've no idea what it's actually doing with that data (or what it looks like)

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