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High Score Enabled Centipede almost there, Disk I/O issue though.

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I've converted Centipede to be High Score Enabled, but there's a slight issue where the disk reads and writes fail.


Is this because of re-vectored VVBLKI which is clobbering POKEY state?


I've attached a disk image here: Centipede.atr


And the relevant source code is here: 



I've also attached a listing from the assembly: Centipede.lst



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EDIT: Jump to second half of posting.


The re-vectored VVBLKI jumps into the original SYSVBV.

It also checks right at its beginning the value of $81. If it is !=#$00 then it jumps directly into SYSVBV.


Save the value in $81, set it to 1, read or write the sector(s) and restore $81 to its original value.

Then you will know if the VVBLKI is your problem.


Below is the start of the re-vectored VVBLKI:


    A9A9: D8                CLD
    A9AA: A9 00             LDA #$00
    A9AC: 8D 08 D2          STA AUDCTL
    A9AF: A9 03             LDA #$03
    A9B1: 8D 0F D2          STA SKCTL
    A9B4: 8D 32 02          STA SSKCTL
    A9B7: A5 81             LDA $81	; check $81
    A9B9: D0 07             BNE $A9C2	; !=0?

    A9BB: A5 90             LDA $90
    A9BD: F0 06             BEQ $A9C5
    A9BF: 4C CC A9          JMP $A9CC

    A9C2: 4C 73 AA          JMP $AA73


    AA73: 4C 5F E4          JMP SYSVBV	; original VVBLKI




2nd half:


After I posted, my view fell to the writes to SKCTL and SSKCTL. These are the serial control register and its page 2 shadow.

If the VBI manipulates these during SIO, it will certainly fail.

Therefore changing $81 takes effect too late in the VBI.


Try this instead:


	BEQ wait1	; wait for end of current/next VBI


; do your I/O

	BEQ wait2	; wait for end of current/next VBI



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14 minutes ago, DjayBee said:

The re-vectored VVBLKI jumps into the original SYSVBV.

It also checks right at its beginning the value of $81. If it is !=#$00 then it jumps directly into SYSVBV.


Save the value in $81, set it to 1, read or write the sector(s) and restore $81 to its original value.

Then you will know if the VVBLKI is your problem.


Below is the start of the re-vectored VVBLKI:


    A9A9: D8                CLD
    A9AA: A9 00             LDA #$00
    A9AC: 8D 08 D2          STA AUDCTL
    A9AF: A9 03             LDA #$03
    A9B1: 8D 0F D2          STA SKCTL
    A9B4: 8D 32 02          STA SSKCTL
    A9B7: A5 81             LDA $81	; check $81
    A9B9: D0 07             BNE $A9C2	; !=0?

    A9BB: A5 90             LDA $90
    A9BD: F0 06             BEQ $A9C5
    A9BF: 4C CC A9          JMP $A9CC

    A9C2: 4C 73 AA          JMP $AA73


    AA73: 4C 5F E4          JMP SYSVBV	; original VVBLKI


That is indeed part of it, the reads no longer hang, but they also don't load the table in. 😕


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Two errors:

1. Either you were faster than my edit or you missed "EDIT: Jump to second half of posting." in above posting.

2. With my shortened disk I/O routine you must JSR DSKINV instead of JSR SIOV because otherwise the DCB will not be populated completely.


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4 minutes ago, DjayBee said:

Two errors:

1. Either you were faster than my edit or you missed "EDIT: Jump to second half of posting." in above posting.

2. With my shortened disk I/O routine you must JSR DSKINV instead of JSR SIOV because otherwise the DCB will not be populated completely.


1. I was, sorry. :)

2. I changed it back to use SIOV (and populated DSTATS and DBYT) as part of trying to debug.


Yes, with your changes above, it does indeed work. Thank you so much. 


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