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1027 LQ Printer Emulation?

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I had an Atari 1027 printer back in the day, and it quickly broke. In fact, I recall probably only successfully printing a handful of pages, something which was very annoying and apparently common.


I remember the letters were slightly offset from each other and didn't quite line up. It also made a terrible noise when printing. Were these faults or usual behaviour?


Is there any sort of emulation? Maybe a true type fonts of the pseudo-daisy wheel character set? Or a way of printing them to a PDF under emulation or real hardware? 



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If you have a FujiNet then it can emulate a 1027 output style (just like with 1025 and 1029). Probably all original 1027s are dead so far due to desintegration the printing heads.

Edited by Peri Noid
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when working perfectly, the 1027 lined up very well, but still made a heck of a noise as it smacked the paper into the print head. The noise was normal.

If not well maintained the 1027 could look like a serial killer as the characters would be above or below registration all over the place! clean and oil the beast! Adjust it!

Edited by _The Doctor__
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