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Nintellivision (NINTY-DS) Official Release and Discussion Thread

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On 7/14/2024 at 8:06 PM, mr_me said:

What level is that?  The Twingalaxies high score just shy of a milllion only reaches level 22. So it's possible to dramatically increase your score in the same number of levels.


A new high score by over 12,000 points and made it to screen 25 for the first time.


They threw me a 🦴 on screen 24 though.


The Baddies didn't move as fast as they did on screens 22 and 23.



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V5.3 : 07-Sep-2024 by wavemotion-dave

  • Integrated 2KGRAM build into the main code. There is now one unified Nintellivision build. Use Configuration to select 2KGRAM (aka Tutorvision mode) for games that support it.


I've finally integrated the 2K GRAM (aka Tutorvision) build into the main emulation. No longer is a separate emulator required for the 2K GRAM handling.


Use configuration on any game to select the normal 512 byte GRAM vs the expanded 2K GRAM handling.  You should only enable this for games that take advantage of it (i.e. some of the awesome DECLE offerings).



After making a change to the GRAM size, you must re-load the game for it to take full effect. And now your expanded 2K GRAM enabled games should be shown in their full glory!





This comes at a tiny cost of about 1% emulation speed. No problem for the DSi and above and really should be unnoticeable on the older DS-Lite/Phat.

This also comes at the expense of having to rework the SAVE/RESTORE game states. Your older SAVE games will not load on the new version - so finish up whatever you're playing before you make the switch to version 5.3.  Sorry about that - hard to make an omelette without breaking a few eggs occasionally.



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Not quite ready for release, but my daily build on https://github.com/wavemotion-dave/NINTV-DS has support for Full Tutorvision mode.


When you select a game to run, instead of pressing A to load the game normally, press X to bring up a list of options for overriding the emulation:


Load Options


Select Tutorvision and you can enjoy the upgraded system as follows:


  • wbexec.bin replaces the normal exec.bin for enhanded executive ROM capabilities needed for Tutorvision games
  • wbgrom.bin replaces the normal grom.bin for a slightly different font
  • Automatically engages the 2K GRAM enhancement for improved graphics capabilities
  • Adds addtional 16-bit System RAM from 0x360 to 0x4FF
  • Identifies as a STIC 1A for purposes of auto-detection by some programs (such as FW Diagnostics)


Note you must have wbexc.bin and wbgrom.bin in your normal BIOS directories (same place you put exec.bin and grom.bin).


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1 hour ago, fdr4prez said:

Are there any known incompatibilities if you keep it in Tutorvision "mode" all the time? 

Yes - per a real Tutorvision, some games won't like the 2K GRAM expansion as it counts on those upper bits being masked off. Off the top of my head, the following games won't work right: Worm Wopper, Ms Pac Man, Christmas Carol and probably 3-4 others I'm not remembering.  Oh! Also, the expanded wbexec sits over address 0x2000 so that you can't run an ECS or any of the ECS games.


This has nothing to do with the emulation itself - a real Tutorvision with expanded GRAM has these same incompatibilities.

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2 hours ago, StephenJ said:

That's great Crash7!
I could use some help with putting. Got any tips?


I'm actually pretty good at making long putts, it's the short ones that I have trouble with.  


When I try to do on my second shot on a par 4? Is that if I'm going to miss the hole I try to get the ball in a vertical angle to a hole. 


Up and down putts are pretty easy for me, it's the side position reads that drives me crazy

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1 hour ago, wavemotion said:

Rainy day... working hard on adding a full ECS-style keyboard for Nintellivision.


Handling should be cleaner - including SHIFT and CONTROL handling and a button in the corner to toggle between the normal hand-controller keypad and the ECS keyboard.




Oh yeah! Then I can play World Series Baseball finally LOL

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Version 5.5 has dropped:  https://github.com/wavemotion-dave/NINTV-DS

Full ECS keyboard support is included with an easy icon to toggle it in/out.  The first three custom overlays are in the new 'Extras' Overlay Pack for the ECS:  World Series Major League Baseball, Jetsons Way With Words and Mind Strike!



I've also made some improvements to the main screen:


Standard Overlay


Gone is the 'Scores' button but you can still get there from the 'Menu' easily enough. This is to make room for the Keyboard and Disc icons at the bottom that let you toggle into Disc emulation or full Keyboard emulation (and there are now new icons on those screens that bring you back to your normal keypad overlay).


It should all be very intuitive and seamless as I continue to improve the UI.  Enjoy!

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That looks really awesome.


Here's a suggestion. 


Make a main screen, with each version of the controller. 






INTV III (INTV II type keypad)


Super Pro System (Tutor Pro version bubble pad)


Sears Video Arcade 


Then your fans can choose to play with the "controller" that they used on their consoles. 😁

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I uploaded the latest version of Nintellivision with the ECS option and the keyboard and the controller. 


But when I tried to play World Series Baseball this is what I see on my screen. 


I think I have all the files (ECS, GROM, invoice, EXEC, etc.) I need as far as running the system itself. 


I know it's minor but I haven't been able to figure it out. 


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5 hours ago, Crash7 said:

I uploaded the latest version of Nintellivision with the ECS option and the keyboard and the controller. 


But when I tried to play World Series Baseball this is what I see on my screen. 


I think I have all the files (ECS, GROM, invoice, EXEC, etc.) I need as far as running the system itself. 


I know it's minor but I haven't been able to figure it out. 

Not sure exactly what "unable to create rip" means but if it has to do with reading the cartridge binary and memory configuration files there are a few things with this particular game.


There are different rom file variations of World Series out there. The full file with voice data should be larger than 48K bytes. It also uses Mattel bank switching and I've seen the banks specified in two different formats. Here's one example.


$0000 - $1FFF = $5000
$2000 - $2FFF = $D000

$3000 - $3FFF = $E000 PAGE 0
$4000 - $4FFF = $F000 PAGE 0
$5000 - $5FFF = $F000 PAGE 1



Edited by mr_me
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9 hours ago, mr_me said:

There are different rom file variations of World Series out there. The full file with voice data should be larger than 48K bytes. It also uses Mattel bank switching and I've seen the banks specified in two different formats. Here's one example.

Definitely this... most likely you don't have the full ROM.

If that doesn't work, you can try forcing the use of ECS + IVoice by selecting the game using the X button and you can pick that hardware configuration. In theory, if you're using the correct WSMLB ROM, it should be auto-detected.


3 hours ago, SiberianSpForces said:

Thanks to @Crash7, I got some overlays and got it all setup. Pretty nice! Is there a way to make overlays for this? I have a few that I could add.

There is an Extras Folder that has a document on how to create Overlays ... but it's not for the freight of heart.  The hardest part is creating a really good looking and functional overlay in 256x192 with a limited color palette. If you can make a good image, I can turn it into an overlay if you struggle with that part.


Take a look at the current overlays.. you can see the ones I've done vs. the ones done by, say, @StephenJ or @ts-x - those from others are generally much nicer because I have minimal GIMP skills :)

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