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Using missiles as items? missile0 not displaying


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I'm continuing to have a lot of fun on this journey of figuring out bB, and again, big thanks to the years of code here and on RT's site.

I've got my guys running around in a maze, and I want to have the user (player0) pick up a "french toast stick" (because he's a sasquatch and it seems logical he'd like them), get 10 points and then another stick appears on the other side of the playfield, get that one and the cycle continues with the sticks rotating around the corners of the playfield based on collisions with the user. Every 50 points the enemy speeds up or gets more aggressive, and it just continues like that until the user runs out of lives or gets bored. If you press the fire button it makes a little boop and it messes with the enemy counter as your "weapon/deterrent".


I wouldn't call it a game as much as a tech demo / tinker project, but it is really fun.


My current issue (source attached) is that I have missile1 starting in the bottom corner, and if you grab that you get ten points and its moved off screen until it needs to be called again once a collision with missile0 occurs, but for the life of me I can't understand why missile0 isnt showing up on screen. No matter where I try and place it, even independent of the desired events just trying to get it to appear isnt working - am I wrong in that it should match the color of player0? The only thing I can think of is that im missing it bc I messed up on understanding how its color works and its just "hiding" somewhere on the screen.

Any help is appreciated, on any of the concepts really, but specifically on using missiles as score generating items.


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Have you ever thought about using the ball? If you intend to continue with the no_blank_lines, the ball (or if there was not also the loss of the missile1) would be recommended for the French toast. To define the width and size of the ball, you must use ballheight and CTRLPF.

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On 3/25/2024 at 2:08 PM, alfredtdk said:

Have you ever thought about using the ball? If you intend to continue with the no_blank_lines, the ball (or if there was not also the loss of the missile1) would be recommended for the French toast. To define the width and size of the ball, you must use ballheight and CTRLPF.

That's a fun workaround that I hadn't considered! I am very new to this, thank you for the suggestion. 

Right now Im fiddling around trying to figure a way to get the object (missile in this case) to different coordinates. I can move it from an initial position to a secondary on collision easily enough, but getting it to reset back to the first spot after getting picked up at the second is giving me a hard time.


Once I get that figured out, I think I'll circle back and check out your suggestion, thank you again, and Im all ears if you have any ideas on the issue Im running into moving them around the maze.

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