+arcadeshopper Posted March 31 Share Posted March 31 Most of the TI carts are for age 5 and up. The early learning fun is for 3-5 as well as early reading. I'm looking for things for my almost two-year-old who is learning her letters and numbers so I really didn't find anything when I looked around so I started writing things myself here's my first simple one in extended basic hit a key and it throws up a sprite with the letter or number and says it with speech synth https://youtu.be/l2MVHNeXzl8 9 1 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
WhataKowinkydink Posted March 31 Share Posted March 31 What's wrong with Early Learning for learning letters and basic digits? It's simple enough even a 2 can catch onto it. But yeah, there could be more for sure. 2 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5440770 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOME AUTOMATION Posted April 1 Share Posted April 1 (edited) The name on the disk seemed wrong, so I renamed... Spoiler 100 REM ***************** 110 REM * FLASH CARDS * 120 REM *EXTENDED BASIC * 130 REM * BOB WARTMAN * 140 REM * PARK HILLS,KY.* 150 REM *COPYRIGHT 1983 * 160 REM ***************** 170 CALL CLEAR :: RANDOMIZE :: RESTORE :: CALL MAGNIFY(2) :: DIM B(16) 180 CALL COLOR(9,16,16) :: CALL COLOR(12,7,16) 190 CALL CHAR(123,"187E7EFFFF7E7E18") :: Q$="PRESS ANY KEY TO START" 200 REM **COVER DISPLAY** 210 FOR I=1 TO 9 STEP 2 :: C=INT(RND*14)+2 :: S=INT(RND*25)+97 220 CALL SPRITE(#I,S,C,C*10,1,50,50) 230 CALL KEY(0,K,L) :: IF L<>0 THEN 300 240 CALL SPRITE(#I+1,S+1,C,C*10,1,50,-50) :: NEXT I 250 IF R>1 THEN 210 :: R=1 :: D=16 260 FOR I=19 TO 28 :: READ S :: CALL SPRITE(#I,S,7,R,D) 270 D=D+22 :: R=R+16 :: NEXT I 280 DISPLAY AT(22,2):Q$ :: CALL SAY(Q$) :: GOTO 210 290 DATA 70,76,65,83,72,67,65,82,68,83 300 REM **MAIN MENU** 310 CALL DELSPRITE(ALL) :: D=0 :: DISPLAY AT(4,7)ERASE ALL:"FLASH CARDS" 320 DISPLAY AT(9,4):"1. AUTO SEQUENCE" :: DISPLAY AT(11,4):"2. PROMPT SEQUENCE" 330 DISPLAY AT(13,4):"3. PROMPT RANDOM" :: DISPLAY AT(15,4):"4. PICK A CARD" 340 ACCEPT AT(20,2)BEEPVALIDATE("1234"):CC :: IF CC=4 THEN 720 350 REM **DRAW CARD** 360 DISPLAY AT(22,1)ERASE ALL:"PRESS 'ENTER' FOR MAIN MENU" 370 X=65 :: Y=90 :: IF CC=1 THEN 390 380 DISPLAY AT(23,1):"OR ANY OTHER KEY TO CONTINUE" :: IF CC=3 THEN 680 390 FOR H=X TO Y 400 FOR CB=5 TO 18 :: CALL HCHAR(CB,11,97,9) :: NEXT CB :: CALL CHARPAT(H,A$) 410 FOR I=1 TO 16 :: B(I)=ASC(SEG$(A$,I,1)) :: NEXT I 420 K=1 :: L=15 :: R=7 :: C=12 430 FOR I=K TO L STEP 2 :: R=R+1 440 IF B(I)>64 THEN 460 450 ON B(I)-47 GOTO 620,470,480,490,500,510,520,530,540,550 460 ON B(I)-64 GOTO 560,570,580,590,600,610 470 CALL HCHAR(R,C+3,123) :: GOTO 620 480 CALL HCHAR(R,C+2,123) :: GOTO 620 490 CALL HCHAR(R,C+2,123,2) :: GOTO 620 500 CALL HCHAR(R,C+1,123) :: GOTO 620 510 CALL HCHAR(R,C+1,123) :: GOTO 470 520 CALL HCHAR(R,C+1,123,2) :: GOTO 620 530 CALL HCHAR(R,C+1,123,3) :: GOTO 620 540 CALL HCHAR(R,C,123) :: GOTO 620 550 CALL HCHAR(R,C,123) :: GOTO 470 560 CALL HCHAR(R,C,123) :: GOTO 480 570 CALL HCHAR(R,C,123) :: GOTO 490 580 CALL HCHAR(R,C,123,2) :: GOTO 620 590 CALL HCHAR(R,C,123,2) :: GOTO 470 600 CALL HCHAR(R,C,123,3) :: GOTO 620 610 CALL HCHAR(R,C,123,4) 620 NEXT I :: IF K=2 THEN 630 :: K=2 :: L=16 :: R=7 :: C=16 :: GOTO 430 630 CALL SAY(CHR$(H)) :: IF CC=4 THEN 710 :: IF CC<>1 THEN 670 640 FOR DELAY=1 TO 30 :: CALL KEY(3,K,S) :: IF K=13 THEN 300 650 NEXT DELAY 660 NEXT H 670 CALL KEY(0,K,S) :: IF K=13 THEN 300 :: IF S=0 THEN 670 :: IF CC=2 THEN 660 680 ON INT(RND*4)+1 GOTO 690,700,690,690 690 H=INT(RND*26)+65 :: GOTO 400 700 H=INT(RND*10)+48 :: GOTO 400 710 IF D>0 THEN 740 720 DISPLAY AT(20,1)ERASE ALL:"PRESS # OR LETTER YOU DESIRE" 730 DISPLAY AT(21,1):"PRESS 'ENTER' FOR MAIN MENU" 740 D=1 :: CALL KEY(0,H,S) :: IF S=0 THEN 740 :: IF H=13 THEN 300 ELSE 400 THE-FLASHER Found another... more spellun issues... Spoiler 100 REM **PRESCHOOL BLOCK LETTERS ** 110 REM 120 REM 130 CALL SCREEN(8) 140 OPTION BASE 0 150 DIM AR$(35,2) 160 GOSUB 1690 170 GOSUB 490 180 CALL CLEAR 190 INPUT "DO YOU WANT TO WORK WITH WHOLE WORDS RATHER THAN INDIVIDUAL LETTERS(Y/N)":ANS$ 200 ANS$=SEG$(ANS$,1,1) 210 IF ANS$="Y" THEN 2040 220 CALL CLEAR 230 PRINT "PRESS A LETTER OR NUMBER KEY" 240 GOSUB 260 250 GOTO 230 260 CALL KEY(0,KEE,STATUS) 270 IF STATUS=0 THEN 260 280 IF KEE<48 THEN 260 290 IF KEE>90 THEN 260 300 IF -((KEE>=58)*(KEE<=64))THEN 260 310 IF KEE<58 THEN 340 320 IF KEE>64 THEN 330 330 KEE=KEE-7 340 S1=KEE-48 350 CALL CLEAR 360 FOR DELAY=1 TO 10 370 NEXT DELAY 380 FOR I=1 TO LEN(AR$(S1,1)) 390 REM 400 COL=ASC(SEG$(AR$(S1,1),I,1))-40 410 ROW=ASC(SEG$(AR$(S1,2),I,1))-42 420 C=ASC(SEG$(AR$(S1,0),I,1))+63 430 CALL SOUND(100,300,2) 440 CALL HCHAR(ROW,COL,C) 450 FOR DELAY=1 TO 10 460 NEXT DELAY 470 NEXT I 480 RETURN 490 REM 500 REM 510 RESTORE 520 FOR S1=0 TO 35 530 READ AR$(S1,1),AR$(S1,2),AR$(S1,0) 540 NEXT S1 550 W1$="WXYWXYWXYWXY" 560 W2$="Z"&CHR$(91)&CHR$(92) 570 W3$=W2$&W2$&W2$&W2$ 580 AR$(32,0)=W1$&W3$&W1$&W3$ 590 RETURN 600 DATA "3210000000012345677777777654" 610 DATA "00123456789:;;;;:98765432100" 620 DATA "DECJKSSSSIHBFGEDCKJVVVVHIBGF" 630 DATA "000000000000" 640 DATA "0123456789:;" 650 DATA "TTTTTTTTTTTT" 660 DATA "012345678876543210012345678" 670 DATA "2100000123456789:;<<<<<<<<<" 680 DATA "JCEDRFGBIKCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRR" 690 DATA "0123456788765567888765432100" 700 DATA "0000000001234556789:;;;;;:98" 710 DATA "PPPPPPPPPCCCCFGBIUKCDEPGFBHI" 720 DATA "000000123456789666666666666" 730 DATA "0123455555555550123456789:;" 740 DATA "VVVVVVPPPPPPPPPVVVVVMVVVVVV" 750 DATA "0000012345677765432101234567" 760 DATA "12345555556789:;;;;;:0000000" 770 DATA "VVVVVEDRFGBIUKCDEPGFBPPPPPPP" 780 DATA "44332211001234567887654321" 790 DATA "0123456789:;;;;;:987777778" 800 DATA "JKJKJKJKVVBFGPEDCKIGFRRDEC" 810 DATA "01234555443322110" 820 DATA "000000123456789:;" 830 DATA "PPPPPPJKJKJKJKJKJ" 840 DATA "76543210012345678876543210012345677" 850 DATA "100000123455666789:;;;;;:9876655432" 860 DATA "BGFRDECJHBFGRFGBIKCDEPGFBHJCEDEDCKJ" 870 DATA "76543210012345678888888888" 880 DATA "100000123444443223456789:;" 890 DATA "BGFRDECJHFGPEDCCSSSSSSSSSS" 900 DATA "55443322110066778899::;;345678" 910 DATA "0123456789:;0123456789:;666666" 920 DATA "JKJKJKJKJKJKIHIHIHIHIHIHRRRRRR" 930 DATA "00000000000012345678876543211234567887654321" 940 DATA "0123456789:;0000001234555555666666789:;;;;;;" 950 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVRRRRFGBIKCDEPPPPRRRRFGBIKCDEPPPP" 960 DATA "88765432100000000123456788" 970 DATA "32100000123456789:;;;;;:98" 980 DATA "HIBGFRDECJKSSSSIHBFGPEDCKJ" 990 DATA "00000000000012345677888877654321" 1000 DATA "0123456789:;00000123456789:;;;;;" 1010 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVRRRFGBIHITTKJKCDEPPP" 1020 DATA "0000000000001234567123451234567" 1030 DATA "0123456789:;000000055555;;;;;;;" 1040 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPP" 1050 DATA "000000000000123456712345" 1060 DATA "0123456789:;000000055555" 1070 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVRRRRRRRPPPPP" 1080 DATA "88765432100000000123456788887" 1090 DATA "32100000123456789:;;;;;:98777" 1100 DATA "HIBGFRDECJKSSSSIHBFGPEDCKJVLR" 1110 DATA "000000000000777777777777123456" 1120 DATA "0123456789:;0123456789:;555555" 1130 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVSSSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPP" 1140 DATA "0000000000000101" 1150 DATA "0123456789:;00;;" 1160 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVLRMP" 1170 DATA "66666666665432100567" 1180 DATA "123456789:;<<<;:9000" 1190 DATA "UUUUUUUUUKCDQFBHTPPP" 1200 DATA "00000000000012345633445566" 1210 DATA "0123456789:;543210456789:;" 1220 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVCCCCCCIHIHIHIH" 1230 DATA "0000000000001234567" 1240 DATA "0123456789:;;;;;;;;" 1250 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVPPPPPPP" 1260 DATA "00000000000012348765999999999999" 1270 DATA "0123456789:;012301230123456789:;" 1280 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVBBBBCCCCSSSSSSSSSSSS" 1290 DATA "000000000000112233445566777777777777" 1300 DATA "0123456789:;0123456789:;0123456789:;" 1310 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVIHIHIHIHIHIHSSSSSSSSSSSS" 1320 DATA "432100000000123456788888888765" 1330 DATA "000123456789:;;;;;:98765432100" 1340 DATA "RDECJKSSSSIHBFGPEDCKJVVVVHIBGF" 1350 DATA "00000000000012345677654321" 1360 DATA "0123456789:;00000123455555" 1370 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVRRRFGBIKCDEPPP" 1380 DATA "43210000000012345678888888876578" 1390 DATA "000123456789:;;;;;:98765432100:;" 1400 DATA "RDECJKSSSSIHBFGPEDCKJVVVVHIBGFAB" 1410 DATA "00000000000012345677654321445566" 1420 DATA "0123456789:;000001234555556789:;" 1430 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVRRRFGBIKCDEPPPIHIHIH" 1440 DATA "876543210012345678876543210" 1450 DATA "2100000123455566789:;;;;;:9" 1460 DATA "IBGFRDECJHBFGPFGBIKCDEPGFBH" 1470 DATA "4444444444440123456789" 1480 DATA "0123456789:;0000000000" 1490 DATA "VVVVVVVVVVVVRRRRLRRRRR" 1500 DATA "000000000012345678888888888" 1510 DATA "0123456789:;;;;;:9876543210" 1520 DATA "SSSSSSSSIHBFGPEDCKJVVVVVVVV" 1530 DATA "001122334455;;::99887766" 1540 DATA "0123456789:;0123456789:;" 1550 DATA "IHIHIHIHIHIHJKJKJKJKJKJK" 1560 DATA "000111222333777666555444888999:::;;;???>>>===<<<" 1570 DATA "0123456789:;0123456789:;0123456789:;0123456789:;" 1580 DATA "IHIHIHIHIHIHJKJKJKJKJKJKIHIHIHIHIHIHJKJKJKJKJKJK" 1590 DATA "001122334455554433221100" 1600 DATA "0123456789:;0123456789:;" 1610 DATA "IHIHIHIHIHIHJKJKJKJKJKJK" 1620 DATA "01234987654444444" 1630 DATA "012340123456789:;" 1640 DATA "BBBBBCCCCCVVVVVVV" 1650 DATA "0123456789:;;:98765432100123456789:;" 1660 DATA "000000000000123456789:;<============" 1670 DATA "PPPPPPPPPPPPCCCCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRR" 1680 STOP 1690 RESTORE 1750 1700 FOR C=128 TO 156 1710 READ CD$ 1720 CALL CHAR(C,CD$) 1730 NEXT C 1740 RETURN 1750 DATA "8142241818244281" 1760 DATA "8040201008040201" 1770 DATA "010204081020408" 1780 DATA "030C30C" 1790 DATA "00000000030C30C" 1800 DATA "C0300C03" 1810 DATA "00000000C0300C03" 1820 DATA "0808040402020101" 1830 DATA "808040402020101" 1840 DATA "0101020204040808" 1850 DATA "101020204040808" 1860 DATA "FF01010101010101" 1870 DATA "01010101010101FF" 1880 DATA "80808080808080FF" 1890 DATA "FF8080808080808" 1900 DATA "00000000000000FF" 1910 DATA "00000000FF" 1920 DATA "FF" 1930 DATA "808080808080808" 1940 DATA "101010101010101" 1950 DATA "0808080808080808" 1960 DATA "0101010101010101" 1970 DATA "808080404040202" 1980 DATA "2010101008080804" 1990 DATA "0404020202010101" 2000 DATA "0101010202020404" 2010 DATA "040808081010102" 2020 DATA "202040404080808" 2030 DATA "82927C1010282828" 2040 REM LETTER REPEATER 2050 PRINT :"IN THIS ACTIVITY A LITTLE MAN WILL HOLD UP EACH LETTEROF A WORD YOU INPUT." 2060 PRINT "AFTER HE HAS PICKED UP THE LETTER, PUSH THAT KEY ON THEKEYBOARD." 2070 PRINT "YOUR DESIRED WORD MAY BE UP TO 16 LETTERS LONG.":: 2080 INPUT "INPUT DESIRED WORD: ":ANS$ 2090 CALL CLEAR 2100 BL=32 2110 RX0=5 2120 RX1=7 2130 RX3=8 2140 RXL=6 2150 RY0=21 2160 MAN=156 2170 RYL=20 2180 FOR RX=1 TO LEN(ANS$) 2190 CALL HCHAR(RY0,8+RX,ASC(SEG$(ANS$,RX,1))) 2200 NEXT RX 2210 FOR DELAY=1 TO 100 2220 NEXT DELAY 2230 FOR RX=1 TO LEN(ANS$) 2240 CALL GCHAR(RYL,RXL+RX,RC) 2250 CALL HCHAR(6,5,32,448) 2260 CALL VCHAR(RYL,RXL+RX,BL,2) 2270 CALL HCHAR(RY0,RX0+RX,RC) 2280 CALL HCHAR(RY0,RX1+RX,MAN) 2290 CALL GCHAR(RY0,RX3+RX,RC) 2300 CALL HCHAR(RY0,RX3+RX,BL) 2310 CALL HCHAR(RYL,RX1+RX,RC) 2320 IF RC=32 THEN 2410 2330 CALL KEY(0,KEE,STATUS) 2340 IF KEE=RC THEN 2350 ELSE 2330 2350 IF KEE<58 THEN 2370 2360 KEE=KEE-7 2370 S1=KEE-48 2380 GOSUB 380 2390 FOR DELAY=1 TO 200 2400 NEXT DELAY 2410 NEXT RX 2420 GOTO 2080 2430 END PRESS-COOL Edited April 1 by HOME AUTOMATION 2 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5440861 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artoj Posted April 1 Share Posted April 1 My daughter enjoyed the TI99/4A, she was born in 1984 and she could already read and write by 3 yrs old,. We didn't use the computer we taught her by coloured cards with numbers and dots and Letters with pictures, which I painted by hand. The time she was 4 she was typing words into the TI99/4A with the speech synthesiser attached and she was good to go, by the time she went to school she stunned the teachers with her grasp of language and maths. When she was in 4th grade she learned Italian and spoke it better than all the Italian kids in class. This was all due to her use of the little orphan 99. We all have stories about our kids accomplishments but I must say the TI was a light year ahead with Plato and Early learning fun. regards Arto. 5 1 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5440941 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOME AUTOMATION Posted April 1 Share Posted April 1 8 hours ago, arcadeshopper said: I'm looking for things for my almost two-year-old who is learning her letters and numbers... Your daughter, might be too advanced for this already. Spoiler 10 ! SAVE DSK1.BABYTYPER 100 !********************! 110 ! dedicated to all ! 120 ! budding 1-year-old ! 130 ! typists ! 140 !********************! 150 CALL CLEAR 160 CALL MAGNIFY(2) 170 ! ON BREAK NEXT 180 ! CALL INIT :: CALL LOAD(-31806,16) ! QUIT OFF !! 190 CALL KEY(0,K,S) :: IF S=0 THEN 190 200 IF K<32 OR K>127 THEN 190 210 IF K>96 THEN K=K-32 220 CALL SCREEN((K AND 15)+1) 230 X=INT(RND*160)+1 240 Y=INT(RND*224)+1 250 Z=INT(RND*13)+3 260 IF Z=(K AND 15)+1 THEN 250 270 K=INT((K/4)*4) 280 CALL SPRITE(#1,K,Z,X,Y,0,0) 290 CALL SOUND(-100,110*2^((K-31)/12),0) 300 GOTO 120 It's certified for 1yr. olds! 3 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5440955 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artoj Posted April 1 Share Posted April 1 The computer is just a tool, the parents the guide and the school should facilitate the needs of the parents, that is to learn. Where currently a lot of the teachers "indoctrinate" and not educate. Sadly I see kids who cannot read and write in high school, not all but higher than 10%, where in my time maybe 0.0001% had trouble with R&R. Retro computing keeps the flame of inquiry alive for all generations, TI was ahead of the game in the "Speak and Spell' and Plato, how many brilliant minds came from that. 6 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5440998 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+arcadeshopper Posted April 2 Author Share Posted April 2 On 3/31/2024 at 2:55 PM, WhataKowinkydink said: What's wrong with Early Learning for learning letters and basic digits? It's simple enough even a 2 can catch onto it. But yeah, there could be more for sure. It's ok but doesn't use speech at all and some of the word choices are pretty bad like Key, Saw, Nurse, Jar and Pencil these are all great words for a older kid but for a 2-3-year-old I would probably pick animals or things that they experience more regularly. Not a lot 3-year-olds using saws (I hope) Also, there's a feature where if the kid hits the . key it resets the cartridge to one of the number exercises every time, and i guess you can hit it again for the next module over and over.. frustrating when the kid hits . randomly 2 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5441836 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WhataKowinkydink Posted April 2 Share Posted April 2 8 hours ago, arcadeshopper said: It's ok but doesn't use speech at all Yeah that is a bit of a bummer with it. Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5442128 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOME AUTOMATION Posted April 2 Share Posted April 2 10 hours ago, arcadeshopper said: Not a lot 3-year-olds using saws (I hope) Don't think I was encouraged to use the rotary-saw, until I was around 12. Not allowed to use the rubber-band, on the safety-guard, trick either. (Disclaimer) Probably a bad idea for most 12-year-olds. Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5442161 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+bent_pin Posted April 3 Share Posted April 3 10 hours ago, arcadeshopper said: Not a lot 3-year-olds using saws (I hope) Past tense of see, as well. I saw a duck. (Hopefully not in half) 3 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5442196 Share on other sites More sharing options...
InfernalKeith Posted April 7 Share Posted April 7 I actually popped in here to start a thread about KIDware... do you have any of their old tapes? I have a pile of them I haven't gone through in ages, but I feel like they had at least a few that were geared toward very young kids. Also trying to remember "At the Zoo," if it was for older children or not. 1 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5444638 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOME AUTOMATION Posted April 7 Share Posted April 7 1 1 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5444663 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOME AUTOMATION Posted April 7 Share Posted April 7 KIDWARE1.ZIP At the Zoo (uses TEII speech) manual.pdf .../Vendors/Micropal/ 2 Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5444668 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+arcadeshopper Posted April 8 Author Share Posted April 8 now i have to come up with 2 year old proof storage setup.. hmm Quote Link to comment https://forums.atariage.com/topic/364210-educational-software-for-very-young-children/#findComment-5445306 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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