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It seems that the last known owners were probably Washington's Mean Hamster, CEO John Swiderski — so licensing would probably mean hunting him down to see who has the current rights to the Exidy catalogue. He's personally written some 5200 homebrews, so it's not unreasonable.


ref: https://atariage.com/programmer_page.php?SystemID=5200&ProgrammerID=273

ref: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnswiderski/details/experience/


Technology-wise, something like that could surely be done, to some degree.

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5 hours ago, Yurkie said:

Is there anyone with programming knowledge that would care to determine if Pepper II is possible on Atari 2600.


It definitely could done using the playfield to represent the maze and filled in areas just like Qyx (2023) by @johnnywc. I would love to see this great game brought to the 2600!


- James

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31 minutes ago, ZeroPage Homebrew said:


It definitely could done using the playfield to represent the maze and filled in areas just like Qyx (2023) by @johnnywc. I would love to see this great game brought to the 2600!


You're right James  Absolutely it could be done, especially using the ARM and a similar game engine like the one I developed for Qyx.  Pepper II is a game I have looked into as I was a fan of the Colecovision version back in the day. ;) 

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