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Season 15 ~ Week 19 ~ Play and Replay

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Getting better! Took me forever to figure out how to climb off a rope to a level below you to get an egg, and I’m still not 100%. Looks like you need to throw your rope very very close to the edge so that when you reach the other side you can have a low drop down. 600 points for defeating enemies with a magical egg! Got to stage 6.

RNR - 26,280 


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New Score: 34950


The first games felt a bit stiff. But after some rounds the game really grows. You need strategy, luck and patience. I have many cheap deaths, just because I wanna play faster....and then the opponent suddenly changes direction😅


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Roc ‘N Rope progress!



For my replay, I wanted to beat my G.I. Joe score. After my hand cramped up and no new score, I decided to retry Kaboom. I had forgotten about our love/hate relationship. Well into the “hate” portion of playing, I managed to beat my previous score by 11 points. I didn’t think that was so good, so I went back a week and tried Meow 2 again. It didn’t take long to get really frustrated at that (I find the controls to be very sticky), but I managed to beat my best by 40 points. Under normal circumstances, I would consider these teeny increases not worthy of posting, but considering how long I played to accomplish them (🤬), I’ve decided to take my bonus points 😤


Kaboom - previous 1,945; replay 1,956


Meooow! 2 - previous 10,970; replay 11,010



Edit- oh man, looking back at each week...there are so many good games I could've spent my time on. Oh well, it's just a bonus.

Edited by fakecortex
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Roc 'n' Rope: 39520


I'm not sure what's worse - the control scheme, or the horrible job the manual does trying to explain it.  It took several games and a lot of choice language for me to sort of figure it out.  I'm still not sure how to consistently drop off a rope to a lower ledge safely.  It seems half the time I die and the other half the time I'm successful.  I suspect when I die, it's because I'm dropping too far, but I'm not certain since some of my deaths seem to come when dropping a safe distance.



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9 hours ago, kermit73 said:

It seems half the time I die and the other half the time I'm successful

I noticed if one of the monsters is close I will die.  So maybe it's lousy collision detection.  I don't know.

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22 hours ago, kermit73 said:

I'm not sure what's worse - the control scheme, or the horrible job the manual does trying to explain it.  It took several games and a lot of choice language for me to sort of figure it out.  I'm still not sure how to consistently drop off a rope to a lower ledge safely.  It seems half the time I die and the other half the time I'm successful.  I suspect when I die, it's because I'm dropping too far, but I'm not certain since some of my deaths seem to come when dropping a safe distance.

Agree on these points dude. I've been able to regularly anticipate a safe drop by keeping the height as low as possible. Took a lot of trial and error.

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