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TNFSD version 24.0522.1 released!

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5 hours ago, TheMontezuma said:

Only bug fixes or also changes in the TNFS protocol? I mean - is a Fujinet firmware update required?

Changes in this release are server side only. Old TCP connections were not closed and the server would not accept anymore after some time.

4 hours ago, DjayBee said:

Wasn't there some discussion on the Discord regarding a weird Firmware change in relation to BT?

TheMontezuma might be the one to ask about.

SIO2BT support is deprecated in Fujinet due to the BT Classic lib using too much RAM. If someone wants to make it work or move to newer BT stack which I think uses less resources we will consider adding it again

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2 hours ago, mozzwald said:

SIO2BT support is deprecated in Fujinet due to the BT Classic lib using too much RAM. If someone wants to make it work or move to newer BT stack which I think uses less resources we will consider adding it again

This is not what I was talking about.


IIRC during the last two or three weeks there was some "#if" which made something else break and a comment in the source code pointed to BT.


I tried to find it in Discord but could not and I also do not remember who brought it up (probably fenrock or maybe Oliver Schmidt).
(Discord's search is terrible because you cannot search for word fragments or even better, Discord decides on what it searches for.)

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7 hours ago, DjayBee said:

IIRC during the last two or three weeks there was some "#if" which made something else break and a comment in the source code pointed to BT.

hm, I dont remember that. I did a search and about a moth ago there was talk about BT related audio 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanx, I'll be trying this out...


Hey, just noticed how much smaller it is than the .exe I had before (Windows). 

Can't remember what version that was, but the old one was 361K and the new one is 169K.

Perhaps a lot of optimization between those two versions... ;-) 

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Yep, running this new one and it works...


Funny silly moment.  I was downstairs poking with the Fujinet when I remembered I hadn't tested it yet, so decided to try it..

And it didn't work.  All other sites were working, but not my tnfsd server...  Dang it...

So I head upstairs to reboot my machine to see if that will kick it free...  Move the mouse...  Nothing, so I click the button and I hear it starting up and I start to get ready to reboot it, when I am like...  

...  um...  er...  My PC was asleep...  D'oh!

It obviously isn't going to work as a server when it's asleep...  ;-)  

Think I might move my TNFSD server over to my Octoprint server on it's Pi...  That thing is always on... ;-) 

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OK, running tnfsd on my Octoprint Raspberry Pi now, so shouldn't have to worry about whether or not the host is running.
Another funny misstep...

My Linux is a bit rusty, but I got it set up and working. The compile was fairly straightforward and setting it up in syscontrol wasn't too bad.

When I was trying to mount an image WRITE however, it was failing...
So I had to think Linux...  Permissions!!!
I had set the user to a newly created account just for that, but I had my tnfsroot in my pi home directory on that machine.

So I set the tnfsroot directory, subdirectories, and files I had copied there to the new group I had created for tnfsd and then did a chmod g+w on them..

Went downstairs and now I can mount WRITE...


I'm still a bit rusty and don't remember how the rights will process when I copy a new file using SFTP from my PC to that directory, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there...  ;-)

Edited by desiv
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