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IDE DSR version 16

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Hello all,


Today I have released the IDE DSR version 16.


It was brought to my attention ( thank you Denis 🙂 ) that the reset signal on the IDE bus did not do anything. This was a correct observation because I was not aware there was a reset signal on the IDE bus. This feature among with a software reset has been added to this version of the IDE DSR. In the update proces I also stumbled on some other error concerning the power up reset function. This function could return with some insane value in the status register locking up the system. This also has been fixed.


The updates and fixes in short are:

  • Hardware reset option added
  • Software reset option added
  • Powerup reset status return value fixed (19 year old bug)
  • Possibility to set the default record length to 146 for reading catalogs so that the file time stamps can be read also.
  • CALL IDEOPT(n, v) added for setting options
  • CALL IDEPWD (print working directory) added
  • CALL IDEDIR changed, last used directory is saved as working directory
  • CALL IDELOAD changed so that working directory can be used



See my website for a description of the basic CALL's ( My TI99/4A and Geneve Web Pages (hexbus.com)  Projects / Ide Dsr) 



About the hardware / software reset options:

For 19 years it seems that the power-up reset for CF-cards was enough (I believe that most people use CF-cards with their IDE card). But there are CF-cards around that also need a hardware reset or a software reset or both before they wan't to cooperate with the IDE card. This was a problem Denis stumbled upon with his IDE slave device. The slave device was never recognized by the IDE DSR until a hardware and software reset was given.


I myself don't have such CF-cards in my collection  (SanDisk 16Mb, 64Mb, 1Gb, Kingston 256Mb). I power-up reset was always good enough for these cards. I do have a CF-card that works fine on my laptop but can not be used with the IDE card. Even with IDE DSR v16 adding the hardware and/or software reset this CF-card does not work (WideTemp Standard II Compact Flash Card). It is possible that a CF-card you own that wasn't operating properly with the IDE card will operate when a hardware and/or software reset is added. You just have to experiment and try it out.


This can be all done from TI Basic:


CALL IDEST  To check the status of your IDE devices

CALL IDEOPT  To view the options

CALL IDEOPT(3, 0 or 1) To disable / enable the hardware reset

CALL IDEOPT(4, value) For the hardware reset timer (minimum is 25 uSecs, see my website for details)

CALL IDEOPT(5, 0 or 1) To disable / enable the software reset

CALL IDEOPT(6, value) For the software reset timer (minimum is 5 uSecs, see my website for details)


Just change an option, do a reset (fctn-=), go back to TI Basic and check with CALL IDEST what the new situation is.


IMHO: don't add the hardware and / or software reset if you don't need it ;-) It just takes time.












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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, dhe said:

@F.G. Kaal , @Shift838  - is there a command or procedure to upgrade the DSR on the Geneve?


My IDE lives in a P-Box with the Geneve.



Yes, Just run IDELOAD in GPL mode.


The IDELOAD program recognizes that it is running on a Geneve and also that the current version is IDE DSR 15 and also finds the CRU address of your IDE card automatically (>1900 or something if I remember correctly).

Edited by F.G. Kaal
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