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Backbit Aquarius Expander Adapter Audio Issue

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A couple weeks ago I acquired an Aquarius. As I already had a Backbit cart, I ordered the Aquarius adapter (expander version, only one available at the time). When it arrived, I noticed some audio issues. Specifically anything using the audio from the Aquarius instead of the expanders AY audio is barely audible.


I ran some tests to confirm the issue and reported them back to Evie. Within a few hours she had a fix. A resistor needs to be added to the expander adapter to balance out the audio. As she stands behind her products, if you reach out to her you can arrange to send yours back for a fix. Or if you are comfortable doing that kind of mod work, I'm sure she will tell you what needs to be done.


She is also now stocking a non-expander version of the adapter if you already have an expander but want to use the Backbit with it. 

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13 minutes ago, nick3092 said:

A couple weeks ago I acquired an Aquarius. As I already had a Backbit cart, I ordered the Aquarius adapter (expander version, only one available at the time). When it arrived, I noticed some audio issues. Specifically anything using the audio from the Aquarius instead of the expanders AY audio is barely audible.


I ran some tests to confirm the issue and reported them back to Evie. Within a few hours she had a fix. A resistor needs to be added to the expander adapter to balance out the audio. As she stands behind her products, if you reach out to her you can arrange to send yours back for a fix. Or if you are comfortable doing that kind of mod work, I'm sure she will tell you what needs to be done.


She is also now stocking a non-expander version of the adapter if you already have an expander but want to use the Backbit with it. 


I will be getting a Backbit after my vacation because that's what works in my mystery meat Super Pro, but I have heard nothing but great things about her customer service.  


And it's examples like this.


Some should take lessons. 

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