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MIDI Files in ZIP format for the Atari ST

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Hi: I am uploading 1000 MIDI files for the Atari ST, in order for you to transfer them to a hard drive that is a disk based hard drive (MegaFile 30 or Megafile 60) , you will need the following to do this:


Omniflop: Iit does not matter whether of not you use a modern machine and a USB floppy for this step, just ignore all of OMNIFLOP's warnings.

USB or internal drive.

Null MOdem Cable




and a lot of patience.


you also need Total Comamnder to make the 100 file zips


Here are the zip file in long file format , the ST will automatically convert them when you extract them.



mid01.zip mid02.zip mid03.zip mid04.zip mid05.zip mid06.zip mid07.zip mid08.zip mid09.zip mid10.zip

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Played some Midi's of your archive...very nice ones, so many thanks for these!

But ZIP files mid06, mid07 and mid08 should be edited and re-uploaded; mid06 also contains FORUMST.ZIP (dunno what this is) with 1.7 MB in size, mid07 contains ZIP files with Midi files of previous archives and mid08 contains a .ST image of STzip - hence the increased filesize of these three ZIPs.

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Yes , somehow they got screwed up, I downloaded some new MIDI files and will be reuploading the entire set, Also if you are looking for anything MIDI, your best bet is MIDIWORLD, they have all of the popular artists and some other stuff. The advantage of this site is that almost all of the MIDI files has been composed by someone other than the author of the song in question, not all songs are this way some of them are.


I do have a massive collection of video game MIDI files which I could upload here and will do so now. These are MIDI files and although they have been sorted alphabetically they have not been sorted by system , ie: Atari, Nintendo, etc.


Do enjoy these files, there will be lots more soon, and as the Atari ST is the system that is used by most musicians then or others I post this here.

VGM - 0-9 (523 MIDI-files).zip VGM - Z (1339 MIDI-files).zip VGM - Y (620 MIDI-files).zip VGM - X (452 MIDI-files).zip VGM - W (3109 MIDI-files).zip VGM - V (493 MIDI-files).zip VGM - U (971 MIDI-files).zip VGM - T (12631 MIDI-files).zip VGM - S (15306 MIDI-files).zip VGM - R (3404 MIDI-files).zip VGM - Q (211 MIDI-files).zip VGM - P (4048 MIDI-files).zip VGM - O (205 MIDI-files).zip VGM - N (643 MIDI-files).zip VGM - M (7918 MIDI-files).zip VGM - L (2919 MIDI-files).zip VGM - K (1844 MIDI-files).zip VGM - J (521 MIDI-files).zip VGM - I (563 MIDI-files).zip VGM - H (892 MIDI-files).zip VGM - G (2311 MIDI-files).zip VGM - F (6786 MIDI-files).zip VGM - E (1203 MIDI-files).zip VGM - D (5812 MIDI-files).zip VGM - C (4929 MIDI-files).zip VGM - B (3190 MIDI-files).zip VGM - A (2072 MIDI-files).zip

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20 hours ago, larryleffaovell said:

Woah, great job, mate! Highly appreciated! 🥰

No problem , I just got in over 200 disks for the Atari ST and Amiga 500 , I am going to make a spreadsheet tonight with all of the names on each disk, by tomorrow night it should be ready, As for getting more midi files that is always possible , I get them all from MIDIWORLD and use total commander to shorten the long file names to 8.3 standard. WE will see more MIDI files tonight I have the time.



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