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I built the Leakseeker 89 from parts.  (not a kit)


Got the Leakseeker PCB from The Eccentric Workshop, which also sells the original case and the decals.  Took one evening to build.  Probes came from Newark.  On the original BOM, only a few part numbers are out of date.  


EDS no longer sells these, but offers one zip file with everything you need: PCB Gerbers, Eagle files, parts BOM, manual. 


Once I had it built, it took less than an hour to learn what the heck it is telling me with its R2D2 beeps and whistles.  My intuition about where the short was, was wrong.  The pitch coming from Leakseeker is supposed to go up the closer you get to the short.  It is supposedly measuring with milli-ohms sensitivity.   It better, because the op-amp and ADC chips were expensive parts.  It re-calibrates as the resistance gets closer to 0, such that your original test points might be off the scale and it  doesn't light up or whine at all.  


Anyhow, with one probe on ground,  I followed the trail of beeps and whines.  It led to a pin that had a tiny solder ball between it and ground. Yay!



Here's their video. 






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