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How do I use the search feature on this website.

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Some sites use parentheses, or underscores, or quotation marks, commas. Does capitalization matter? I can't figure this one out. I even tried a single word tag from one of my posts, and couldn't find it. Every search I do on this site yields no results, but Google has found answers to my questions on this site. How does it work? If I wanted to search for all posts that contain the phrase "Supper Action Controller", and "broken" or "S.A.C." and "broken" how would I do that? Suppose I wanted to avoid posts that include a word, how could I exclude it from posts. For example, if I wanted to search "Colecovision" but avoid all posts that refer to the "Flashback." In Google I would just type " colecovision -flashback ". Or, maybe, I only want posts that refer to the flashback, and not the original, how do I do that? 

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