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[AQUARIUS] Aquarius+ Imageworks 1.0

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I have been hard at work on creating a new tool for the Aquarius+ which I hope to expand to also be useful for the Aquarius as well.  Currently, it is a GUI-based windows application that will allow you to convert high quality images to your Aquarius+.  The input format can be any sized GIF, BMP, PNG or JPG.  The output format is BMP4 which is 160x200 with 16 colors out of a 4096 available colors.  It uses K-means++ to determine the optimal colors.  It has various options for dithering.  There is also a executable included called ViewBM4 which will allow you to preview the images.  If you have the latest version of the Aquarius+ emulator or firmware, then in basic you can use the below command to display the image:


load bitmap "filename.BM4":screen 0,3:pause 


My hope is to improve this to be a multi-format image workshop for both the classic Aquarius and the Aquarius+.  I have code to convert images to the text mode on the original system.  There are a myriad of other options on the Aquarius+ as well.  I think having an editor would be great, at least for the graphics modes as Matt P's text editor is already near perfect if not so.  I'd like to add the ability to manually adjust the palette, median-cut color selection and of course add all of the other potential formats including text mode, etc.  Would love to hear from anybody that decides to give it a try.  






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It's here!  I am excited to release Aquarius+ Imageworks Version 1.1.   Here are the new features:

  • Brightness/Contrast Controls
  • New Input Scale Methods:  Stretch, Fill, Center, Fit, Aspect Fill to allow management of letterbox and other aspect ratio conserving methods
  • Aspect Ratio Correct- Input Image assumes proper aspect ratio relative to 2:1 aspect ratio of output image (can be disabled)
  • Fixed Bicubic Scale and added Lanczos
  • Implemented three different color quantization methods (ColorQ, Median Cut, K-Means++) and added a process button to allow settings to be changed prior to creating the output picture
  • Optimizations - everything is FAST!  K-Means+++ optimization reduces 50 iterations to well under 10 seconds for most images and allows full optimization to Epsilon 0
  • Palette Adjustment - can adjust any palette color and maintain current drawing OR redraw to use the optimized palette but clicking on the color in the palette or on the image itself
  • Save BMP Option - allows you to further edit the bitmap and then reprocess.  If input image is 16 colors and 160x200 you get perfect replication on output image
  • Transparency - the upper left pixel is always set to color index 0, you can also hold ALT and click on the image to set the transparency (index 0) color

I would really love to see some output image captures here if at all possible.  I don't use Facebook so I can't get to the "real" Aquarius+ main forum.









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Here is a slideshow that I pieced together using Image Works and some demo code included with Aquarius+.  Sean H wrote the original code.  I got help from Curtis K on the additional code.  It is just a slide show, but it used Palette manipulation to transition between images.  It also pulls the artwork info from a file on the SD card.  Lastly, it uses the Bitmap manipulation commands in plusBASIC.  




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2 hours ago, Trixter said:

These look fantastic.  I'd love to see how you implemented k-means++ and bayer dithering if you release the code someday.

I'll send you the specific code for both.  It's in Freebasic but pretty easy to follow.  They are much easier than I expected them to be.  Not sure I am doing Bayer perfectly - really it is just an addition/subtraction matrix but it works.  

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22 hours ago, Trixter said:

These look fantastic.  I'd love to see how you implemented k-means++ and bayer dithering if you release the code someday.

Here are the relevant bits of code for Bayer:  


   Dim imagein(159,199,3) 					'Image array, x,y,c where c=1 is red, C=2 is green, c=3 is blue out of 255
   Dim BayerMatrix(3, 3) As Single = _				'4x4 Ordered Dither Bayer Matrix
        {{0 / 15, 8 / 15, 2 / 15, 10 / 15}, _
         {12 / 15, 4 / 15, 14 / 15, 6 / 15}, _
         {3 / 15, 11 / 15, 1 / 15, 9 / 15}, _
         {15 / 15, 7 / 15, 13 / 15, 5 / 15}}

   Pattern = frmMain.pattern.CheckState   			' Checks GUI Control to see if Bayer is clicked or not
   bayerstrength = val(frmMain.BayerValue.Text)/100 		' Checks GUI Control for the BayerValue 0 to 100 and divides
   Dim scale As Double = -0.5					' Used to center the bayer differences
   Dim Threshold As Double = 24 * BayerStrength  'BayerStrength ' Sets Bayer Threshold, experimented to find value of 24

  ' Apply pattern, simply iterates through image.  Magic line is where you add the bayer matrix using mod 4 to determine matrix
  ' position reducing it by the threshold and then rounding to the closest multiple of 32 out of 255
  ' It is not palette aware of the output 16 color palette when it does this, nor does it compare the gamut provided and adjust
  ' But the output is pretty pleasing I think

    If Pattern = 1 Then
        For y = 0 To 199
            For x = 0 To 159
                For c = 1 To 3
                    imagein(x, y, c) = Int((imagein(x, y, c) + (BayerMatrix(x Mod 4, y Mod 4) - scale) * Threshold) / 32) * 32
                Next c
            Next x
        Next y
    End If	

  'Later on this image is further processed to nearest color in the selected palette which also allows you to additionally apply
  'diffusion dither


It is a code snippet, so can't be compiled but it shows the important/relevant bits.  There is some tweaking of values that may not make it a pure bayer algorithm but for sure it is the standard 4x4 matrix.  Some opportunities for enhancement would be to allow 2x2 or 8x8 or others but 4x4 seemed to foot the bill for reduction from 8 bits per channel down to 16 colors.


Here are the relevant bits of code for K-Means++:

' I left out the variable Dimensions and describe each as they are used.  Take note that I have used a fixed random seed
' technically the K-Means++ algorithm would allow for an initial random seed and for the probabilistic determination
' of distances between clusters.  K-Means++ improved on K-Means which would simply use a set of random clusters
' by multiplying it by total distance you get a more spread out version.  It works.  An optimization might be to sort
' the color palette in some meaningful way to really ensure the colors are spread out.

if frmMain.kmeans.checked then kmeans = 1

If kmeans = 1 Then

    ' Make the result deterministic by using a fixed seed for the random number generator
    Randomize 0

    ' Select the first centroid randomly
    Dim startIndex As Integer = IIf(IsTransparent = 1, 2, 1)  ' Start from 2 if transparent
    Dim randomIndex As Integer = Int(Rnd * Colcount) + 1      ' Select a random color that exists in the image
    For c As Integer = 1 To 3				      ' Cluster is the array that stores the 16 output colors
        Cluster(2, c) = Colors(randomIndex, c)	              ' Colors is an array that stores all unique colors in the input image
    Next c

    ' Select the remaining centroids
    For k As Integer = startIndex To 16
        Dim totalDist As Double = 0			      
        Dim distances(Colcount) As Double		      ' Array that holds the distances to nearest centroid

        ' Calculate distance from each point to the nearest centroid by iterating through all colors in array Colors(j,c)
        For j = startIndex To Colcount			      ' Every color is evaluated 
            Mindist = 9999999
            For i As Integer = 1 To k - 1
                coldist = sqr(sqd(Cluster(i, 1), Colors(j, 1)) _	'sqr is square root, sqd is squared differences
                            + sqd(Cluster(i, 2), Colors(j, 2)) _
                            + sqd(Cluster(i, 3), Colors(j, 3)))
                If coldist < Mindist Then
                    Mindist = coldist
                End If
            Next i
            distances(j) = Mindist					'add the minimum distance 
            totalDist += distances(j)					' we use TotalDist later
        Next j

        ' Select the next centroid with probability proportional to the distance
        Dim r As Double = Rnd * totalDist				'this randomly (from fixed seed) selects the next centroid 										'weighted by the total distance
        Dim cumulativeDist As Double = 0

        For j = startIndex To Colcount
            cumulativeDist += distances(j)
            If cumulativeDist >= r Then
                For c As Integer = 1 To 3
                    Cluster(k, c) = Colors(j, c)
                Next c
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
    Next k

    Do									'Now we are in the loop
        iteration += 1							'Iteration Counter
        change = 0							'Set Change tracker from last loop to 0

        ' Clear new cluster sums
        For k As Integer = startIndex To 16				' zero out an array the holds newly calculated clusters
            For c As Integer = 1 To 3
                newCluster(k, c) = 0
            Next c
            count(k) = 0
        Next k

        ' Assign each color to the closest cluster
        For j = startIndex To Colcount					' For the Clusters calculated, find closest and assign
            Mindist = 9999999
            mink = 1
            For k As Integer = 1 To 16
                coldist = sqr(sqd(Cluster(k, 1), Colors(j, 1)) _
                             + sqd(Cluster(k, 2), Colors(j, 2)) _
                             + sqd(Cluster(k, 3), Colors(j, 3)))
                If coldist < Mindist Then
                    Mindist = coldist
                    mink = k
                End If
            Next k

            ' Add this color to the corresponding cluster sum
            For c As Integer = 1 To 3
                newCluster(mink, c) += Colors(j, c)
            Next c
            count(mink) += 1
        Next j

	' Update clusters with the new centroids                        
	' This is the magic, it recenters the clusters to the newly assigned colors to that cluster
	' It also tracks the amount of change by adding the absolute value of the difference of the old cluster color
	' To the new one, if this change is zero then no further "optimization" is possible
        For k As Integer = startIndex To 16
            If count(k) > 0 Then
                For c As Integer = 1 To 3
                    Dim newValue As Integer = newCluster(k, c) / count(k)
                    change += Abs(newValue - Cluster(k, c))
                    Cluster(k, c) = newValue
                Next c
            End If
        Next k

        ' Update status bar with iteration number and change value
        Dim tout As String = "Iteration: " + Str(iteration) + ", Epsilon: " + Str(change)
        frmMain.StatusBar.Text = tout

    'Epsilon is set really low as we can get to 0 in less than 50 iterations	
    Loop While (change > epsilon) And (iteration < maxIterations) 


Happy to answer any questions if I can.  Code is in Freebasic but pretty easy to translate elsewhere.







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